Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Neck and Neck - #atozchallenge

There are 26 laps on this alphabet track with 14 down and 12 to go. We've traveled far and wide beyond our wildest expectations -- of ourselves and fellow blogathon contenders. Many of us had to make pit stops along the way -- some to adjust and others to regroup. There were even some crashes (shout out to Stephen Tremp workin' that phone and tablet!) that caused a blog or two to spin out of control but many drivers on this track prevailed and remained on the leading lap, as a result.

It does not matter who is in the first, ninth, fiftieth or eight hundred and twelfth spots because everybody is aiming for that checkered flag, or rather -- badge, representing their survival through one of the wildest events to ever hit cyberspace. There's no one winner in this race to the flag. In fact, this isn't even a race. It's more like a multi-caravan cruise along the letters that link us together from different states, countries, time zones, viewpoints, hobbies, experiences and generations.

At times, some of us were way ahead of others while the rest was just trying to keep up. The ones who have perfected their visiting, posting and commenting down to a science have started just coasting along and riding their comfy wave in the winner's circle, but now...

We're all pretty much Neck and Neck.

So, let's keep it that way and meet each other at the finish line!

Your A to Z Challenge Co-Host,

Nicole @MadlabPost on Twitter


Francene Stanley said...

What a great way to express the challenge. We're neck and neck. I think we're all winners.
A - Z Challenge

Jolie du Pre said...

This is one of my favorite posts. I'm having fun with the challenge, and it hasn't been stressful for me - because I haven't made it stressful. That's the key.

John Wiswell said...

I'm enjoying these morning encouragement posts. Hope Stephen is okay!

John at The Bathroom Monologues

Jolie du Pre said...

I read some blogs from the BOTTOM of the list today. Don't forget to check them out. None of these blogs had many comments. I think many people haven't gotten to them yet.

Unknown said...

Great post and so true. Will try to get to some more blogs. Happy posting everyone....we are almost there!

A Dose Of Jules

Susan Scott said...

Thanks for the encouragement! We're getting there! I'll also check out some at the bottom - in fact already did some while back.

Susan Scott's Soul Stuff

Choki Gyeltshen said...

Nice Post

Tina said...

THAT. Was great. Love the analogy, and the reminder that it's not a competition!
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Heather M. Gardner said...

I guess I'll have to write some more posts then.



AJ Lauer said...

Aw Nicole that was super cute! Love the idea that we're all just one big caravan. :) Can't wait to get to that checkered flag!

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

See you at the finish line!!

J.L. Campbell said...

Thanks for the encouragement. I've been distracted lately, but trying to stay afloat.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Looking forward to the finishing line.

Sonia Lal

Anonymous said...

Yes, looking forward to the flag at the end of the challenge.
Great way to sum up the A to Z.


Marti said...

Great post.

Danielle said...

Going to check out those posts at the bottom today. Trying to hit as many as I can =).

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Good point about the blogs at the bottom of the list! I've been looking at ones near me, and randomly landing on blogs (set the list to scrolling and click!). I'll head down to the bottom and look at some there today.

Anonymous said...

hear hear!

Hope everyone is having a great trip :) x


Unknown said...

Whoo, almost missed a day, but I caught up and then some! My engines are getting tired, but I'm going to keep on truckin'!

Jessica at Scary-Simple-Smitten

Anonymous said...

I've been hopping all over the list in no particular order. Just trying to spread the love is a challenge.

Cynthia (The Sock Zone)

Patricia said...

Still trucking along! A great review about base and top coats for your nails, today. :)

Check it out!

Paula said...

The race is great!

#1Nana said...

it's not the finish line but the journey that is important. I'm enjoying the sights along the way.

Unknown said...

"N"ow that is a great post !


Betsy Brock said...

love nascar!!! What a great choice for N! :)

Susan Kane said...

Clever choice of Nascar and Neck in Neck!

Didn't think of it as a race, more as a busy jogging every day!

Sandy said...

Nice post, love the analogy. Moon Kissed 1400, 1500 Toni Nelson is a business site not blog, 1600 Words from Woods doesn't appear to be participating either.

Jo said...

I was so glad to see Stephen Tremp managed to start a successful new blog, his posts are always interesting.

I am sorry to see some people have dropped out altogether, its such a shame, but life may well have caught up with them away from the blog.

I am enjoying my Spunky Soldier role, helps me meet some I might not get round to.


Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

So true! xox jean

Anonymous said...

this is such an encouragement ... i am so happy to be part of the caravan which is united and focused at reaching the finish line hand in hand with all my "partners" thank you for making the journey very meaningful (thus far!)

APRIL (bob's wife)

Southern California Art said...

Exciting we have come so far.

Unknown said...

Everyone's a winner!! Great post and motivating as we all head towards the finishing line :)


Empty Nest Insider said...

I'm a little low on fuel, but I hope to reach the finish line. Thanks to Nicole, and all of the A to Z co-hosts!


Shannon Mashinchi said...


The Other Side of the Equation

Novabug said...

Good metaphor. Novabug is still in the running, top 10's of gaming continues on. Pop by, you could do no worse right?


Anonymous said...

happy to be here and still bblogging along!!!


Jason "J-Ryze" Fonceca said...

Absolutely love the pathos & drama & poetry of this post, Nicole :)

MadLab indeed :)

Kern Windwraith said...

I started out by reading the first few blogs after mine, and I kept up with that system for a while. Now I'm reading in chunks: I'll read seven or eight in the 100s, another five in the 600s, and so on. I'm looking for the pockets where it seems like a few blogs in a row haven't been receiving many comments, because I figure those bloggers must be feeling a bit disheartened.

One thing I've noticed, though, is that if I leave ten to fifteen comments, I'll usually have at least five to seven reciprocal comments. It's not enough to just post and wait--you have to be proactive with the commenting!

Thanks for the encouragement!

Michelle Wallace said...

See you all at the finishing line!!!

Writer In Transit

Kristen said...

I'm so happy to have found this new world of blogging. I love visiting all these wonderful blogs, and reading interesting posts. It is my first blog challenge, but it is one of the most fun life challenges I've ever experienced!

#atozchallenge, Kristen's blog: kristenhead.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

I had so much to do outside of blogging that I've barely made it posting, let alone visiting!