Monday, March 4, 2013

Getting to Know Your A to Z Challenge Co-Hosts - L. Diane Wolfe

L. Diane Wolfe, a.k.a., “Spunk On A Stick.”

"Favorite childhood memory" (Tina)

My father was a rock hound and a carpenter. He had a shop where he worked and his rocks were lined up on shelves. Sunday mornings, I’d go out and spend time with him. He’d have a fire going in the old stove and I’d sit there and polish his rocks while he worked on his next project. It was very peaceful.

"Which is your favorite fictional character and why?" (Mayflow3r)

Ruth, the White Dragon from Anne McCaffrey’s books. Ruth was the only white dragon and smaller than the rest, but smarter than the other dragons. I guess because I’m a bit of a runt myself, I’ve always identified with Ruth.

"Describe the last Halloween costume you wore." (Nicole)

It’s been a long time, but I went as Brandon Lee’s character from The Crow.

"Name a movie you watched that exceeded your expectations." (Nicole)

Argo. My husband didn’t even tell me what it was about until we arrived at the theatre. It’s not my type of movie, but I knew he really wanted to see it. I loved it - thought it was incredibly intense.

"Name an item that you have too much of." (Nicole)

Bath and Body Works products! At least 25 different scents, all with matching spray, lotion, and body wash. My husband says he really should’ve purchased stock in the company.

"True or False: Frequently cracking your knuckles will lead to arthritis. (Defend your choice.)" (Mina Lobo)

False. I’ve cracked my knuckles since I was a kid, and the only place I really have arthritis now is my toes.

"How old were you when you realized your passion for writing?" (Magical Mystical MiMi)

I was 13 and it was when I read The White Dragon for the first time.

"Coke or Pepsi?" (Mina Lobo)

Coke! Although we usually have RC products in our house.

"What is your "Thing". i.e. do you have a non-professional hobby or a particularly acute preference for something that you feel defines a large part of who you are?" (Matt Conlon)

I’m a professional speaker, author, and photographer, so I suppose none of those count. My thing would have to be roller coasters then. I’m a thrill junkie. Bring on the drops and the loops!

"When writing, do you prefer to compose your first-draft by hand, on your computer, or using Morse Code?" (Mina Lobo)

I write everything by hand first and then transfer to the computer. Last year I got the Dragon Naturally Speaking software, so instead of typing that first draft into the computer, I speak it, which is wonderful!

L. Diane Wolfe
Professional Speaker & Author
Blog - Spunk On A Stick’s Tips
Website - Spunk On A Stick
Known as “Spunk On A Stick,” Wolfe is a member of the National Speakers Association and the author of numerous books. Her latest title, “How to Publish and Promote Your Book Now,” covers her publishing seminars in depth and provides an overview of the entire process from idea to market. “Overcoming Obstacles With SPUNK! The Keys to Leadership & Goal-Setting”, ties her goal-setting and leadership seminars together into one complete, enthusiastic package. Her YA series, The Circle of Friends, features morally grounded, positive stories. Wolfe travels extensively for media interviews and speaking engagements, maintains a dozen websites & blogs, and assists writers through her author services.


LM Preston said...

Hi Diane! Great to meet you I love meeting the people behind the blog.

Laura S. said...

I write everything by hand, too! It's a great way to edit then when you have to transfer it to the computer. It's great learning more about you, Diane!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Diane .. the Dragon Software sounds a great help .. but your Dad was a rock hound - such an interesting occupation ... and lovely to see the rocks take on their own lustre ..

These Getting to Know you posts are fun ... cheers Hilary

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I loved Argo, too! Very nicely paced, I thought, and covered a part of that story that I wasn't familiar with.

Didn't know you wrote a draft by hand!

Anonymous said...

Loved the questions and answers,


Jolie du Pre said...

I love the cover of your book! I've thought about buying the Dragon software. Probably will this month.

JoJo said...

I'm not feelin' the love for Morse Code, people. lol ;) Great post and nice to get to know you Diane! Is Argo the one about the 1979 Hostage Crisis?

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Laura, that's always my first round of edits.

Hilary, last summer I was finally able to ship all of my dad's rocks back to NC.

Elizabeth, always have, always will.

Jolie, I love the software.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Great post, Diane. I need to get Dragon Speaking software since I can't read my writing.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Argo was a great movie. No costume photo?

Tyrean Martinson said...

Diane - I loved reading your answers and discovering more about you. Nice interview! (and it's good to know about the knuckle popping because my youngest daughter does it all the time)

J.L. Campbell said...

Good to know more about you, Diane. Bath and body works is definitely my thing too. Good products.

orneryswife said...

I'll try this again...
It is fun to learn about new people, and the questions were a great way to do it.

My dad was a saddle maker and he dabbled in rock collecting; He called himself a pebble puppy. :)I also spent many hours in his shop, but mostly I hammered away on leather scraps with various tools.

Looking forward to this challenge--my first one of these--and what a fun group of people!

Karen Lange said...

Fun interview! Nice to learn more about you, Diane! :)

Tina said...

Loving these posts! So nice to get to know you better. I'm 1/2 way through your book - can't put it down even though I should because I have more to do than is humanly possible. It's just so motivating for me as I'm working on my first novel. Which of course I haven't touched in months...

Thanks for sharing yourself with us! Nice idea to show whose questions you were answering. I hadn't thought of that...

Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Andrea said...

Well now I really want to see Argo...our 15 year old is the only one in our house who saw it. The rocks sounds very cool!

Konstanz Silverbow said...

So cool getting to know more about you! Even cooler is how much we have in common.

Did you know that I work at my dad's rock shop? :)

And I was 13 when I started writing too. So cool finding those things in common.

Arlee Bird said...

I love Bath and Bodyworks liquid soaps! My wife has a couple of pumps in each of our bathrooms. I find myself washing my hands a lot. Love the scents.

Writers Workshop
An A to Z Co-host blog

Mark Means said...

Nice to find out more about you, Diane and I have to defend your knuckle cracking answer. I've been doing it since I was a kid, too, and not a smidge of arthritis :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Tyrean, I'm not sure why it's in my toes. I used to crack those, too.

Ornery's Wife, Pebble Puppy is cute.

Tina, I'm delighted it's captivating you.

Konstanz, that is very cool.

Mark, we are proof.

Anonymous said...

I have to ask, Diane, have you ever been on the Giant Dipper in Santa Cruz, California? If not, and you like roller coasters, this is one you absolutely will not want to miss!

Southpaw said...

That was a fun interview! You know it's interesting how many people have been sparked into writing by Anne McCaffrey!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Sounds like a wonderful time with your dad. My son cracks his knuckles and it drives me crazy.

Really enjoying your book. I have note all over and reminders.

Jo said...

I was most surprised about your fondness for Ruth. He was my favourite dragon too, I love all the Pern dragons, but Ruth was the best.

I have another author friend who uses the Dragon software and loves it too. I cannot imagine writing by hand first, since computers were invented I have written very little by hand, to me its so much easier to write straight on the machine.


Jagoda said...

Great questions! I enjoyed "meeting" you through your answers to them, Diane. I too love roller coasters. All of them. But I do hold a special spot in my heart for those old wooden rickety ones like in Santa Cruz.

Shannon Lawrence said...

You know, I read one Anne McCaffrey novel and loved it, yet I've never read more. I keep wanting to remedy that.

Shannon at The Warrior Muse

Jennifer Shirk said...

Fun interview!!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

MJ, no - but my best friend has ridden that one just for me.

Jo, my thoughts just flow faster when I write by hand.

Jagoda, I'm all about the loops, so it's steel coasters for me.

DL Hammons said...

We almost watched ARGO this weekend. Now I wish we did! :)

AJ Lauer said...

Diane! I enjoy speaking too. I know that makes me weird - most people are terrified to speak to an audience, but I find it to be invigorating. :)

We haven't seen Argo yet, but it's on our list. Might bump it up a bit..

Anonymous said...

Hi, Diane! Great Q & A!

klahanie said...

Hi Diane,

I'm delighted to get to know a little bit more about your good self.

And I know you know we both realise that we can overcome obstacles. In the face of adversity, we have choices. I choose to not let negativity sabotage my right to a peaceful life.

Take care and have fun with this gosh darn exciting alphabet challenge.

In peace and goodwill,


L. Diane Wolfe said...

DL, there's always this weekend.

Ayjay, I love it!

Gary, we can choose to have a good attitude.

Unknown said...

Following you on Networked Blogs and GFC, I would love it if you followed me back.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Great interview...

So nice to find out more fun things about you L. Diane.

WE've know each other for a while, but I never knew you like McCaffrey books and dragons.. ME TOO!

Michelle Wallace said...

Body pampering products? You can never have enough creams/lotions.
Dragon Speaking Software? That caught my attention. I'd like to learn more about it. Is it very expensive?

Nicole said...


Since you love the Bath & Body works scents, have you tried their candles? I don't buy a lot of their lotions and soaps and stuff because but I think they have good quality candles. I bought a few several months ago and they lasted for a long time....I'd recommend getting them during a sale though, since each one can be pricey otherwise, lol.

I missed Argo when it was in theaters but am glad that Ben Affleck has been getting his props during awards season. Dressing as Brandon Lee is a rather cool move for a costume choice...especially for a female too. I like it!
