Monday, April 1, 2013


As the A to Z Challenge kicks off, prepare for adventure!

You will be challenged to write a daily blog post corresponding with that day’s letter.

You will find new bloggers and make friends.

You will stretch your blogging skills.

You will learn new things.

You will emerge on the other side a different person.

Most of all, you will have fun on this adventure. Go and enjoy.

You are now free to move about the A to Z Challenge list!

Co-host Ninja Captain Alex is the author of CassaStar and CassaFire and his blog can be found HERE


Michelle Wallace said...

Woo-hoo! Let the ADVENTURE begin!!

Nick Wilford said...

Yeehah! Let's go...

Rhonda Albom said...

I am ready for the challenge and hopefully the fun!

AtoZ #42

Mary Kirkland said...

Should be a lot of fun.

Dave said...

"Your mission, should you choose to accept it..."

Dave Wrote This

Ermie said...

Hurray! Time to get started at last. :-)

Nikki said...

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah! I've waited since 30/04/2012 for this day to come! :D Good luck everyone!

Brett Minor said...

I've been waiting for this since last year. Let's do this.

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi Alex,
Finally the DAY has Come and We are here. Lets start, I just aired my first post.

Phil @ Philipscom
An ambassador to A to Z Challenge @ Tina's Life is Good
And My Bio-blog

Jackie said...

Wow, I feel the fireworks! come and visit me guys
Jackie's Bookbytes

Harvest Moon by Hand said...

Looking forward to it!

Unknown said...

Yay! Looking forward to it.
Rinelle Grey

Anonymous said...

Definitely an adventure. My first time ever trying out this challenge so it'll be interesting to see what kind of things we can all come up with to blog about. :)

Ida Thought said...

An abundance of adventures awaits us all. So many blogs so little time. :)

Barbara White Daille said...

Alex, Arlee, and All (like all those "A" words? ;)) - yes, this does feel like the beginning of a great adventure!

Good luck to us all!


Catherine Noble said...

I only wish I had more hours in the day to visit everyone's A to Z challenges. I've had a wonderful morning browsing through all the new adventures undertaken! :)

Jemima Pett said...

Ready, Teddy, GO!!

Jemima at Jemima's blog

Hannah said...

Looking forward to this adventure!

Anonymous said...

I hate to admit it but I nearly gave up last night.. wanted to ditch lame theme, change all my posts, even ones I hadn't written.. etc. etc. It's definitely an adventure and we're only on A.. enjoy everyone!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Never give up, never surrender!

Rosalind Adam said...

Bring it on!!

Rosalind Adam is Writing in the Rain

Jolie du Pre said...

And we're off!!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to get this challenge under way!

Unknown said...

Looking forward to this!

Charity Bradford said...

As SpongeBob would say, "I'm ready, I'm ready!"

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your challenge Alex, here we go again.


Cathy said...

Having fun already!

JoJo said...

Aaaand we're off!

Jo said...

I thought the idea was short blogs, I seem to be finding blogs with reams of information.


TaMara Sloan said...

I'm super excited to join in the adventure this year! I'm already finding blogs that I will be returning to after the month is over. :)

Tales of a Pee Dee Mama

Bish Denham said...

Happy A to Z-ing Alex!

Arlee Bird said...

Aye, aye! Ready Captain!

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

Sandy said...

Things aren't starting out too well. Visited 4 folks so far. 2 have the captcha thing on, 2 haven't written a post...sure hope things get better.

I agree with the above commentor, J.L.Campbell...I also couldn't read your post. I used control and + multiple times to get it large enough that the black was visible on the dark gray background. I assume both he and I are older then you. Young eyes might see your blog; but it's very difficult. Hope you'll consider lightening your background so you don't discourage reader from the a-z challenge. I had no clue and @...use it very little and actually really disliked English in school so probably closed out anything I might have learned about it, lol.

sorry for the cut and paste url, but you don't have a place for name and url. The generic google doesn't work well for folks with multiple blogs.

Pratibha said...

Thoughts on some Adventure

yohoo !
that felt good :D

Mysti said...

Woohoo!! I'm all set with 26 writers coming in to add their own unique takes on A-Z. Today it's Alpha Males! :)

Anonymous said...

Well, this should be interesting! (I used the word adventure buuut I started writing the post before I saw this one!)

Anonymous said...

Happy A - Z Day! Thanks, Arlee for creating this amazing challenge! Thanks Team for all you do to make it awesome! :)

jp said...

I took part (and survived) the A-Z last year and it had some rather unexpected results, being indirectly the catalyst for the publication of my book. I would recommend taking part to everyone, thank you.

Sirisha said...

Yippiee! I hope I survice till the end!

Unknown said...

Love the Adventure of the A to Z Challenge!

Jenn @Scribbles From Jenn

Julie Jordan Scott said...

So excited to be started! Still half asleep but am going to start movin' and groovin'!

Julie Jordan Scott
Our Literary Grannies from A to Z
tweet me - @juliejordanscot

Whole Foods Living said...

Here we go! This is my second year on the challenge and I'm ready to read, write and learn lots! Weeeee! Happy A-to-Z 2013! ~Angela, Whole Foods Living

Ann Hinds said...

What fun! I have already found so many interesting "A's" to read.

Lynn Proctor said...

i am still looking for the list of participants haha---a little lost and behind this year--but ready for the fun :)

Anonymous said...

It's about time too! I have been waiting what feel like forever for the challenge to start. Last week just dragged on. LOL

Good luck everyone.

Mark Means said...

Adventure, you say?

Bring it on, I say! :)

Charlie Warren said...

Bring on the adventure!

One thing I have noticed is that most people are not too worried about the length of their blog posts during the challenge. I seem to be over worried about the length of my posts - I probably need to work on that.

Charlie @ The Semi-Retired Gamer

katie eggeman said...

I am up and ready for this challenge.
Katie atBankerchick Scratchings

Anonymous said...

Ready for it! Today's post is up!

Laura S. said...

Woohoo! I'm ready for this awesome adventure. I'm enjoying all of the posts I've seen so far!

Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

Anonymous said...

A great idea!

ViolaFury said...

Did a total seat of my pants blog post! Let the fun begin

Powdered Toast Man said...

Do I need my Indiana Jones Whip on this adventure?

JoJo said...

It's day 1 and I'm feeling frustration already because a lot of the blogs I've visited today haven't put up their A posts, or they put up a non-related A-Z post instead of A, or it's a link to garbage. :(

Unknown said...

Excited to be on this adventure with so many wonderful people in blogland. God bless, Maria from Delight Directed Living

John Wiswell said...

I'm excited to try this out. 'Adventure' is right - very curious to see what mental muscles it requires to blog on one theme for an entire month!

Andrew Leon said...

So what you're really saying is that today is Indiana Jones day, because adventure has a name.

I got today covered, then.

Jak said...

This is definitely going to be an adventure! I hope I come on on the other side!

25 more letters to go :)

Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

Marta Szemik said...

Congratulations to all the brave souls on the list. Looking forward to reading you posts!

Tina said...

Adventure...what a clever use of "A"...sorry, I'm so excited about today I'm more of my smart-a$$ personality than usual...

Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

John Wiswell said...

Giving it all a run this year! On the theme of worldbuilding. 'Adventure' would have been a great 'A' for that. Very curious to see what mental muscles the month-long theme can stretch.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I didn't miss the challenge this year - it really will be a blogging adventure! I'm featuring the A to Z of my massive post card collection.

But I'm really looking forward to seeing what other people post for their letters. I like the idea of delving into one topic in sufficient depth to get 26 posts out of it.

Unknown said...

This is going to be fun!

Christine Rains said...

YAY! I'm off to read a bunch of blogs. I can't wait to see what's in store for me!

Anonymous said...

Enjoying it so far but had to take a break because my eyes were getting sore. Denise at Organization and Inspiration for Fellow Writers, participant of A to Z Blogging Challenge

Tejas said...

So glad I am taking part in this year's challenge! Hoping to meet some amazing people! :D

Debra Gray-Elliott said...

Love it and what an adventure!

Unknown said...

it really is an adventure, Alex!

Donna Shields said...

It's always an adventure!!

Anonymous said...

I'm ready! It was so cool seeing all the A posts pop up all over the place. It's going to be a great month.

Patricia said...

So far so good! Come check out my review of Acne products. :)

Sumita Pai said...

This short and sweet pitch actually got me enthused enough to join the A-Z challenge! Should be fun :) Thank you for the opportunity in making us write often, think more, and reach out to people.

Kathleen Jennette said...

I'm luv'n this... and we are only on the letter A!!!

klahanie said...

Good luck to you all in the A to Z.

Detox and therapy sessions will be available at my site. Okay, seriously, I wish all of you well.

Gary :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, definitely an adventure ---- thanks for the encouragement!


Old Kitty said...

Hello! I'm not participating but just wanted to give Stephen Tremp a shout out! I can't get to his blogs and he seems to have disappeared? I hope he is ok! That's it really!!

Take care

Unknown said...

Letter A is down. Only 25 to go!!

Unknown said...

Woo hoo! Let the challenge begin!

Unknown said...

This is definitely going to be a wild adventure. 25 more posts to go and I can't wait. :)

Trisha said...

YAY, having fun already!!! Now to figure out how to tackle that damn massive list of participants!

Andrea said...

Hooray for adventure!

netablogs said...

Exciting! I've already met some great new blog buddies. This is FUN. :)

L.G. Keltner said...

I'm excited!

Family Bugs - Sarah said...

Definitely looking forward to this Amazingly Awesome Adventure!!! Many thanks for hosting this and the hard work that each of you are putting into maintaining it! As difficult as it is for us bloggers, it is at least thrice as time-consuming for you guys!!!!

Lizzy said...

Looking forward to this adventure! Took me till 11 to finish my first post, here's hoping the rest are up earlier =) Thanks for starting this!

Unknown said...

Having a lot of trouble commenting on many blogs with my OpenID. The blog isn't on blogger or Wordpress, but self-hosted WP. I had to create an alternate Google/Blogger account just to comment HERE! (Many of the blogs generate "missing URL" errors.)

Anyway, I used today's letter lots today. Tomorrow I'll just post a regular feature but stick with the alphabet. I do real estate posts, so I just pick a neighborhood or city that fits the letter of the day.

X will need something else.

Always Advance All Alliances: Almaden

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - it sure is an adventure .. and a fun ride .. cheers Hilary

Unknown said...

I love that! Adventure. It makes it seem almost doable.

Michael Di Gesu said...

What an AMAZING start. I had checked the numbers earlier yesterday and they were just at 1800.... Now almost 2000 WOW!

It is fun but a challenge. I am thrilled to know that blogger will post a scheduled post even if you are not connected to wifi.... YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!

Thanks for your support and dropping by L. Diane. Love seeing your smiling face!

Unknown said...

I didn't make the list, but my friend BookishGeek encouraged me, so here's my totally unlisted beauty blog post for today! Er...Yesterday.

Scary Simple Smitten: Beauty From a Fraidy Cat

Shannon Mashinchi said...

I have begun! My A topic was Authentic! Yipee!

MunirGhiasuddin said...

I was able to drag my husband into this today. I am falling behind though because of my asthma. Will catch up soon.
Adventure is a great choice for the letter "A".

Karthik Margabandu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Adventure is out there!

Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

Anonymous said...

Life is an adventure itself isn't it??
