
Monday, April 8, 2013

G is for...Go, Go, GO!!

o, Go, GO!!

Sure, I know it's simplistic, but it's also what I need to hear right now. We're into the A-to-Z Challenge by 7 days, into week 2. That's Great! You've made it this far, and you can make it to the end.

Struggling? Make your posts short. No one expects you to write the next great novel in post form (given, some are doing exactly that, so props to them!) Just share with us. Whatever it is you need to say that day.

See you at the end, my fellow warriors!

How ya' doing?

Before I go, here are a few blogs that could do with some more visits:

May you find your Muse.

Shannon L.
The Warrior Muse

Image of G courtesy of OCAL at Effect Letters Alphabet Silver
Image of cheerleader courtesy of Vickey: Cheer


  1. Yeh, we can do it! Good cheerleading post, especially for a Monday. :)

  2. I'm not having problems writing, though I am out of pre-made posts. I'm having trouble fitting visiting in with raising children and nursing The Engineer through the flu...which of course he won't admit he has...engineers...sometimes Alice....
    Nice pick-me-up on a Monday! Thanks for giving some bloggy love to those guys. Will visit.
    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

  3. Pre-made posts make things much easier, especially when life throws a curve ball at you. Thanks for the cheerleading!

  4. I have had a few people tell me via facebook that they are finding it hard to get my blog site which may account for the low number of comments of late.


  5. Yay! I can't believe we're at G already. It's been an excellent Challenge so far. So many great themes.

  6. You're right about making your posts short. Most people don't have time to spare when they're visiting as many as they can.

  7. Short? I don't seem capable of keeping posts short! But it is good advice. :)

    WooHoo! We've made it past the first week.

    (Hoping it isn't like NaNoWriMo, and week two is the hardest. Tell me it's not?)

    Rinelle Grey

  8. I always have trouble keeping my posts short. I have so much to say in so little time! Thanks for the encouraging post. It's just what I need for a rainy Monday morning! ;)

  9. It is difficult to read posts which are long because there are so many to read.


  10. You are right about keeping the posts short. When I see a long post my vision goes blurry and I move on to the next one.

  11. I am surprised at how many blogs I've found that signed up but aren't participating. I hope that everyone sticks with it through Z.

  12. The only real problem I've run into is my lung infection. It profoundly saps my energy, and so even blog visiting has worn me out multiple times. Still trying to lift those knees, though. Many interest bloggers out there.

    from John at The Bathroom Monologues

  13. So far so good, although I haven't written my G post yet and I have a busy day ahead of me.

    The hardest part has been not feeling bad on days when I get no comments at all. -;_;-

  14. Trying to blog hop as many as I can. Go, go go is right.

  15. That's exactly how I feel as i felt behind in this first challenge of mine due to an unfortunate mishap. Now I am concentrating on GO..Go..Go to catch on

  16. Still here, still writing, even on a Monday!

  17. You said it. I love to write and I have all the ideas I need in my head, but because of my asthma attacks I have I have been late in writing. I do read a lot though.

  18. I think I'm gonna take this tip for day H. >.<

    D is for Deecoded

  19. Whoooo! Just what I needed to hear when I started to doubt myself. Everyone's doing awesome!

    Jessica at Scary-Simple-Smitten

  20. I'm trying to keep a cushion of at least a week's worth of posts pre-written so I don't have an anxiety far this challenge has been a blast and I've found some fantastic new-to-me blogs

  21. Yeah that's what I needed to hear. I'm trying to write my posts at least a day in advance. Not succeeding so far. LOL

    Sonia Lal

  22. I'd like to go, go, go back to bed. Thanks for the push :)

  23. Thank you for this. lol I'm a week in and tired of doing it, but I'm going to keep going!

  24. Gadzooks! There are still a GAZILLION blogs to get through!
    Writer In Transit

  25. I am having so much fun with A to Z this year. I love the cheerleading and I also enjoy visiting the blogs you declare at the bottom could use more visits. So interesting that this year I have had visits... I was visiting last year's A to Z and some of my favorite posts had no comments... poor blog posts... and yet... so happy with response this year.

    I am a tiny bit worried because I will be out of town for a week and not able to interact as much. I will schedule my posts, but I know it isn't quite the same.

    Ah, well. Great to be here with y'all!!

    Happy A to Z-ing!
    Julie Jordan Scott
    Our Literary Grannies from A to Z:G is for Gail Hamilton
    tweet me - @juliejordanscot

  26. Thanks for the encouragement. It is starting to get a little tough now to keep on writing. This is why I signed up challenge myself and to get back into the habit or writing something...anything...everyday.

  27. Thanks for the reminder to keep things short. I needed that!

  28. How awesome! My G post is all about Go! as well! :) If you all need a bit more motivation or cheering, please visit my site Positive Thinking through Post-It Notes

    Jamie Dement (LadyJai)

  29. I am not much of a writer. Enjoying taking pics and keeping it short. Envy people like you that can write so well. Yea for G

  30. Brilliant post for Monday to get us going for this week.

  31. Brilliant post for Monday to get us going for this week.

  32. Brilliant post for Monday to get us going for this week.

  33. Brilliant post for Monday to get us going for this week.

  34. Hi Shannon .. yeah - I'll come back and go visit these bloggers - thanks for their shout out.

    Thanks too for reminding me I need to see if my H post will load itself tomorrow a.m. ... found out what I've done wrong and tomorrow is another day ..

    Cheers Hilary

  35. Thanks for the boost of energy! I love this whole idea! There are some pretty awesome blogs out there :)

  36. Never was a cheerleader, but you are one awesome one! Goooo, TEAM!

  37. I have been making my post shorter and to the point for the A to Z Challenge. I would love to write novel length posts, but I am waiting for the letters that will inspire these :).

    Sweetbearies Art Tips

  38. awww shucks and here I was crafting the next great novel for tomorrow's post. Oh well. Guess I'll just stick to an H post.

  39. thanks for the cheers of encouragement!!

  40. Thanks for the cheer of encouragement

    I am glad I had everything scheduled for this year so I can do a final look before each post

    glad to meet some exceptional people who make it worth the adventure

    my post for today is about a Great event winning the Twitter Shorty Awards

  41. I have managed to visit about 400 blogs but will never get to all of them as I have less time now to do this.

    But posting is OK it is drawing a picture for each post which is the tricky bit now

    Rob Z Tobor

  42. Moving right along! This is my 3rd year doing A-Z! It's pretty fun!

  43. Woohoo to all who are still going strong! Keep up the good work. I keep trying to drop by as many different blogs a day as I can handle. :)

    Mel at Writings Musings and Other Such Nonsense

  44. I love getting the list of additional blogs. I can't visit all of the blogs in the blog hop, so it's nice to have a steady stream of a few more.

    This is my first time consistently blogging, and I actually set it up the day the challenge started, because I figured it was a great way to get started. I had been wanting to have a blog, but never got around to it.

    Now, I'm Go, go, going! :)

    From A to Z, Kristen's blog:

  45. For the past couple of years I've added a blog post almost everyday so that's really helped me be prepared for this challenge. I'm having tons of fun and love meeting so many new people.

    Dark Thoughts Blog

  46. This is so true....I must say, that this challenge is always on my I try to get ahead, but life goes on and I must go along with far I'm surviving... :) It's been fun....

  47. Great cheer! And I'm looking forward to after work when I can spend more time visiting other blogs. :)

  48. What's this? You want me to go, go, go? Heck, I haven't even left a comment yet.

    I really wish more of those participating in the alphabet challenge would practice brevity.

    I have enough to do without skimming through some posting that goes on and on and on and...

    I shall check out those sites that aren't getting many visits.

    When you get to "Z" I shall see you at "A"

    Gary, at the alternate alphabet Challenge

  49. I admire anyone who's able to keep up posting for 30 days in a row. Go Shannon!


  50. Having loads of fun doing this and leaving loads of comments. A lot have visited (stats) but few have left comments though :( In any case, been interested reading other blogs.

    Katy Did at Life's Ride As I See It
    A-Z Challenge

  51. Thanks for the encouragement!!

    When I started reading this I thought 'huh, we are only up to G?!'...feels like I've been doing this so much longer!!

    Biggest challenge is balancing writing/posting, responding to comments and visiting other sights - but it's an enjoyable challenge!
    A to Z Participant (A to Z of Travel Bucket List Inspiration)

  52. Thanks for the encouragement! Now to figure out some inspiration for H. UGH.

  53. Thoughts on Gratitude for my day of G

    <a/ href=">The Other Side of the Equation</a>

  54. Your cheerleading post was most appreciated!! Thanks for rallying us in week two!

    Lyre at Lyre's Musings

  55. Hi. Thank you for the cheering up. Doing OK so far, but taking it a day at a time, hopefully will not miss any letter. As for visiting and commenting, visited more but not reading all that I've visited. I've the philosophy that not every topic is our topic, so I make my choice and enjoy to the fullest those that caught my interest. I try to say hi to all that I've visited, only try though ;)

  56. Thanks Shannon for the encouragement! Needed by me at this stage of the game thanks!
    And good advice - KISS - keep it short & simple. Not easy but I'll try ...

  57. Hi Shannon,

    This is my first challenge but I must say I am really enjoying it. The nicest thing though is that I am learning things that I can use in the future by blogging, like how to do a hyperlink signature.

    I really appreciate all the teamwork all of you are putting into this challenge and it will definitely not be my last.


    Pat Garcia

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Thanks for the push, happy A to Z. I'm loving it so pleased I found the challenge and the wonderful blogs.
    maggie winter

  60. Heheh, Shannon, I like this 'G' post - short and sweet to lead by example!

    I also like how positive it is, very muse-like.

    And speaking of muses, wouldn't you say #AtoZChallenge is a muse by itself? It certainly got people creating...

  61. Heheh, Shannon, I like this 'G' post - short and sweet to lead by example!

    I also like how positive it is, very muse-like.

    And speaking of muses, wouldn't you say #AtoZChallenge is a muse by itself? It certainly got people creating...

  62. I've taken the step of putting a convenient summary post up which presents a nice tidy list of links to all of my A-Z entries (I even add some "bonus posts" here and there when I feel I should have put in more effort).

    Apparently livejournal automatically send CAPTCHAs to IP addresses that have been used by known spammers recently; there doesn't appear to be a way to turn this off, but most people should be able to comment anonymously.

    Please do, it's really quiet over there. '_'

  63. I've been without Internet for 10 days and only been able to go online for about 15 mins to write a post, so less is definitely more for me :)

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom


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