Monday, February 18, 2013

Your Key to Surviving the A to Z Challenge on Mondays

By now, I’m sure that many of you are aware that surviving the Blogging from A to Z Challenge in April is no easy feat. My fellow co-hosts have made it clear that scheduling posts in advance and picking a theme are some of the best ways to complete the challenge. So, you don’t have a theme, yet? No worries! I can help you create a schedule -- at least, on Mondays -- even if you’re plan is to wing it when writing posts for the April challenge.

In April 2012, Dale a.k.a the Smurfdok at Smurfin’ the Web partnered up to merge our Monday Movie Meme (MMM) osting duties with the alphabet, since we both signed up to participate in the A to Z Challenge that year. If you want to know more details, check out my previous MMM introduction to challenge participants, which shares the history and more in-depth information about this meme.

Here’s a Cliff notes version to get you up to speed: The Monday Movie meme is a weekly blogging event where I post a different theme or topic on Mondays and then list my selections of movies that fit the topic. Participants (that would be you) then follow suit by posting a list of their own movie choices on their blog, of course, linking back to my original post and leaving a comment to let me know they participated. I will then visit their blog to find out what movies they picked for the week. This year, the Monday Movie Meme will continue to operate throughout the A to Z Challenge, so my themes and topics will coincide with the letters G, M, S and Y.

Want to know the best part about this weekly meme? You don’t even have to wait until April to participate. You can get started this week, next week or on any Monday leading up to the A to Z Challenge in April. An early start will get you into the swing of things, providing great practice for when the challenge starts. So, what do you say? Are you game to join me? Let’s Rock it out!

A to Z 2013 Co-Host
*Check out my short film! - Contribute, Share and Comment*
@MadlabPost on Twitter


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Always up for a movie theme!

JoJo said...

I'm not much of a movie buff so I think I'll pass. :)

I already have 17 out of 26 letters drafted and ready to publish.

Laura S. said...

That's really cool! It helps plan your posts when a day is for something specific.

Mark Means said...

Sounds like fun...count me in!

Leigh Caron said...

Your idea is fun. Me? I will probably do the challenge. I just have to get my rear in gear, as I'll be gone most of April, so I'll have to be really prepared.

betty said...

I think that is a cool meme with the movies, haven't been to the movies lately or seen any, but its a great idea to consider!

I'm a 1/3 done with writing posts, got ideas for about 5 more letters after that and slowly working on writing them. My goal is to have them all written by middle of March. I've started visiting some blogs too who signed up.

Will be here soon!


Nicole said...


They are the most fun themes to music, of course ;)


Talk about progress; Guess're much further along in pre-written A to Z posts than I am. Good for you!


That's the surely helps those who need a quick topic to blog about. At the very least, the meme also gives participants the peace of mind in knowing that a new writing/blogging prompt is available every Monday :)


Sounds like a plan! It will be fun to have you on board with my meme. Thanks for commenting!


You're doing the challenge while traveling? Woah! Good luck on being able to swing that. You're off to a great start, getting those A to Z posts in order, in advance. The good news is, the meme happens all year long...not solely during April. You're welcombe to participate upon your return :)


You're mid-march goal is a solid game plan to have. It gives you time to rest up in preparation for visiting blogs in April.


Arlee Bird said...

I enjoy your Monday movie questions. I usually have to dig a bit to come up with answers, but I enjoy remembering films I have seen and hearing from others about the ones I have missed.

Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog

Shaharizan Perez said...

I have already laid out the topic for each of my 26 posts but I may decide to do the weekly Movie meme. Thanks for the recommendation. :D

Unknown said...

I chose a theme (Why I Blog), and I have about a third of my A to Z letters planned, but no posts actually written as of yet. Hoping to spend a little time on those today!

J.L. Campbell said...

Cool idea for movie buffs.

Huntress said...

I felt like a slacker when my movie theme for last year's A to Z turned out so easy to do.
CD Coffelt pontificates at Spirit Called

Al Diaz said...

If only the meme were in Spanish I think it would be easier for me, hahaha. Searching for the real titles, the real dialogue and such is really time consuming. :)

Robin said...

I tried to post a comment on your Monday Movie Meme on your blog, but it isn't showing up. Are you moderating comments? It didn't appear that way, so it struck me as odd. Anyway, I like your idea very much. I even decided to participate and follow along... Thank you for thinking of such an excellent idea!!!

Tina said...

What a great idea on how to combine MMM with the challenge. You're such a creative person, you continue to amaze me! Please check your email - I sent you an important minion email.

Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Jo said...

You would like a movie theme Alex. LOL

Not for me though, I don't have much problem with A to Z because I write a blog 6/7 anyway. Just have to find things which fit the letter of the day. I have already written some of my posts but not more than the first week. Had to remember Alex's 10 Top Movies Blogfest first.


Rhonda Albom said...

Looks like a cool idea. Thanks for the suggestion.


Nicole said...


Its people like you who make hosting the Monday Movie Meme worthwhile. I appreciate that you always check it out, even at times when a particular topic might not jog your memory. The fact that we can all learn about movies we never saw and also remember films we did watch is all the more reason why I do it :)


You're further along on 26 topics for the A to Z than I am! Lol. You are welcome to participate in my Monday movie memes any time...starting as early as this week or next week.


There's no time like today to get as much preparation done for April as possible. Am I the only one who doesn't have a theme nor any posts done?! I have to get on the good foot!

J.L. Campbell,

Thank would be cool if you joined in on the fun of my movie madness too.


Slacker you are most certainly not. You found the sweet spot of surviving the A to Z challege...working smarter, not harder! Plus, if blogging on a movie theme for 26 days makes you a slacker, then I wonder what that says about me -- I blog about movies all year round and when I'm not blogging about movies, I'm making them...and I gotta tell ya, it surely isn't easy.

Al Diaz,

Maybe we can try to attract some spanish-language bloggers next year or next month. In the meantime, Google's translator for the Chrome browser works wonders! Try it and see if it cuts down on the time it takes to find the real titles, etc. on English-language blogs :)


Thank you so much for letting me know about your comment on my blog. I will check out my dashboard when I log in tomorrow, to see if your comment got stuck in the "spam" folder. I do not have comment moderation setup on my blog. Oftentimes, several comments get sent to the spam section and I have to go in and manually move them. I am so pumped to learn you enjoy my weekly Monday Movie Meme idea for the challenge! I also look forward to your participation in the meme :)


I figured I might as well merge the two since I don't want to pause my meme just to get through April, you know, lol. Thanks for your support and kind words...its nice to know there's someone out there who makes sense of all the madness that I put out. YES, I received your email....and I sent a reply.


I knew it was a matter of time before someone mentioned Alex's blogfest. I still have yet to sign many tasks and little time. I'll probably do it tho.


If it helps make blogging and/or the A to Z challenge easier for you to do, then I've done my job! Thanks for commenting. I'm glad my blog offer is cool to you :)

Writer & Director of the Short Film, Abyss

Anonymous said...

Cool idea! Who doesn't like good movies and talking about them. I know I do.

Michelle Wallace said...

This will solve the G, M, S and Y problem for movie lovers or anybody who intends including movies within their A to Z posts!

Nicole said...


It looks like you and I are cut from the same fabric in that sense. Now, I'm wondering if that means you'll join me in my Monday Movie Madness. Yes? No? Maybe?


That is the plan...I have participants who are interested, covered for four of the letters. From there, participants just have to figure out what to do with the remaining 22.