Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The #atozchallenge Team Needs Volunteers to Help!

Wanna help us out? We're seeking minions to help do some of the behind the scenes grunt work with us. You'd get a special badge emailed to you so that no non-minion could have one. Perhaps you object to the word minion. Of course, we'd never call you that in public. It would be a secret between the team and you priceless minions. You'd get the prestigious title of “volunteer administrative assistants” in public.  (You'd be listed as an assistant on the A-Z Blog and that would probably bring you more traffic.)

Are you game? Here's how it works. Each team member wants their own number of volunteers, and will choose their volunteers in their own way. No, even though it sounds like it, it's not a popularity contest. 

What it really boils down to is what we've been trying to show bloggers about this challenge, and about blogging itself. It's a community and friend building activity.  For example, I have a lot of blogger buddies I know well and trust. I know they'd follow the guidelines, I know they'd follow through. I know who to pick if they volunteer.  Consider it a perk of being an active part of the blogging and A-Z community.

So! If you want to be a minion/volunteer/list checker, etc. Here's what you do. Leave a comment saying you volunteer.   We'll let you know by private email who we've picked, and then once all is settled, we'll put your names up as minions, I mean volunteers!

Questions? Stick 'em in your comments, or send to the new Be aware there you'd get me (Tina) because that's one of my jobs. So you might as well email me drectly with general questions.  My email is tndowney (at) gmail (dot) com.  Either one, just I check my own more often.

~ Tina, on behalf of the entire A-Z Team


Dani said...

I would like to be a minion if anyone wants me!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to volunteer. I would be honoured,


Jolie du Pre said...

Yes, I would like to be a volunteer!

Anonymous said...

Happy to volunteer. Always aspired to be a minion.


Laura S. said...

This Blogfest is my favorite and I'd be happy to assist in any way I could! Add me to your list of possible minions- err, volunteers. ;)

Mummygadgetgeek said...

Minion is my middle name!

I completed last year's challenge successfully and looking forward to taking part again this year :)

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Sure. Hit me up.

Unknown said...

I'll volunteer.

terrirochenski at yahoo dot com

Rosalind Adam said...

This is my favourite Challenge of the year. I'd love to be a volunteer so please count me in.

J.S. Andersen said...

I'm a volunteer.

Charity Bradford said...

Before I volunteer, what would be involved. Mostly what kind of time constraints. I want to make sure I can deliver if picked. :) You can email me at charity.bradford @

I hope to have time. I've already picked all my daily topics and started drafting the posts.


Matthew MacNish said...

Love the new font. And I've got dibs on Dani or Laura! Just kidding.

Sheila Siler said...

I can minion - and I don't even mind being called that in public!

Unknown said...

I second Charity... what kind of time commitment would be involved? What jobs would this entail? I would LOVE to volunteer, but I want to make sure I'd have time to do it well! I'm already working on my blog topics for the month of April--so excited!

Feel free to email me at jaimie dot ramsey at cune dot org.

Anonymous said...

I would love to volunteer - sounds like great fun!!

Email is printedportal[at]gmail[.]com

Anonymous said...

I'll volunteer, but only if you'll call me Minion. :)

nickiivey (at) gmail (dot) com

Anthony J said...

Potential Minion reporting for duty !

betty said...

I think it would be a honor to be a minion and to help out with such a fun thing like this! Count me in, if you want me :)


Rob Z Tobor said...

I have a lot going on so am going to avoid taking more on than I think I can handle so will just concentrate on getting the posts done, but I see many appear to be happy to help which you may need if you get more entries than last year.

Good luck recruiting.

Tina said...

Wow! What a great batch of volunteers! We did have a section in the post about what you'd do...but it sounded SO boring (I, Tina, wrote it...just confessing) that we took it out lest we scare you away.

Basically, we need continuous monitoring of the list. As co-hosts, we've already checked through most of the ones signed up (I'm behind...I need my minions NOW!).

We're checking that:
1) It's a live link to a blog not an ad
2) that the person has not forgotten to add (AC) if it's adult content

There are a lot more details which will go in a mass email to the minions (glad you liked the name,most of you, it's because many of us loved Despicable Me...)

As to time commitment, that will depend on which co-host who's working with you and how big of a section they assign you. We each want a different number of minions. Speaking for myself, they will take over the link checking so that I am freed up to visit new blogs each day and meet as many participants as possible since besides the backstage, that's our biggest focus: building community.

We will be sending out our guidelines and details BEFORE you commit, so don't worry, your "yes" isn't final until you're sure.

To be completely honest, I'm glad so many of you realized that it IS a huge time commitment. What goes on behind the scenes is so much more than I ever could have imagined when I first participated as a participant ONLY in 2011. Compare it to staging a Broadway Show and you saw it closing night...

Keep the questions coming! Glad to have so many excited to help us!

Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Jeremy [Retro] said...

I want "Minions"... give me some... that would be awesome...

J.L. Campbell said...

I can help. Count me in.

pamlovesbooks said...

Don't choose me as a minion. Unless, of course you want someone who'll do your lists in triplicate and triple check everything. Overachiever here.


Tami Von Zalez said...

*raises hand* - I want to be a minion!

Andrea said...

OK, now that I see that there will be more details before I hit the deal/no deal button, I will throw myself into the minion arena...I so hope there are no dragons!

Unknown said...

I'll volunteer! Sounds like fun!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Happy to help out if you still need more people

Jen said...

I would be happy to volunteer.

Chuck said...

If I were not going to be on vacation during part of the challenge I would love to help. I am sure you will get a great group without me though!

Chuck at Apocalypse Now

Marci Ybarra said...

Ooo! Oooo! Pick me! I wanna be a minion! :P I would love to be able to help out in any way that I could!


Arlee Bird said...

Wow! So great to see such an enthusiastic response to volunteer. Some excellent bloggers in this list so far. Thank you all!

Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog
Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Kelly Stilwell said...

Doesn't look like you'll be in need of volunteers, but I would help if needed. I did the challenge last year.

Jolie du Pre said...

@Tina - I'm a Type A personality - aka anal.

What does that mean?

It means I'd be good for this blog.

Sign me up.

Teacher-Mom said...

I think I can be a minion, just not a lemming. (g)

Mina Lobo said...

I'm happy to be of service.

Unknown said...

Lovely responses, thanks all for signing up!

We need more, more, more!

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

If any more volunteers are needed, I would certainly like to help!

Elise Fallson said...

Sign me up on the minion list! (:

Jackie said...

I'd love to help!

Unknown said...

I'd love to help out! Please let me know in any way I can.
We Are Adventure

Rob Z Tobor said...

Well I'm not a helper, sorry about that time and stuff . . . . . but I just saw a suspect blog which to a simple chap like me looks like a sell stuff blog . . . . . I will watch and see if it vanishes.

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

I would be more than happy to be a volunteer. I should let you know though, that I cannot be a "Minion" however because after all, I do have a bid for Supreme Leader of the Known Universe and it would not be proper. Don't believe me? Then check out my FB page. LOL :)

Anyway, volunteer here for sure. Second year for the A-Z for me.
nailamoon1968 at gmail dot com

Michelle Wallace said...

I would love to help out! Just give me a shout.

baygirl32 said...

I'll do the minion thing :)

Elizabeth Sara said...

I volunteer!

Katie Dunn said...

I'll help out, if you'll take me;-)

Anonymous said...

Raises hand and say, "I'm game. Call me minion. Call me volunteer. Just don't call me late for dinner!" battabing! :)

Tara Tyler said...

just let me know what you need =)

Golden Eagle said...

I'd be happy to volunteer!

Martha said...

Do we have a mini minion category? I'd really love to help but I do work full time and have my own posts and visiting to keep up with - but this is my 3rd year, I know all the hard work that goes into it from all sides. I'd be happy to be part of the group, just can't take on anything huge. Let me know what I can do!

Rhonda Albom said...

I hope I am not too late to volunteer. I would love to help out. I had to skip last year as we were traveling around the world.


DL Hammons said...

Can I have my minions on the side?? :)

Right now, I'm good.

Anonymous said...

I would love to be a volunteer.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I would love to volunteer! What a great opportunity!


Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi Tina,
Good to be here again,
What a great idea is this!
Am I fit into it? If so pl.
include my name too in it. Ha, Ha, Happy to Join In,
Have a wonderful time ahead.
Happy Blogging.

Unknown said...

Hi Tina,
I am new to A to Z and blogging in general. So I don't know that I would qualify as a minion. I'd like to know what's involved, but I think it might be fun to volunteer for such a venture if I know what I am signing on to. Do you want novices? Thanks, Maria

Julie Flanders said...

I'm excited to be a minion and would love to help out. Count me in. :)

VR Barkowski said...

I've always wanted to be a minion and would love to help—and not just because it would look fab on my resume.

~VR Barkowski

Unknown said...

Yes, I'll help out. I'm a good little soldier if I'm told what to do :-)

Sopphey Vance said...

Is there still room for one more minion? I already tweet and retweet the A to Z Challenge, I can definitely help out more.

Misha Gerrick said...

I'm a bit late to the game, but I volunteer if anyone needs me. :-)

Tonya @ The Traveling Praters said...

Wow. I'm really late to the game, but if you need another minion- especially to help out in the travel category- I'd love to assist. :)