Monday, March 11, 2013

Getting to Know Your Hosts - Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh

I’m Alex J. Cavanaugh
Founder of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group
Author of Amazon Best Sellers CassaStar and CassaFire
Guitar player extraordinaire
Clones may or may not be involved

And these are my goofy answers!

“Would you ever join a team that was headed off to colonize Mars?”

Would I still have access to the Internet and NetFlix?

“You're house in on fire, assuming your kids, pets, and other living things are safe, what do you grab as you head out the door?”

My guitars. Dear Lord man, you don’t let a Gibson Les Paul burn!

"What rock star would you be?"

John Petrucci from Dream Theater – the man can shred.

"Where do you hail from?"

Well, if I’m hailing a taxi, it would be from the curb. I don’t want to get run over.

"Where do you go to "Get away from it all"?"

My office/man-cave. I have a big screen TV, music, computer, and I’m surrounded by guitars. Add a fridge and a bathroom and I’d never leave.

"Would you rather have your own personal sailing ship or spaceship? What would you name your ship?"

If I had my own spaceship, it would need stealth so I’d have the element of surprise. Therefore, I’d name it the Spanish Inquisition – because nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.
(And bonus points if you can name the show!)

“Are you ready for the zombie apocalypse? Why do you think so? Exactly how prepared are you?”

I’ve watched every zombie movie ever made, I’m all about the cardio, and I’ve mastered the double-tap. Game players and movie buffs are the only ones equipped to handle it.

"Name an item that you have too much of."

It’s either movies, music, or guitars. No wait, can never have too many of any of those!

And one serious answer…

"How do you comment - if someone posts 5,6,7 times a week .. once - or 3 times .. then each time or once or twice .. then each time I can't keep up .. but hate not supporting everyone ..."

I suggest clones – they really help.
If someone posts daily, they won’t hate you for skipping one now and then. Even I can’t visit every blogger buddy every single day. (The clones need days off as well, you know!) Those who post more than seven times a week know that some will skip their posts. If you miss a few, it will be all right. That’s why I only post three times a week except during the Challenge. I don’t want to overtax my followers.
Or my poor clones!

Co-host Ninja Captain Alex is the author of CassaStar and CassaFire and his blog can be found HERE


The Angry Lurker said...

Good answers Alex!

RaveAir said...

Great answers! And the Monthy Python quote was awesome! ;)

Vidya Sury said...

:D Love it! I love where you hail from, Alex! :D

Unknown said...

ha! I needed those laughs this morning!

Kimberly Gabriel said...

This cracked me up - a great way to start the week. ;)

J.L. Campbell said...

You movie buffs never cease to amaze me. I'm ever in awe of your energy and support for the blogging/writing community.

Unknown said...

Loved your post! It's true, you can never have too many movies or guitars!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. and mini Alex ... co-host extraordinaire .. you must have fairies dancing around the internet reading and commenting on everyone's blog postings .. are they really cones ... the Zombies must have landed ...

Cheers for now - Hilary

Christine Rains said...

You're hilarious! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Zoltan, very good!

JL, something to be said about spending endless hours watching movies.

Hilary, I have a whole army of Ninja clones.

Thanks guys and glad I could amuse!

Jo said...



Tina said...

Wow Alex, that was SO you. I think you know what I mean. I can spot a Monty Python quote from across the room, so you didn't stump me there!

Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

JoJo said...

I'm not clear you or do you not like guitars? ;D As for the zombie thing, I saw a funny cartoon on Facebook that said 'Zombie preparedness: master' and it was a house with treadmills circling it.

Ella said...

I love your fun post! Spanish that, lol
You know no one has tried to soothe the Zombies-your music may be the key~

Karen Lange said...

Good answers! :) Fun way to start the week.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

you are just awesome... seriously.
i am glad you are out there.

Jolie du Pre said...

Hey Alex! I enjoyed reading this!!

Tyrean Martinson said...

Great answers Alex!!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I think Netflix is everywhere so you can find good entertainment on Mars.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

LOL - I think my husband would say the same thing about me and my office.

jaybird said...

Love your answers Alex! Very funny good stuff. I like when you share!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tina, can't fool you.

JoJo, I'm a musician with a huge collection, so yes!

Ella, not the tunes I play...

Susan, good to know.

Thanks guys!

Shaharizan Perez said...

Hilarious and honest! This was a great post. I almost spewed my coffee on the screen when I read the clones comment. :D

betty said...

Glad to know more about you; I too only post a few times a week, unless during A/Z of course, not to over tax people.

LOL with the guitars; my husband would totally understand what you are saying about not having too many of them; I do believe a Les Paul is in his collection too


D.G. Hudson said...

Alex, I hope you at least warned the wife the house was on fire! Les Paul guitars are worth saving, I agree with that.

I'd like a femme version of that man-cave. Is that allowed?

I won't be able to join the A to Z Challenge this year, since I've got a mentoring match lined up, but I'll be cheering on the participants from the sidelines.

Michelle Wallace said...

Great answers Alex!
Ha! I knew your responses to question 2 (your Les Paul guitar) and question 3 (JP from Dream Theater) surprises there!

Rob Z Tobor said...

You cant have too many guitars . . . .

Arlee Bird said...

You're a good man to have on the A to Z Team!

I'm fortunate that I have a bathroom right outside the door of my home office. I can get there really fast.

Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog

Andrew Leon said...

I've decided that you don't have clones in the traditional sense. You're more like the Multiple Man.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Shah, don't spew on the screen!

Betty, good for him!

DG, it is allowed. Build your own.

Mark Means said... makes -perfect- sense... :)

klahanie said...

Hey Alex,

Yes sir, your wait is over! As you know, the alphabet challenge thrills me to such a euphoric state that I wish to sing, dance, play backup keyboards for Emerson, Lake and Palmer and boogie through the night. Or maybe not.

Nice to know a bit more about you and your thinking process. Send in the clones. And zombies, ah yes, I shall inform you that this comment was typed in front of a dead studio audience....I think I'd better go...........

Anonymous said...

Hi, Alex! Great Q & A! Now I know how you are able to be in so many places in the blogging world. Clones! : )

Daron Henson said...

I enjoyed the irreverent tone of the piece. It was nice to read an interview with which the interviewee had so much fun.

Susan Kane said...

Monty Python! Doesn't everyone know that? Love that show. Our children (now about your age) can quote their favorite lines, as well.

Robin said...

Hail from the curb... hahaha. You are a mystery wrapped in an enigma cloaked in a conundrum.

Nancy Thompson said...

Oh my gosh, how I envy your man-cave!

M Pax said...

Monty Python! I loved that show.

Heather M. Gardner said...

I honestly don't know how you still have answers left to give since you've been interviewed so many times!

Still funny!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Gary - funny!!

Susan, they should know it!

Heather, we got to select from a large list and these just seemed to be the most interesting.

Anonymous said...

Great questions, equally great answers. I have a question, Alex are you camera shy?


Elise Fallson said...

LOL, fun answers Ninja Captain!
Now I want a man cave! No wait, that didn't sound right. I want a mom cave. Ack! That actually sounded worse. No, I want a woman cave. No, no I don't. Uggg. I think I'll just take a large paradise island . . . (;

DL Hammons said...

I'm SOOOOOO wanting a man-cave!! Right now all I have is a man-corner! :)

Tony Laplume said...

Now I envision the Cassacave as a den with guitars hanging from the walls in every direction...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yvonne, yes!

Elise, one woman's paradise island, coming up!

DL, that is sad, man...

Tony, just one wall, but I am working on it!

Anonymous said...

My son would love your man cave. He has a few guitars too. :)

Empty Nest Insider said...

This was fun Alex, and are you sure you didn't mean the "Bat Cave?"


Unknown said...

So your the Blogfather:-) I'm relatively new to blogging, this post was good. I hope to learn a lot during the A-Z Challenge. Providing I get my kinks worked out with my new domain name. Help a girl out G+/Blogger!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Julie, the Bat Cave would be cool as well!

Hey Lacey! Welcome to the community.

Susan Kane said...

My kids are in their 30s, making me about 60--a darn good-looking young 60. Aren't you in your 30s?

Powdered Toast Man said...

I am still pondering the Spanish Inquisition quote. My potential Man-cave is going to be occupied by a baby soon.

Andrea said...

I thught I wanted minions (but my children won't cooperate), but now I see that clones might really be where it's at!

AJ Lauer said...

Ahh, Alex! Les Paul was born in my hometown! You would be right to grab your Les Paul on the way out :)

Loca4crafts said...

Clones would be great. If only. Looking forward to the challenge.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the advice on your commenting strategy. It is difficult to visit so many blogs and comment all the time. Who are your clones and where do you get them? :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, I'm almost fifty!

PTM, no!!! Unless that's a good thing...

Andrea, at least they will be of the same mind.

Ayjay, that's cool!

Jen,my secret is out...

MJ, I have a machine that makes clones. Don't tell anyone.

Anonymous said...

Your secret is safe with me, Alex:) lol

Jo said...

Oh to be almost 50

Unknown said...

I love these answers. You definitely would rank as one of my favorite people to hang out with.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Melissa, and you would be fun to hang out with as well!

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi Alex,
Revealed more, I think yet to reveal.
Keep revealing LOL
Keep inform
Phil @ Philipscom
An ambassador to A to Z Challenge @ Tina's Life is Good
And My Bio-blog

Samantha May said...

Monty Python!!

I also hail from a curb, but sometimes I hail from the biking lane. Really gets my adrenaline going :D

Shannon Lawrence said...

Yay for Monty! Too funny. I know someone who lost her piano in the fire last summer. I'm pretty sure if faced with it all again, she will find a way to stick her piano in her car. Definitely don't forget the Les Paul!

Shannon at The Warrior Muse