Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Quick Note to A-to-Z Participants

Hi there!

In order to insure that everyone gets to come along on equal footing during the A-to-Z Challenge, and to make sure you have someone specific to go to should you have any questions, each co-host is assigned a certain number of blogs to attend to.  Now, we all try to visit everyone, but this way, each person will get visited by at least one co-host and will be able to contact their co-host directly in case of questions.

We want to be sure you know who to go to, so you will receive a single email from your co-host at the beginning of the challenge.  It will just be an introduction and welcome, along with your co-host's contact information.

Your emails will be BCC'd, so your email will not be given out to your fellow participants.  Only your co-host will have that information.  In order to insure it doesn't turn into a spam-fest, be sure to reply only to the co-host if you have a question; don't hit "reply all."  However, do feel free to ask your co-host anything, and don't be afraid that you will be bothering us...you won't! 

Ultimately, we are here to support all of you.  This should be fun.  Yes, we're challenging ourselves, but if you take it too seriously, it just won't be fun at all.  Enjoy yourself, and ask your co-host if you have a question.  Let's make this the best A-to-Z yet!

May you find your Muse.

Shannon L.
The Warrior Muse


Jinky said...

You guys are awesome!! I appreciate the support.

Anonymous said...

A great post to ensure we all enjoy what is a fun month for blogging.
Also Yes! let's make this one the best yet,


Unknown said...

I have to agree with Jinky. You guys are awesome. And thanks for letting us know ahead of time. All the lead up posts have ben super helpful. God bless, Maria at Delight Directed Living

Anonymous said...

Wow! I was getting nervous about the challenge, but this was reassuring. You guys are great!

Diana Wilder said...

I am looking forward to this - but the help is going to be greatly appreciated! (I have an awesome theme... Looking forwad to it!)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Well said, Shannon!

Tina said...

Good one, Shannon!

Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

klahanie said...

Hi Shannon,

And please don't forget that in the background, my human and yes me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, will offer support to you folks bringing further awareness of the alphabet.

Good luck and have fun to all involved.

Pawsitive wishes,


JoJo said...

Sounds great! Thanks! :)

pamlovesbooks said...

GAH!!! 5 DAYS!!

Andrea said...

Final countdown time!

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Thank you Shannon ! I am looking forward to reading a lot of blog and writing as well. FUN BLOGGING :)

Unknown said...

April is almost here! how exciting!

Michelle said...

Thanks for hosting this! I didn't complete it last year but I'm very excited to try again this year -- reading over what I wrote then, I'm actually pretty proud! Hopefully the same goes for this year... ;)

Rhonda Albom said...

This is a brilliant idea. thanks. And thanks to the team for all your hard work!

Anonymous said...

I have written my test post...including the banner and the linky tool. It will post just after midnight...Thanks for taking the challenge up a notch. See you around the blog hop!

J.L. Campbell said...

Looking forward to April!

Anonymous said...


M said...

Finally chose a theme here :)

Unknown said...

Starting to get really excited for the challenge to start. Only a few more days!

We Are Adventure

Linda said...

That's great, thank you so much. I cannot wait to start really !!

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Great Going!!!
Keep Going !!!
What a wonderful time ahead!
Keep cracking LOL
Thanks for the note
Phil @ Philipscom
An ambassador to A to Z Challenge @ Tina's Life is Good
And My Bio-blog

Shannon Lawrence said...

Jinky, thank you! All of you are awesome, as well.

Yvonne, here's to the best A-to-Z yet!!

Maria, I'm glad you've found them helpful!

Anothercleanslate, I'm so glad this was reassuring! I hope you have a good time with the Challenge.

Diana, nothing like an awesome theme!

Alex & Tina, thanks!

Penny & Gary, looking forward to it! Thank you for all the support.

JoJo, no problem!

Pam, I know!!! It's coming up fast.

Andrea, here we go!

Munir, I hope you have a great time!

Adriana, just days away!

Michelle, you should be proud, whether you finished or not. Good luck to you this year!

Rhonda, thanks for coming with us on the ride!

Nolagirl, good luck to you!

Joy, just a couple days!

M.J., no problem!

M, I can't wait to see it!

Elliot, it's getting so close!

Linda, it will be great!

Phil, awesome cheerleading!

Deb Betz said...

Can't wait to start!

Bhavya N said...

This is my first time in the challenge and I must say I am super excited... and nervous as well... :D

Thanks for all the support..
Bhavzz from Just Another Blog