Thursday, April 11, 2013

J ~ Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming...

This post will be short and sweet because I just discovered no one wrote a J post. So as a co-host awake early, I'll just jump in. We do that. Don't be surprised if you come back and it's the real J post – we do that too.

When I discovered this, I immediately thought of Dory. I LOVE Finding Nemo, it's my 2nd favorite animated movie. Can you guess which one is my favorite? Swedish chick, from Scandinavia, proud of her heritage...How to Train Your Dragon!

However, it doesn't have my favorite line in it:


Dory had an amazing attitude throughout. She was cheerful, helpful, positive, and never gave up. No matter what happened, she


No matter what has happened to you or your blog so far in the Challenge, it's behind. Adopt Dory's attitude, and starting from here:


You've got nothing to lose, friends to gain, and we're nearing the half way point. Dory never knew how close they were or if they were going to succeed. That never stopped her. Don't let mid-challenge ANYTHING keep you down.

~Tina, Fierce Viking Chick, and co-host


Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

What I need to do is just keep visiting, just keep visiting!

Anonymous said...

Swimming is fun. I can agree with that !! MY post today is Just another thing too


Anonymous said...

That was a sweet little movie. Poor Dory often didn't know WHERE she was swimming to but she did Keep On Swimming for sure.

JoJo said...

I heard that there's going to be a movie called Finding Dory in a couple of years? Not sure if that's true.

I am swimming, but I notice that my comments have dropped off, overall bloggers on the list are slacking or a letter or two behind, and I've lost one follower.

Anonymous said...

Just keep writing,


Francene Stanley said...

That's a good attitude, and one that's essential once you're out of your depth. Grin. I'm swimming effortlessly.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

what happened to my j post... ahhh someone most deleted in...

orneryswife said...

Just seems to be a popular J word today! :) Happy J Day!

Unknown said...

You're so right! Then why do we fret?

Regina said...

Keep the momentum going. Just keep vising, just keep reading, just keep encouraging...

Unknown said...

I'm always using that little quote from Dory. It gets stuck in your head like bad elevator music. :)


Michelle Wallace said...

Just Keep Swimming. Great attitude!

Writer In Transit

Anonymous said...

There has been many times where myself or a writer friend quoted Dory's swimming line as encouragement to keep going.

Patricia Lynne

Jolie du Pre said...

I didn't get my J post up until around 9 a.m. this morning. However, I prefer writing my posts as the challenge goes on. My brain works better that way. Pre-writing them didn't work for me.

Laeli said...

One of my favourites too!
I'm swimming away, happily.

Julie Flanders said...

Oh I love Finding Nemo! This post made me smile, and it's inspiring too. :)

Arlee Bird said...

Thanks for staying on top of things, Tina. You're a star!

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

Unknown said...

Love that line! We were talking about this just the other day. wonderful.

Patricia said...

Still here, still working my way through the list of blogs! It's quite the workout, but I am loving every blog I see so far. :)

Here is today's entry from me!

Sunday Visitor said...

Lovely post, I love both the movies that you mentioned. I like Dory's motto of Just Keep Swimming that's what we should do in Life, Just keep Moving Forward, no matter how much the currents try to keep us behind.

Rob Z Tobor said...

DAMN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . I cant swim.

Lyre said...

I love Dory! She does have a great attitude.

I think someone else commented that they needed to "just keep visiting, keep visiting…" and I am totally in that mindset at this point. :-)

Lyre at Lyre's Musings

Anonymous said...

Love it! Thanks, Tina:)

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Now I have that ear worm in my head for the rest of the day!

Tim Brannan
The Other Side and The Witch
Red Sonja: She-Devil with a Sword
The Freedom of Nonbelief

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Swimming is fine. Writing is fine. My visiting has been pretty pathetic. I'll try to catch up this weekend!

Unknown said...

I love that movie, but now that quote will be stuck in my head all day.....

Unknown said...

Now this will be stuck in my head all day... However, I love Finding Nemo and Dory! Such a great performance by Ellen DeGeneres!

Nel said...

Great encouragement!

Danica Favorite said...

I mentally quote Dory to myself all the time! It's definitely a great push!

Gina Gao said...

This is a great post! I liked reading this very much since it describes my writing situation.

The Daily Bern said...

Dory is very smart for a fish with no memory. Can't wait for Finding Dory to come out!
Shawn at

Jo said...

I love How to Train your Dragon, but have yet to discover why the Vikings have Scottish accents. I only ever watched Finding Nemo once, enjoyed it.


Ali said...

I've really never understood why that movie is so popular. It's ok, but I just can't get all excited about it the way it seems all my friends can.

But Just Keep Swimming is a good motto.

Unknown said...

Must...keep...swimming...No matter what...

Jessica at Scary-Simple-Smitten

Christine Rains said...

Yes! Dory is the ultimate optimist.

Susan Scott said...

I'm enjoying the swim and being in the deep end thanks! But good to get yr encouragement!
Susan Scott's soul stuff on

Susan Scott said...

My gravitar seems wrong

Matt Conlon said...

Does it drive you as crazy as it drives me that the "Viking" people in How to Train your Dragon have Scottish accents?

Sonia Lal said...

Good advice

Sonia Lal

HistorySleuth said...

Ugh. Someone touched my iPad of the links page and my highlights are gone. Sigh... I lost my place of where I was reading. I've been to almost 100.i might be able to figure out where I was from a comment on mine I'm hoping.

History Sleuth's Writings A to Z

Andrea said...

You must be looking forward to the Finding Dory movie...two years from now!

Amy Jarecki said...

I'm swimming as fast as I can! Fortunately I scheduled all the posts for April ahead of time. Yay!

John Wiswell said...

Just keep swimming! No one wrote a J-post? I believe that. I didn't write a K-post for tomorrow and am violently ill, completely unsure if I'll be able to get one ready. Deep breaths!

Unknown said...

I use that line all the time. And you're right, part of the reason it's so inspirational is Dory's attitude.

Rowena said...

I'm swimming as fast as I can and staying strong! Enjoying the challenge but frustrated by the lack of comments.....I have been commenting on so many blogs, trying to make my way through the whole list and commenting on regular blogs I enjoy too but I'm not getting the love back :(

Jennifer Duggin said...

I'm swimming so slowly I must be stuck in an eddy. And it may not be apparent by my URL, but "behind" is my middle name. I am having fun though and am completely inspired despite the lack of visitors to my site. I may be writing for myself, but the feedback has been really good. ;) Jennifer a.k.a. Urban Gypsy Girl/

Margo Kelly said...

When I taught my kids to ride bicycles, I'd say over and over, "Just keep pedaling, just keep pedaling ..."

Rhi said...

Forward motion . . . that is the key . . .

Unknown said...

Yes. Good. Keep pressing on and keep the posts coming!

I'll also attempt to ignore the fact that the majority of my traffic comes from spam sites -_-

Cath from Dramatics and Words

Sopphey Vance said...

What I really need is just keep commenting just keep commenting. Ack!

Shannon Mashinchi said...

My friend and I said that all the time when we walked the Portland Marathon together. Helped us finish! Here's my J post...Titled: Just Stop


Kristen said...

I'm loving the challenge so far, and I love creating posts for my new blog!

#atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:

Kathy Cannon Wiechman said...

Good advice. Imagine how far Dory could have gotten if she'd known where she was going.
Kathy @ Swagger Writers

Swapna Dinesh said...

I found K more difficult to do, that 'J' !!
But I am 'just keeping on posting ' :)

Unknown said...

Yes, that 'just keep swimming' is a great admonition. The time is flying by, and though it does take quite a lot of time, I have found it to be so much fun meeting people of a wide range of interests and perspectives. I realized this morning how quickly it was going by and how, yes, we are almost half way. Amazing! You co-hosts are doing a terrific job as well keeping up with this blog. Thank you. God bless, Maria from Delight Directed Living

Anonymous said...

Its keeping me busy but I am learning some new cool stuff. Thanks for stopping by and legitimizing me :)

Rossandra said...

That's it in a nutshell, isn't it? Beautiful metaphor for life. Visiting from A-Z. Cheers!

Cheryl said...

I love this post. So perfect. I've been struggling with not quitting the challenge myself. But I'm still here.

Anstice Brown said...

Nice one Tina, good on you for posting at short notice. I love Dory's advice too.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Tina .. great jump in - well done .. and the realisation about the "non-J" post .. poor old J ..

Cheers ... and I think I might have seen Finding Nemo .. but when I next do .. I'll check out for Dory all the time!

Just on Monday now .. cheers Hilary

Unknown said...

Agreed; I'm 10 days behind thanks to a lack of Internet, but there's no point worrying about that now.

Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.

Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom