Saturday, April 13, 2013

L is for Love

Blog love, to be specific.

After all, isn't that kind of the point of the A to Z Challenge? I mean sure, part of it is to push yourself to write a lot of posts, but mainly the idea is to visit a lot of blogs, and show them some love.

So here are a few of the blogs I've been reading during the Challenge:

Shannon Lawrence has covering Histories Mysteries.

L. Diane Wolfe has been sharing a lot of great Promotional Tips for Writers.

Joe Lunievicz has been writing about swordfighting.

Laura Eno has been writing about cats! Who doesn't love cats?

Andrew Leon has been posting about How to Be ... any number of things.

Do you have any blogs you've discovered through the Challenge that relate to the letter L? Feel free to share them in the comments, and make sure to visit my five, follow them, and tell them I sent you. Oh, and you can find my blog: The QQQE, here if you'd like to follow me.

Have a great weekend, and enjoy your Sunday off!


Anonymous said...

Hello! I have also written about love today, but in relation to my Redcliffe novels. I am loving the A to Z Challenge, so much fun!

Unknown said...

Great post, Matt!

Here are a few of the links I visited whenever I could get on the internet.

Anonymous said...

A great challenge and certainly much interest between other bloggers,


Sheena-kay Graham said...

Blog Love is just so snugly. Definitely checking out the blog about cats.

Maggid said...

Thanks for all of this - it is so much fun - AND - thank you for sharing some links to people I had not, yet - visited . . . isn't this GREAT?

Happy A to Z!

Susan Scott said...

Great post thank you!

I just posted on Lilith ... the Dark Feminine
going back now to respond to other comments on other posts.

Susan Scott's Soul Stuff

Sandy said...

Just starting my blog walking, so haven't hit any L's yet.

Happy L folks, spread the love by following to.


question, when I'm on the linky on your page I can see whom I visited because the links have changed color; but it doesn't do that on my blog. The whole reason I put the linky on my blog was to make visiting easier from there; but with the coloring and the spacing on your page it's easier. Any idea how I can fix the linky on mine to look more like the linky on yours?

Arlee Bird said...

I'm finding so many blogs to love this year and list a few now and then on my blog and on this A to Z Blog I listed some in yesterday's post.

Sandy-- I don't know the absolute answer to your question, but I think it probably has something to do with your settings. I think I remember seeing an option about this somewhere in setting or Template design. Unfortunately I can't tell you off hand. Maybe someone else will come up with the answer.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

John Wiswell said...

Very nice of you to give Laura coverage! And swordfighting? Neat! I will have to check it out.

John at The Bathroom Monologues

Patricia said...

Mine today is all about lips and lip products! :D I am about to go comb the page for more L posts!!

- Patricia at Bookish Geek">

Lady Whispers said...
is for this week :)

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Where would we bloggers be without Blog Love? It's what keeps us blogging, right?

How exciting is it when you stumble across a new blog that you just fall in love with, touches you or you immediately relate to.

Laura Eno said...

Thanks for giving a shout out to my cats! They aren't showing LOVE today - rather acting like the tiny LIONS that they are. ;)

Laura Eno – A Shift in Dimensions

Kerri Cuev said...

This has been so much fun, and finding new blogger friends is even better!

Kate said...

Thanks for all the fantastic links. It's been so fun finding all these amazing new blogs to follow.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thank you, Matthew! Several people visited my blog this morning saying you'd sent them. I knew something was up.

D.M. SOLIS said...

What a generous post. And I'm happy to find the challenge. Thank you, peace and continued good things for you in the arts and in life.


Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

I've found lots of blogs i will be following post challenge. What a great month!

Huntress said...

I'm checking out posts of my closest blogger buddies this time. But I elected not to do the A to Z this year.
*long boring story*
CD Coffelt ponders at Spirit Called
And critiques at UnicornBell

Sue McPeak said...

Blog Love...yep, that's what it's all about. Thanks for spreading it around.

My BlogLove List...on my Sidebar!

My Letter 'L'..The Leatherwood Lace Collar
Sue CollectInTexasGal
AtoZ LoneStar Quilting Bee

Tina said...

Great idea Matthew! I'm already familiar (and have read most of their challenge posts) but will check out the other two. I agree with Sue McPeak - my blogroll is where I show my bloggie-love.

One disadvantage of being a co-host is the flying around to so many blogs I can't always go back and read every post from someone I love. But that's the beauty of a blog - those posts will still be there in May!

Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

annisblogging said...

Hi Matt.
Thanks for sharing this useful info.
Blog Love,
Very interesting
Keep inform

Cynthia said...

I'm actually loving this blogging...just wish I had a better internet provider.

Cynthia (The Sock Zone)

Unknown said...

Off to visit three of your five. Already been to Shannon's and L.Diane's.

Jenn @Scribbles From Jenn

Intangible Hearts said...

It's all for love isn't it?

Paula said...

I have been reading around 20 blogs each day. Lots of different topics. Some I have chosen to follow. But I always stop in and say HI! I have on the average of 4-8 visitors each day. Hip Hip Horray! I enjoy the challenge

Kathleen Jennette said...

Its been fun visiting so many different blogs and getting out of the box of what I have been used to reading. This has been great!

KaTy Did at: Life's Ride As I See It

Christine Rains said...

I've been loving all the themes! Here's to the second half of the month. :)

Andrew Leon said...

Wow! Thanks! Someone mentioned being sent over by you, and I didn't know what that meant. Now, I do. Glad you're enjoying the series. Make sure you check out "L."

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you for your visit to my place. The warmth and wonder of the blogosphere amaze me every day. Pure magic.

Anonymous said...

This has been quite the challenge as I went with music and decided to use YouTube as my daily source.

klahanie said...

Ah yes and I want to thank you for all the blog love I received. I'm grateful that you have acknowledged all the promotion I have given the A to Z doing my satire alternatives.

Well said, Matthew! And may you all continue to embrace the ethos of a sharing, caring blogging community.

Your friend,

Gary :)

Trisha said...

Yes, the main part of this challenge for me is trying to visit EVERY OTHER BLOG. Seems impossible sometimes but I'm giving it my best!

Paula said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shannon Mashinchi said...

I wrote about "like"


The Other Side of the Equation

Kirsten said...

I'm using the weekend to catch up so will hop over to these today.
Hope you're having a great weekend. :-)
Short Story Ideas &
Just Ermie

Michelle Wallace said...

It's all about the Blog Loving Attitude!!
Let's spread it far and wide!

Witer In Transit

Sunshinelene said...

I really miss the start of this challenge. I haven't read notices somewhere or any friend mentioning this. I had once finished the challenged years ago so I wanna do this again -- next time or during the next challenge. :)

Count me in for the next time! :)


Unknown said...

Nobody doesn't love cats! I will check out your five. Thanks!

Murees Dupè said...

I think you guys are doing a really great job. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog

Dawn M. Hamsher said...

Having a great time with A to Z! So glad we have this to look forward to every year! Thanks so much to the hosts!

Kathe W. said...

enjoying the A-z Challenge...thanks for your nice comments! Cheers!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the links!

mshatch said...

PK Hrezo is posting about villains and I've been enjoying finding out hwo her faves are.

Kern Windwraith said...

I have now visited all the blogs you mentioned, including your own, and they were all very much worth the visit. Thanks for the recommendations!

Anonymous said...

Lots of love from diff people


Bob Sanchez said...

I plan to visit the blogs you mentioned, Diane.

Gina Gao said...

Great post! I'm planning to visit these blogs soon.

Gies said...

This A2Z challenge has been great. I am loving having other blogs to read. I love the A2Z "money-making schemes" of Flip McFiperson at they are great!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Matthew .. great reminder post of getting out of our box and over to other blogs ..

I've met a few new bloggers - which is really great ..

Cheers - Hilary

Kristen said...

Cool, I just followed two new blogs (I was already following the other three, which are also three of my faves).

Two of my absolute favorites are Haley's Comic and Rebeccah Writes

#atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:

Unknown said...

Can't believe we are that far along. I am beginning to tire, but still in the game. God bless, Maria at Delight Directed Living

Shannon Lawrence said...

Thank you for the blog love!
