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A to Z Logo 2011 |
What! A to Z has already started hasn't it?
Sure, but now the second half is going to be starting soon. Some bloggers have been getting weary, worn-down. A few have even given up (don't give up!). We're almost down by 100 from the original 1969 that we had when the Linky list closed. Some are gone because we had to clean them off the list for one reason or another. But some others just gave up. Don't let yourself become one of the quitters, especially if you've already gotten this far.
Next week starts the kick-off for the second half. Time to get your second wind. Revitalize. Stoke the creative furnace for the down-hill ride to the end of the alphabet. You can do it!
And don't forget the social media networking. I've been seeing a lot of you making rounds and making new friends and encouraging regular friends. Don't slack off. Now's when we all need more encouragement with comments. And when you can, be sure to follow the bloggers you really like and want to stay in contact with. We all like more followers don't we? Follow others, or subscribe to their blogs, and you may be adding to your own following.
Now, the second half is coming. Let's get ready for the kick-off and finish the Challenge bigger than we started.
Here are some blogs that I hope you'll visit, comment on, and then follow:
Nouveau Scarecrow
And Then...a bit of this, that, and the other
A Day in the Life of Patootie
The Written Word of Yvonne Lewis -- She lost all her followers on her previous blog and would like them to come back.
STFU for a Better Relationship
Nebraska Family Times
Lea's Enchanted Cloth
A Writer's Musings
Keep posting, keep visiting, keep joining, and keep commenting.
Have a great kick-off in the second half of the Challenge!
That'a why it's called a challenge,
to see how many stay from start to finish. Thanks for the mention, much appreciated.
Last weekend seemed kind of quiet. It's hard going sometimes but definitely worth the effort to visit a few blogs each day.
Going to check out your list now. :-)
I'm right behind Ermie ;)
Yep lets get kicking !!
The only thing that will stop me now is if the electricity goes off! I didn't pre-write so I have to be able to get online everyday. Now, on to L and Lulie Shoemaker.
Oh Yeah....one more day and we will be over the hump and on the downside. That's right Yvonne...It's a called a CHALLENGE for a reason. I love a challenge!!!
Here's a Visiting Tip I found works for me...
PiggyBack Visiting...going to Blogs of Commenters who leave a Signature Link. Quik&EZ and you know they are active in the Challenge.
OOOPS!!!! Got ahead of myself...forgot the Signature Link...Duh!
So while I'm back...You are invited to visit my blog in Texas where The Courthouse Stitchers are busy quilting and sharing their stories!
Okay...here's the Signature Link:
Oh Yeah....one more day and we will be over the hump and on the downside. That's right Yvonne...It's a called a CHALLENGE for a reason. I love a challenge!!!
Sue CollectInTexasGal
AtoZ LoneStar Quilting Bee
Will keep plugging away! Thanks for the encouragement!
Great pep talk!
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge
I'm more worried about what I'm going to do AFTER than I am about finishing! It's been nice to have some sort of prompt every day, even if it's just a letter.
J is for Not Really Jewish, but Jew-ish
I'm commenting on several, and following the new ones I like. I haven't gotten many new followers; probably 11 since the challenge started.
Still hanging on... :) !!
Yes, I've come across some of the quitters :(
But I'll keep looking and I'll check out those you mentioned above - thanks :)
My pre-written cushion of posts is almost gone, so I need to get off my ass and write next weeks posts this weekend...I am determined to finish this challenge no matter what!
That's the spirit! Keep it going!
An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
I've gotten my posts up a little later than usual, these last couple of days, but I have no desire to give up!! Rock on!!
I tend to avoid calling people quitters. People discontinue doing things for different reasons. Maybe they just burn out, but also maybe something serious came up. I don't know, maybe I'm being nit-picky, but the term seems a tad negative and judgmental.
I have checked out and continue to visit several of these. I have to say that Nouveau Scarecrow is definitely a stand out blog. He has quite a flare with the written word. Thanks for the suggestions on the others. I will include them among my visits. God bless, Maria from Delight Directed Living
I'm committed through the end. Found some great blogs to follow. A few have found me--not as many as I'd hoped but my blog is not timely for everyone. I knew that going in. One of the benefits is learning about blogging just be seeing how others are doing it. As a newbie blogger, that's as valuable to me as attracting new followers.
(I never did figure out how to get that hyperlink signature to work. I should set a goal to do that before the end of the month.)
It's getting tough, but I'm going to keep on working!
Jessica at Scary-Simple-Smitten
Phew. J and K were my weak points, but I feel confident in L-Z and am so excited to get through into next week!
- Patricia at Bookish Geek
It's gotten a little challenging to keep up what with the lung infection. But the positive feedback from kinder blog hoppers has encouraged to keep trying, at least. Going through the roll this afternoon!
John at The Bathroom Monologues
Gonna see it out to the end. I can't quit now.
Have met some awesome bloggers!
Enjoying the challenge and the visitors. Thanks a lot everyone.
maggie winter
I skipped J due to technical difficulties but am back up and running again!
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm in it to the finish. Millie and Willie, my sock puppets, are having a blast on the blog this month. I have noticed that people from this site stop by, but don't leave a note (comment), so Millie and Willie don't know who they are. They'd love to come visit others, but you gotta let them know where you live (your blog). Thanks!
Play off the Page
I'm in til the end
gets discouraging when people don't comment back after making the personal effort but have met a few keepers who are worth the #follow
I don't often blow my own horn but this blog which I put under the heading of Life's Lessons is applicable for any age
The Girl With Many Kindnesses
I had three different people at work tell mle how tired I looked yesterday! LOL It's not all the challenges fault, it's just that everything else in my life shifted into hyper-drive as soon as this kicked off. Barbara
Life & Faith in Caneyhead
I am doing great. I, too, worry about what to do when April is over. Does anyone know of a May challenge. I did one in March and this in April! Haven't really increased my followers that much but I am out visiting a lot of new blogs
This has definitely been a challenge for me, but it's been a great push to be more creative in writing blog posts. I haven't missed a day yet, but I'd better get busy writing my "L" post so I can keep that up!
A to Z has actually kept me moving on my other challenge! Even though I won't meet the ultimate goal (possibly, maybe, I'm not ready to give up yet) at least I will have completed this challenge. I'm just sad that I won't have this after April.
Cath from Dramatics and Words
This has been fun...hope I make it to the end....it's been tough especially since we are on vacation...my husband keeps giving me the evil eye... :) just kidding.
I'm all in.
It's been a tough week, and I was ready to give up, but I think I've found my second wind now. Looking forward to seeing this through to the end!
Rinelle Grey
I am really enjoying the challenge and the visitors! I hit the 250 followers mark today! :D
Well, I keep coming back to the A-to-Z blog to find really encouraging posts like this one.
I love it :)
I also like the update on people droppin' off the list, not sure but it makes me feel a bit special for being included :P
I also agree with Alison, its kinda nice to have a prompt to write :)
#AtoZChallenge FTW, keep ryzin'!
I just want to thank you guys. This is my first year participating in the challenge and it has been amazing. I have found some really cool blogs to read! While I am feeling the pressure at this midpoint, I wouldn't dream of giving up because I know how it is helping ME as a blogger!
Thanks for the comments. It keeps us Challenge co-hosts inspired to feel the support behind us.
And remember--you can do this. If you made it this far the rest shouldn't be too bad. It's all downhill from here.
Hang in there!
An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Some thoughts on kissing...
The Other Side of the Equation
I won't be quitting. All of my posts are already pre-written and scheduled to post. This is my first year participating and I've been having so much fun. I've met some great people and found some really fun blogs.
Dark Thoughts Blog
It's so great to get feedback on my effort. Thank you for the visit.
A - Z Challenge
http://whisperingwithwords.wordpress.com/2013/04/13/the-promised-coffee/ :)
Hey! I'm still enjoying the challenge and having a lot of fun with my theme :D Unfortunately I seem to have been removed from the Linky List. I missed the last two days due to illness (and put a note up about it and when to expect more today). Is there any chance I can get connected again? :D
This is my first year participating and I am glad I started preparing early because I have spent so much time reading. The last half is going to be more of a challenge because I don't have all of these posts written yet.
Denise at Organization and Inspiration for Fellow Writers, participant of A to Z Blogging Challenge
Denise Reashore on Facebook
I can't believe it's almost half over! Then again, the piles of laundry that have built up while I am off visiting should be an indication!
I've been slow on making the rounds the last couple of days, but I'll make it up tomorrow. :)
#atozchallenge, Kristen's blog: kristenhead.blogspot.com
Liz (Therapy and Function)-- Sorry if you were taken off the list. Did you make sure that your number did just move up the list as others were taken off? Do you recall what number you were?
Make that Leslie at Therapy and Funcition -- sorry!
Thanks so much for the mention. I really appreciate all that you do for your fellow blogging community. This trial by fire has been a great intro for me and I will certainly keep going after April.
Bring on the second half!
Let's get ready to r-u-m-b-l-e!
Writer In Transit
It is a challenge, but fun, too, and I've met some great new friends. I've been doing a featured blogger of the day. Stop by, if you'd like to be a featured blogger this week.
Getting harder, but a Magnus Magnusson said, I've started so I'll finish' The Z-list is in the sight..
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