Thursday, April 4, 2013

D is for Determination

That's what this Challenge is going to take. We are just a few days in, but the newness may have lost a bit of it's shine, you may be feeling discouraged for any number of reasons.

Not getting as many comments as you expected?
~ are you visiting a lot of blogs?
~ are you acknowledging the comments you've gotten?

Finding dead links?
~ please report them to me, Tina, through the info@ email or my personal email, both found under the CONTACT US tab. Please know we are continually combing the list for ads, dead links, and non-participants. Our assistants are out there in the trenches spending a LOT of their Challenge time doing that. So are the co-hosts. We welcome ANY help you can give.

Having trouble writing your posts?
~ these aren't works of art, perfect specimens of your very best writing, or masterpieces of any kind. They are short and sweet and meant to get you in the habit of blogging daily. Or if you're a perfectionist like me, hitting publish even though you could spend hours still editing. This is NOT the time to be trying that. Write it. Push publish.

Still feeling discouraged?
~ go hang out with your blogging buddies. Maybe you've all decided that for the Challenge you're going to visit others, but maybe you need a dose of that favorite blog you usually start your day with. That's OK. I wouldn't make you skip your coffee in the morning...

Above all, this is supposed to be FUN! Now go out there and have some FUN and don't worry so much. (Advice this girl needs to take a dose of herself...)



Anonymous said...

Good points you made here. It isn't just putting on a post but thinking of others also.


A Daft Scots Lass said...

I am visiting lots of blogs and thoroughly enjoying this year's challenge.

Unknown said...

This is my first time doing the a to z challenge, and I'm really enjoying it. Not discouraged yet at all!

Rinelle Grey

Francene Stanley said...

I'm having fun. It's so great to recieve comments after all the work I put into my posts. I'm presenting views on news every day for the whole year on another blog. I recieve between 70 to 200 views a day but the only comments come from fellow members of the Ultimate Blog Challenge. Comments and connection make the enterprise worthwhile.

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Hi Tina, these are good points, particularly for those who are participating for the first time.

The challenge is going very well for me so far and I've come across a number of really good ideas of doing the challenge!

DayDreamer said...

Enjoying it so far, it's easier with a theme. I'm grateful for those points or tips, Tina, especially the bit about not spending forever on editing and just get it out there, it's all good practice for getting into the blogging more frequently part of it all.

Franny Stevenson said...

Nice tips, thanks!

Unknown said...

I'm the member of several team blogs, but some team members are more active than others. It would seem that the most active team members are idiots. We signed all six of our blogs up for the challenge. We really should have chosen only one or two!

Shaharizan Perez said...

Very encouraging post! Okay, I'm going in . . . *writes E for tomorrow*

moondustwriter said...

Good point Tina
My oldest blog friends have always encouraged me to have fun with blogging
need the reminder

My poem today is a A Dream of Love

Michelle Wallace said...

The keyword is FUN!
I'm having lotsa FUN!

Arlee Bird said...

Excellent advice. Part of the Challenge is not getting discouraged. Keep moving onward with a spring in your networking step and enjoy yourself. Get energized! It's to early for discouragement--and that should never be a factor anyway.

Have fun! Yes!

Tossing It Out
An A to Z Co-host blog

Sue McPeak said...

Thanks for these tips and suggestions as well as for your time and effort for the success of the AtoZ Challenge. You guys are sure making this a FUN and FANTASTIC experience! Eureka!!!I think I have an idea for the Letter 'F'.
AtoZ LoneStar Quilting Bee

Anonymous said...

Great tips. Especially the last one. ;)

Jeremy [Retro] said...

good call, i find to visit many, many as i can... so sometimes i a see one place once. though i find great places that i will visit for a long time down the road...

Sandy said...

Determination is right. You've hit it square on, made 39 visits and left 39 comments yesterday alone. Have returned every comment over the last 3 days on all 3 of the blogs I've entered...of the 39 comments I made only 6 in return...really...seems to many people have joined for links with no plan to reciprocate and truly participate. Irritating....but, I am "determined" to continue. I've been leaving notes of those dead links etc and appreciate seeing the list change. Hope others are helping your helpers, the list of those that signed up in huge. #942 Haiku Hgts has no April posts, no badge, #946 Janice Person seems to have no way of leaving a comment...thus no intend to visit back


Anonymous said...

Perspective and keeping it fun...thanks, Tina:)

Mystery said...

This is my first time doing this challenge. The theme I've chosen has definitely taken some discipline in getting the posts ready and up in time. It's been a great way to get me to post daily about something very constructive for me in general. I'm really enjoying it and enjoying visiting other blogs. There are so many different and interesting topics. :)

Amanda Trought said...

Some great ideas just to keep you going, and fun - the key!

Susan Scott said...

I honestly hope that those who do comment on my blog of the day do get my responses to them - this would be so awful if they don't - something came to my attention a few minutes back that causes me this worry.
It has been fun! some sites take time to load, some seem to not keep up to date, some still have captchas etc - have blog hopped above and below my 'position' just for the fun of it.

Lisa said...

Thanks for letting us know it's OK to keep it short & sweet. I wasn't very happy with one of mine yesterday, but I need to deal with it.

Changes in the wind said...

Thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment. I have been dissapointed in the amount of people that have signed up and not even started:( I am trying to visit at least five a day and some are just a waste of time but then there is that one or two that sparks your attention and you want to see what they will post next...that makes it all worthwhile:)

katie eggeman said...

I might not get around to any but those I am following. I am flying back home today. I try to read two or three new posts so that I can follow at least one new blog every day. So far so good.
Katie atBankerchick Scratchings

John Wiswell said...

I'm enjoying my first year out into this game so far! The theme hasn't been too hard to keep up with. I'm only slightly nervous how people will feel about raw fiction going up for my 'E' entry tomorrow.

Julie Jordan Scott said...

This is my third year and each year it gets better. I have been visiting and encouraging and tweeting and pinning as best I can - today I'll have more time for being extra supportive.

So grateful for everyone here!

Julie Jordan Scott
Our Literary Grannies from A to Z: D is for Denise Chavez
tweet me - @juliejordanscot

Patricia Stoltey said...

I'm definitely having fun, but am already sleep-deprived. :D

Unknown said...

I am discovering so many great blogs this way! It's wonderful reading how many directions one can take 26 simple letters.

Jessica at Scary-Simple-Smitten

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy this challenge..and it is a challenge...but I like challenges..I'm a runner after all!

Laeli said...

I am loving all the different thoughts.

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

Thanks for the uplifting advice, Tina--you are great!!!

jean yates!

Paula said...

I pre-wrote most of my posts. I am not at all discouraged. I wrote my posts for me and family members. The others who are coming to visit are just icing on the cake! I am enjoying my first time doing A to Z!

Melissa Ann said...

I need to work on replying to the comments that have been left on my blog. I would like to hit more blogs as per day as well, so far I have only managed 3-5 a day.

Melissa Ann at My Creatively Random Life

Anne Mackle said...

This is my second year and I'm enjoying it better this year as I was more prepared it's still a challenge but great to get to find new blogs.
Is Anyone There

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the encouragement.

Anonymous said...

this too is my first time with this challenge and loving it- many thanks and enjoy visiting new blogs :)

Anonymous said...

Yep determination is a key factor indeed

PhenoMenon ‎

Anonymous said...

OhMuhGosh! This IS fun! I had no idea! lol Wheeeee....

Ali said...

It's hard not to want everything I put out there to be perfect. I'm pretty pleased with my posts from yesterday and the one I will post later today, but I'm worried about tomorrow since I haven't started it yet.

I wish there were an easier way to navigate the list of a to z participants to find blogs that are going to fit my interests (or to get people to mine). ...

Anybody blogging on or interested in motherhood, ocd/anxiety, and humor? Let's swap blog links!

JoJo said...

I'm just having a wicked hard time keeping up. It takes me hours just to get through all the blogs on my Dashboard, then bopping around to new blogs on the list! I forgot how frenetic April is! lol I am happy that CAPTCHA is off on most, but I get frustrated with people who have their posts set with a 'read more' option. Or their comments are up top next to the title of the post instead of at the bottom.

Amy Jarecki said...

I'm having a blast and meeting lots of new people. Thanks for sponsoring!

Patricia said...

Here goes nothing for D. What do you think? :)

Lucy said...

Great tips! I try to hop as much as possible and always,always return someone who pops on my blog. I have read some great blogs, very intimidating but educating at the same time :)

Kristen said...

I'm visiting and commenting away, although it's tough with a brand new blog. Thanks for the tips!

Unknown said...

I'm Loving it thanks a lot.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pep talk!

Unknown said...

I like to respond to all my comments by visiting commenters' blogs. (Pretty easy since I don't have many comments...hint, hint.)

Joyce said...

I'm loving the challenge again this year. I feel like it always kick starts my writing which seems to lag in the month of March.

Determination was my D word too. Totally different track than you took, but that is one thing I love about the A-Z. Lots of bloggers taking a single word twenty different directions.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the determination post Tina. This is my first yr blogging let alone joining a challenge, but I love it!

Chontali Kirk

Mary Kirkland said...

I've been having a lot of fun reading all the different blogs.

Ida Thought said...

I'ma a hopping and a popping, I'm getting a little lost, I reply to all of my comments but I don't seem to get many replies to my comments or replies, so I'm wondering if I'm getting all the notifications. This would be so much easier if it was like fb - I'm just going to have to get used to it and find a system that works me.

EvalinaMaria said...

Me? Discouraged? Nope, I'm having fun actually!

Thank you for co-hosting the challenge.

Anonymous said...

yeah determination is one of the things it takes to make a blog. A

J said...

I have found some cool new blogs, and got comments from new people. All in all, a good experience for me.

Chris said...

This is mighty challenge for me and I'm giving it my best shot. I'm doing all you suggest and I have no complaints. I just worry that my post are so dull compared to everyone else I visit. But those who visit me are very kind. That makes me happy.

Tracy MacDonald said...

Tina, excellent points. I'm having fun and hoping to visit lots of people tonight. I do wish more people had signatures linking to their blogs, would make it easier to visit back quickly.
A2Z Mommy And What’s In between

Kathleen Jennette said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathleen Jennette said...

I didn't think I was going to have a theme, but it sure has turned out that way LOL! Its great to see so many different ideas on board, and yes, it is going to take some determination :) All good though.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Determination is one strong power.

Jak said...

Definitely not kidding about needing determination for the challenge! Only on day 4 and thinking maybe I bit off more than I could chew lol

Thankfully, I am actually hanging out with some blogging buddies right now and that is always a blast! Makes it even more worth it :)

Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the push on Day 4. I really like posting for quantity as I know it won't all be award winning, but some of it might be. But if you don't post at all, it's pretty easy to count how much will be good ... none. Because you've done nothing.

Can't win if you don't play.

Looking forward to more! Thanks!

Jaleh D said...

I'm not getting a huge turnout, but more than usual, so I'll take that as I can. I am having fun finding some new blogs to read even if I don't have as much time as I'd like to read more.

Michelle said...

Just finished my "D" post...whew!

I will say, if I personally knew another blogger I would be having more fun. When I tell people I know what I am "blogging" about...they look at me like I'm crazy! "What's this blogging thing???" (lol :)

So I'm making it my mission to make blogging a bit more known of in my world.

I TOTALLY do the "afterwards" editing! So guilty... ;)

Good luck everyone!!!


Cheryl said...

Excellent post with great advice.

Andrea said...

Fun, fun fun!

Andrea said...

Fun, fun fun!

Ian Anderson said...

I'm visiting many more blogs this year, and I'm enjoying it!

I'm writing one story for the challenge, and it's stretching me!

Unknown said...

Good advice!

J.L. Campbell said...

I do need to get around a bit more, but I'm working on it.

Swapna said...

I came to know about this challenge just two days prior to the start...
SO I did not prepare a theme as such, but am carrying on posting . I am replying to the few comments that came my way.... Managing to visit only about 5 blogs each day...

Tina said...

Thank you all for your kind comments and team spirit! I wish I had time to respond to each of you individually, but I'm like a one-armed paper hanger trying to fly the trapeze blind-folded, on my horse..or maybe I just feel that busy...sigh. I'm having a blast meeting new people, and especially those of you who have been using the info@ email to get help. If you send an email there, you get me. So if there's anything you need help with, please contact me, and I'll do my best to point you in the right direction even if I can't personally solve your problem.
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Unknown said...

I'm hanging in there so far, even with the long, hectic day I had today. I've certainly enjoyed all the posts I've been reading.

Thanks for all of your time and effort you've put into this Challenge.

Kathy (794 on the list)

Kathy Cannon Wiechman said...

So many determined bloggers out there. Wish I could find time to visit more of them.

Unknown said...

Still enjoying it, 4 days in, and there's no signs of slowing down :) I need more time to comment on other people's posts, but I'll get there eventually :)

Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

Unknown said...

Participating in this challenge is really working well for me so far. I had forgotten what it felt like to blog each and every day and this is really helping me to get back in that habit!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Tina .. lots of good Ds here .. D for delicious content ..

You and the hosts and us minions are doing great works .. and I'll catch up this weekend ..

Cheers to all the organisers .. determined and delightful as they all are ... Hilary

L said...

I have read some really interesting posts and received some charming comments. Thanks for organising the challenge.

Pat Garcia said...


Thanks for the tips. I visit two or three blogs and sometimes more than three and am amazed at the wonderful quality of writing.


Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi Tina I missed this wonderful post, Yes, Determination should be our key word these days, that will take one go forward with lot of DDDDDDD.....
Yes, Our Determination Kills our Discouragements, Right?
Well Good tips to all
Good Wishes
Keep in touch
Hey! I am
Phil @ Philipscom
An ambassador to A to Z Challenge @ Tina's Life is Good
And My Bio-blog LOL