Wednesday, April 3, 2013

C: Commenting Your Way through the #atozchallenge

As we've said time and again, the main purpose of A to Z Challenge is building a community of bloggers, and the way to do that is through Comments!

Commenting on a post is to reward the blogger for the effort he or she put in to writing the post, and it is also perhaps one of the best ways of ensuring that your posts get comments.

Here are a few blogs I came across while doing my challenge visits that I thought could do with more follows and comments. Please hop on across and show them some love. I'm sure they'll love you and your blog back!


Tina said...

Great idea! Let's show them some love!

Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Sandy said...

Popping in to ask you to check out #1457 Frayed Threads, no post since Feb. Just starting blog walking for day 3 and am amazed and disappointed by the number of people who signed up for the links, and or changed their minds...but still have found and am enjoying some good blogs!

Anonymous said...

I'll make my way, just as soon as I finish publishing my C posts for the day...see you in Blog Land:)

saniya said...

Thanks for the shout out Damyanti! This is my first year participating and I am already overwhelmed with the support and encouragement.

Sania at Embracing Dawn

Rosalind Adam said...

It would also help if people left their blog link at the bottom of their comments.

Rosalind Adam is Writing in the Rain

Jennifer said...

I will check them out and leave some comment love. Thank you again, to the hosts of the A-Z Challenge! I'm having so much fun with it! :)

Tracy Moore said...

How funny! I stumbled across this blog through someone else's and here you are sending me some blog love. Thank you! :)

Anonymous said...

Good idea will make that something to do this evening,


Timothy S. Brannan said...


checking them out now.

Tim Brannan
The Other Side and The Witch
Red Sonja: She-Devil with a Sword
The Freedom of Nonbelief

Anonymous said...

One more comment, and I hope participants read it...Please, please, please publish your posts for public view on Google+. I've tried to revisit so many people this week, only to find out I can't find their blogs, because we haven't followed each other here yet, and they have no public posts to click on. I will return your visits, but only if I can.

Unknown said...

It's been fun visiting so many new blogs in the A to Z. My regular readers are getting into my overuse of each day's letter, too. Interesting how many A to Z visitors think my "real estate blog" sells the stuff. No, we talk about it, and point and laugh at the excesses. Too bad I misunderstood where to put the abbreviation when I signed up in the first place, as the Humor tag would have helped.

AtoZ said...

Thanks to everyone who has offered to go and support these blogs.

Sania, you're very welcome.

Sandy, will go have a look-- we're giving participants some time to post before we boot them off the list.

MJ, the best way to find the posts is to read the About page, where the blogger connects to their blog profile.

I'm doing my best to tweet out the message on leaving a link that leads Directly to the blog -- any and all RTs on the tag #atozchallenge much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Great idea! I will be sure to swing by these blogs!

Lisa said...

I just found one of those blogs this morning and enjoyed reading all of their posts so far.

Unknown said...

Hopping my way over! Even if I'm not on the list, I love spreading blog love. :)

Jessica at Scary-Simple-Smitten

Michelle Wallace said...

I'm off to read these blogs NOW------------

Patricia said...
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Patricia said...

I appreciate the love for the lesser-known blogs. I'm really just starting out and could use all the help I could get! (really!)

Plus I plan on giving away a bottle of nail polish later this month sooooooo ... follow me to get in on that? ;)

Bookish Geek

Unknown said...

Thank you! I'm overwhelmed by the sheer number of blogs who've signed up. I'm trying to get round, but it's very difficult. This is a great idea. I'll visit these today :-)

Brinda said...

This is a good way to honor great blogs!

Kristen said...

I love the idea! Here's a trick I just discovered: I added all the blogger blogs I follow to the sidebar of my own blog, ordered by last update. I have it automatically pull the title of the latest post as well. Then, I simply go down the list, and click on the new posts for the day to comment on them. There is only one that is not on Blogger, so it's easy to remember, and I've got it bookmarked.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...
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Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Damyanti .. great idea - many of those are from Singapore ...

I still haven't got the hang of my signature link and lots of other things ...

Cheers and I do visit other newbies .. I don't do Google Plus .. and I get frustrated if I can't find the blog ...

1457 was one of mine and I was waiting for the three days - before letting Tina know ...

... but I work my way round .. and don't worry ---- life is life - cheers to all Hilary

JoJo said...

I see my pal Sonnia's on the list! I love her; I've been following her blog for a few years now. I was bopping around the list last night and found a few that had 0-2 comments so I made sure to leave one for them too. :)

Kathleen Jennette said...

So true. I have been on the list several times and had to surf through a few that aren't participating, but the ones I have found I have enjoyed reading and commenting. Looking forward to reading more!

Anonymous said...

Sorry that I missed the official sign-up list, but I'm still doing my own, unofficial, A-Z on my little personal pics Tumblr that I've got. Maybe next year I'll be bold enough to do it on my full blog at WordPress. It's definitely a fun idea!

Susan Kane said...

Great idea! Will head there.

Ermie said...

I try to get in an hour of visiting and commenting each evening, starting with the sign up list, then my favourites and finish off with those who have commented on my own blog(s). Definitely a worth the time! :-)

Just Ermie &
Short Story Ideas

moondustwriter said...

Thanks for the post and reminder to all
It's also how we meet people who we click with as writers by commenting and getting to know them

GreyKnight said...

Well, I forgot this was a thing until yesterday, so I didn't sign up. I have caught up with A, B, and C however. I am creating NPCs and/or monsters for a tabletop RPG setting.

Here are some links if you care at all: main page/category for this challenge's posts

Rowena said...

Thanks for mentioning my blog! I have had a few nice comments already so at and really pleased everyone seems to be enjoying what I have written and my illustrations. I'm quite new to blogging but will make an effort to visit as many other blogs and comment too, especially the ones you have listed. Thanks again rowena x

Christine Rains said...

Awesome idea! :)

D.E. Malone said...

Thanks for linking to these! I will definitely check them out. Have fun with the Challenge!

Jo said...

I have been commenting on my "charges" but also suggested they visit other blogs in order to provoke visits and then get comments. One of them has visited me which is good, but I hope he visits others too.


Jo said...

By the way, this blogger isn't getting any comments.


Marta Szemik said...

Going through them now:)

Unknown said...

I'll definitely check these out Jeremy. Good job!

Ali said...

Yay, I always love recommended new blogs to follow. (although I could use the comments myself. heh)

Unknown said...

Will do *drinks more caffeine*

Unknown said...

Jessica, that's the spirit!

Hilary, some are from India, but the rest are from the world over. None that I know of are from Singapore.

JoJo, thanks, you did well!

Wolfchild, I hope you're enjoying it!

Bookish Geek, love me some nail polish, even if virtual ;)

GreyKnight, will go look-see.

Karen, the post is by me, Damyanti, though am sure Jeremy agrees with the concept :)

Rowena, you're very welcome.

Ermie, that's a great plan!

Jo, I went and gave the blog you mentioned some comment love, and tweeted to others so they might do the same.

Kristen, anything that works for you, as long as you're networking.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Let's hear it for moments!

Anonymous said...

Nice Idea :)

Shilpa Garg said...

Fabulous! Thanks for sharing the links... will hop over there soon :)

Vidya Sury said...

Ah, I've got enough love to go around.

I admire you for coming up with this "need-love" list, Damyanti - I can imagine the hours you must have spent visiting and encouraging! You're a great co-host!

Happy Day to you! :D

Heading over to spread the love, now.

Unknown said...

Posts like this remind me exactly why I started blogging in the first place. Such a great supportive community! As a travel blogger, I'm also enjoying the opportunity the AtoZ challenge is giving me to reach outside my own genre and explore other great sites...something I just don't have the time to do without the helping hand of the AtoZ team!

Thanks all!
AtoZ Participant

Afshan Shaik said...

Commenting for sure rejuvenates us. I never got so much traffic on my blog before. It used to disappoint me
THANKS a lot to A To Z FOLKS !
even though writing is eating my time I will make sure to attend atleast few of the blogs and reply .
ONce again thanks straight from my heart to alllll the organisers
Love u loads

Shannon Mashinchi said...

Making reading part of my evening again! Excited to read some new thoughts!


Unknown said...

I love the community spirit that comes with the A-Z Challenge. 1000 people all helping eachother out - it's a beautiful thing.

Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

Tall Girl in Japan said...

What a lovely idea. And we get so many new blogs to read ! I am loving this !

Anonymous said...

Yep fun to see so many blogs

PhenoMenon ‎

Anonymous said...

sorry posted the wrong one

Lisa Pottgen said...

Thanks for calling attention to some of the little-known blogs out there. I need to work on getting my follower count up some, too.

barnalisaha said...

The blogging from A-Z challenge is great fun. These last few days I have been waking up to a meta-voice busily chirping prompts and begetting refreshing creative ideas to talk about in my blog! I am greatly enjoying this daily creative rendezvous!

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi Damayanti,
Yet another list of useful and profitable blogging.
Yes, comments are the life giving support to any blog I suppose LOL
Anyways i do comments quiet often, but the sad part is that very few look back and say a word or two to the commentor, may be they are busy with their a to z challenge LOL
Keep inform
Good Wishes
Keep in touch
I am
Philip Ariel @ Philipscom
An ambassador to A to Z Challenge @ Tina's Life is Good
And My Bio-blog

HistorySleuth said...

I'm working my way through them. I can't tell how many I commented on. I'm #440 at the moment and there are quite a few non-players up that way so that's a bit annoying. But I'm doing more than 10 a day I think. I just love the variety of the themes!

miss uncertain said...

Thank you so much for including my blog on the list Damyanti!
And thank you for those who spent their time to visit my blog and especially those who were kind enough to leave comments! I really appreciate it! <3

Sincerely,Miss Uncertain---sidetracked

Bethany K @ BeforeDuringAfter said...

I'm a new blogger myself, but.... how do you "follow" a blog besides adding it to an RSS feed? Is there a particular way that folks do that? I should probably add something like that to mine. :-D

Thanks for the tips!

Anonymous said...

Well, my C is up and running. I dislike that I didn't get started until the 5th, as it is more difficult to catch up, but I've committed to "gettin'er done!" Between employment, and all the other things to do. LOL

It seems like most use Blogger; I use WordPress. Not sure what is best. I don't even know how to use these platforms well. Can we teach old dogs new tricks?

Looking forward to learning, reading, and befriending. Thanks for the challenge!

Anonymous said...

The woman title is Samantha Berg.