Friday, March 22, 2013

A - Z "ing" through the A - Z Challenge

Ambitious beginnings
Cruising diligently
Exciting entertainment
Fantastic, golly-gee!

Heaven help us, hurry!
Inspire impressive jaunts
Kindly kick our kiesters
Lending labor, not laments

Motion mild manners
Never needing nasty names
Oppressing only captchas
Picky pop-ups in a frame

Quintessential quest
Quantificates rebuttals
Snatching snobby snaglines
Tried and true with titles

Useless unanimity
Verociously vivacious
Waging without weakness
XXVI – not one word less

Yin and yang have yielded
Zipping zigzags zestily
April’s Blogging Challenge
Is the testament, you see!

Brought to you by M.J Joachim.  Find her at Lots of Crochet Stitches

Photo credit:  Badges courtesy of A – Z Challenge and Charmaine Clancy
©2013 All Rights Reserved


Vidya Sury said...

I am loving it!

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

superb! jean :)

Rob Z Tobor said...

Very good indeed . . . . . I will be working my way through the alphabet in much the same way.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Very clever, Tina!

Tina said...

Alex - what I'm clever at is letting MJ write posts...please note her by-line!!!!! But thanks for thinking I could do something like that, I appreciate the vote of confidence!

MJ - another rockin' post by our awesome assistant!

Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Jemima Pett said...

Wonderful! Such talented people. One day when I have time I'm going to do an a-z sentence. Maybe in time for 2014...

10 days to go :)

Jemima at Jemima's blog

Andrea said...

Full of fun and folly!

miss uncertain said...

that's just clever :D

Jolie du Pre said...


L. Diane Wolfe said...

That's really cute.

Anonymous said...

Thank you and happy Friday to you all:) I had a lot of fun writing this one. Best of the weekend to you, Vidya, Jean, Rob, Alex, Tina, Jemima, Andrea, Miss Uncertain, Jolie and Diane! And best of the Challenge to you too!

Anonymous said...

Nicely done! Great post.

Arlee Bird said...

MJ is on multi-talented lady! Thank you MJ for your contributions to the A to Z Blog.


Anonymous said...

Cute! April should be fun!

Regina said...

Awesome! Now I have to get to work on this challenge!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Stephen, Lee, Clean Slate and Regina. Here's to an amazing Challenge in April for all! Happy Friday and weekend to you:)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi MJ .. that's fabulous - well done ... and what a great promotion ..

Excellent team minion you've got Tina

Cheers Hilary

Mark Means said... it! Well done :)

JoJo said...

That's awesome. But for some reason I kept reading it like Dr. Smith from Lost in Space, in the cadence he'd insult the robot. I was half expecting to see Bubble Headed Booby and Pusilanimous Punka. lol

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome...going over to see her now!

Anonymous said...

Big smile! Thanks Debra, Hilary, Mark, JoJo and Running Survivor:) Looking forward to enjoying the Challenge with you all!

Anonymous said...

Wonderfully entertaining.


Paula said...


Anonymous said...

@ Yvonne and Paula - Thank you! :) Happy Friday and a wonderful weekend to all!

Fida Islaih said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fida Islaih said...

Awesome poem!

Unknown said...

awesome! loved it!

Anonymous said...

@Fida & Adriana - Thank you! :)

klahanie said...

Hey M.J,
Yay, I say
A poem about the alphabet
A rhyme I shall never forget