Friday, February 8, 2013

Getting to Know Your Co-Hosts - Shannon, The Warrior Muse


Name: Shannon Lawrence
Blogs: The Warrior Muse, Writing From the Peak (as Managing Editor)
Publications: Sunday Snaps: The Stories, an anthology
Other Places to Find Me: LinkedIn, Facebook (blog), Facebook (personal), Twitter (@thewarriormuse), She Writes, Google+


1. When writing, do you prefer to compose your first-draft by hand, on your computer, or using Morse code?  While I wish I knew Morse code, I usually compose in a mix of pencil and computer (but never the two together...that would be messy!)  For novel writing, I prefer that go directly onto the computer.  A specific computer, in fact.  For short stories and such, I will often write on paper first, though not always.  It really just depends when and where the mood takes me, and if I feel like paper and pencil or computer keys.

2. Who would win a fight: Jiminy Cricket or Tinkerbell?  Tinkerbell, hands down.  That girl is feisty.  She's pretty scary.  J.C. is a bit of a softie, and I feel like he'd run and hide when he saw the pixie dust flying.

3. Cake or pie?  Cake.  Always cake.  While I won't turn down pie (for the most part), a moist delicious slice of cake is impossible to say no to.

4. Describe the last Halloween costume you wore.  I was a rainbow faerie this year.  I'd intended to go with something different, but found a rainbow wig and colorful wings that I couldn't resist.  Below is a pic of hubby and I (he made that Batman costume).  I also had on rainbow striped leggings.  Fun!

5. Where do you hail from?  All over!  I was born in California, and have lived in Oregon, Maryland and Colorado.  Not as many places as some, but good enough for me.  We've had opportunities to move, but have so far passed them up; some of those opportunities were for overseas.  Maybe some day.  I really love it here in Colorado, though.  I AM a Coloradan.

6. Do you know how to Gangnam Style?  Heck yeah, I do!  I like to bust it out to humiliate my children.  That's why we have them, right?  Unfortunately for my son, he's very easy to embarrass.  My daughter, on the other hand, is impossible to humiliate.  I imagine my son will adjust, as both his parents are smart alecks (I can never figure out the proper spelling for that word...).

7. Where do you go to get away from it all?  I like to hike, and I back up to a place called Ute Valley Park, so I can go there if I need a walk or to hide myself.  If I'm okay with being around other people, but want gorgeous views, I'll go to Garden of the Gods.  It relaxes me.  Both places do.

Garden of the Gods in the fall
Can you see why?  That's Pikes Peak in the background.  I know I'm home when I see Pikes Peak.

8. What makes life worth living?  So much.  My kids, my hubby, my family, my writing, nature, my surroundings, my kitty, my friends, movies, books, the simple pleasures.

9. Who inspires you to write?  My fellow writers.  My friends and family.  My writer's groups.  Nature.  I find my inspiration all around me.  I love writing!

10. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?  Cone or cup?  Sprinkles or hot fudge sauce?  I like anything chocolate, but chocolate and marshmallow make me supremely happy.  I prefer a cup.  I don't like the taste of cones, and I'm always sad when that is the flavor I'm left with.  I prefer whipped cream, hot fudge and a maraschino cherry.  Not the mediciny ones I always manage to get from Baskin Robbins, though.  What's up with that?

I hope you feel like you've gotten to know me a little better!  What are your answers to these questions?  I'd love to see your views in the comments.

May you find your Muse.

Shannon L.
The Warrior Muse


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You humiliate your children - good for you!
Tell your husband that's one impressive Batman costume.

Tina said...

I *love* to embarrass my children. The best is now when I'm on the medication I promised not to harp about, but heck, this isn't MY personal blog so I'll say it: prednisone. It magnifies every emotion and tendency you have. I'm an extrovert, so grocery store clerks, etc. have heard a lot of stories in the last six months. Finally had to work out a code with my kids where they address me as MOTHER instead of Mom and that's the signal that my mouth should have been done running over before I started. Poor kids...
And I'm with Alex, WOW on the batman costume. You said engineer, right? Very impressive.

Nice example you've set for all of us on how to do the "get to know you" posts. I thought I knew you, and now I know even more!

Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

betty said...

I like that Batman costume! He did great with creating it! You guys made a great looking couple in your costumes!! Colorado is such a beautiful state; I can see why you enjoy living there!


Al Diaz said...

What a lovely fairy you make! You're wonderfully fun :)

Laura S. said...

Great to learn more about you, Shannon! I love anything chocolate, too. And Tinkerbell would definitely kick butt!

Andrew Leon said...

What? You don't use your pencil on your monitor? I don't know what to think about that.

Nicole said...

I bet lots of inspiration for writing comes from you being surrounded from gorgeous views like what you describe of Pikes Peak. Your family sounds (and looks) like a fun bunch....I wonder if a taste of waffle cones from some great NYC ice cream spots might change your mind. Its no surprise Basking Robbins has mediciny cherries...gotta try what's available outside the chain dessert places and you just might find a delicious maraschino :)


Nicole said...

P.S. I forgot to mention that I sooo want a rainbow wig now!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Where in Oregon did you live? I grew up there.

Sanderella said...

Enjoyed reading about you and what your favs are!

Chocolate comes to my mind! I love it and must have some of it at least twice a week!!

Tinkerbell is one of my favorite Disney characters and I will place all bets on her....J Cricket doesn't have the energy she does!

Fun visit, come see me sometime too....I joined the A to Z looking forward to it!


Just learning about what it takes to write!

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

cool, I ended up here when I was replying to Alex. I LOVE your answers. You are awesome!

Unknown said...

Getting on my grown son's nerves/embarrassing him makes my life complete, and so does whipped cream, hot fudge, a maraschino cherry, and chopped pecans--with all that, who needs the ice cream?

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Brilliant... I want to hang with you!

Tami Von Zalez said...

Hi WM! I see you've escaped California. Nice to read more about you ~

Unknown said...

I vote for Tinkerbell too.
About humiliating your children - it would have been a good parenting advice for my parents! They really gave me and my sisters too much liberty and we know little shame or regret!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post, all those facts about you were very interesting and enjoyable to read.


klahanie said...

Hi Shannon,

The wait is over. Yes, it's me, the shy dude who leaves um award winning comments. Well, maybe not this time.

It's good to know a bit more about the cordial hosts of the gosh darn fun challenge that brings further awareness of our alphabet.

On a serious note, Shannon, I know that the passion to write, the magic of the written word, lies within your heart and soul. And all the positive inspirations around you, bodes well for your love of writing.

All the best to you and those participating in the A to Z. Must get my alternative postings ready.

In kindness, your starstruck fan,

Gary :)

J.L. Campbell said...

Love me some ice cream too.
I can tell you're into fairies. ;)

Jo said...

Nice to 'meet' you. I haven't any kids to embarrass, but now I know why my mother used to embarrass me, didn't know it was something parents had to do LOL.


Shannon Lawrence said...

Alex, I'll pass that on! And yes, of course, I humiliate them. Doesn't everyone?

Tina, these posts are so fun! He's a computer geek. Haha, poor kids! It will keep them honest. ;-p

Betty, thank you! We had fun. The kids were all dressed up, too, but I try not to post pics of them. I do love Colorado, but every state has its beauty.

Al, aw, thank you!

Laura, yes, chocolate and kick-butt Tink!

Andrew, I know, right? We have a touch screen monitor, so technically I could.

Nicole, I love that wig! Ooooh, my favorite place is Glacier gelato. It's privately owned, though they've expanded here from Boulder. Everything is natural there (except the put dye in the mint chocolate chip, because people complain when it isn't green). Love that place, and they never give medicine cherries. Of course, I'd never turn down ice cream in NYC, either.

L. Diane, I grew up mostly in the Salem and Turner areas. Lived in Sheridan and McMinnville. My parents lived in Beaverton (so did I for a couple months). And then my family is all over (Portland, Amity, Beverly Beach, and Medford.

Shannon Lawrence said...

Sandy, true on the energy, too! That Tink zips all over the place. Glad you've joined!

Jean, thanks! So glad you ended up here!

Jan, excellent! And ha! I used to actually make a bowl of whipped cream, chocolate and cherries as dessert, no ice cream.

Jeremy, at least we know that may be a real option one of these days!

Tami, oh yes, I lived in California less time than anywhere else, and just as a baby.

Elena, Jiminy just isn't getting any love. Ha! Ah well, you guys need to humiliate each other and make it even.

Yvonne, thank you!

Gary, you're so sweet! Thank you for the nice words. I'm looking forward to your alternative posts.

J.L., not as much as you might think, but I do like them! My daughter is a major Tinkerbell fan; we've got all the movies.

Jo, nah, we don't have to do it--it's a perk!

Petronela said...

You are an amazing fairy, Shannon, and I am so happy I found you on facebook. Lovely idea of a post :).

DL Hammons said... do look a little like Katy Perry! :)

Graciewilde said...

That was a fun post to read. I loved the photo of Garden of Gods and wish I had such a go to place. I am a native Californian who still lives here. There are many parts of the "California mystique" that seriously disturb me (think public education, values attached to consumerism and appearances, blah blah blah). HOwever, I have to give it to the state when it comes to beautiful surroundings. I live on the North coast and am enamored with the ocean. But, I will drop everything and head to incredible Yosemite when given a chance! There is so much natural beauty in many parts of the stare.

Mina Lobo said...

Embarrassing one's children is both an honor and a duty. Plus, it's payback for how evilly they treat us during their middle school years. Also, dig that wig and them wings! :-)

D.M. SOLIS said...

Great interview, prompted by fine questions. I appreciate the whimsey here, as in your blog, the serious-play.

And I so enjoy following your blog. Peace and all good,


Stephanie Allen said...

While normally I'll take cake over pie any day (especially cupcakes...), if there is pecan pie at stake, I'll choose that, no question.

You know, your kids might hate being embarrassed now, but someday they'll realize it's just character building :)

Arlee Bird said...

It's an honor serve alongside you on the A to Z Team. Anyone who is a fan of chocolate and marshmallow is okay in my book.

Have you ever tried compiling a life soundtrack?
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog

klahanie said...

And Lee,

Dude, it's an honour (honor) apologies to my proper English spell check, to come here and basically make fun of y'all. In a really nice way, of course!

Have a peaceful weekend all of you fine folks who want to bring further awareness of our alphabet. Gosh...I'm outta' here....

Arlee Bird said...

If someone is going to make fun of us we want the best! The honor (honour) is ours my friend!

Have you ever tried compiling a life soundtrack?
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog

klahanie said...

Thanks Lee. As you know, my good natured fun actually is intended to bring further awareness of this challenge. Look forward to making fun of it all. Thank you and what an honor doh...honour!

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi, Shannon, its really good to know a bit more about you, wonderful, fascinating things and stories ahead to hear right? Keep inform. Best. Phil

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rosalind Adam said...

Amazing list of questions... Amazingly hilarious I might add! I love all those foods, especially the chocolate ones and as for all that nature you have around you! That looks like a beautiful place to live. Leicester UK has it's good points but as I've lived here all my life I crave for open spaces and fabulous views.

See you at the A to Z. Looking forward to it.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Shannon .. well at last - here's another Brit slightly late to the Warrior's table ..

The family sounds great and I'm sure son will adapt - he must have grandparent traits!

Well get all the space you can - as the A-Z lock-down will be with us soon ...

You all do such excellent work .. see you around .. cheers Hilary

Anonymous said...

#6 is hilarious.

I'm a cake girl myself.

Anonymous said...

Hot fudge sundae or banana split - beats cake and pie, hands down! My bet's on Jiminy, btw:)

Tamara said...

LOVE the rainbow fairy costume. I have been a fairy many years for Halloween. And its an excellent Batman as well!

Great answers except for that I'm dieting and now I want to get a slice of chocolate cake and top it off with sprinkles and hot fudge. ;)

James Garcia Jr said...

Very cute post, Shannon. As a Californian, I was bummed about you embracing Colorado as you have. *winks* I'm glad you've found happiness there. Thanks for reminding me of my responsibility to embarass the kids. I hate to think I have been neglecting my duties there. *laughs*


Shannon Lawrence said...

Petronela, I'm glad you found me, too!

DL, LOL, see?! I have a similar face shape.

Gracie, oh, I know it! I still have family in California, and one of my cousins is a photographer. She posts gorgeous shots of her surroundings!

Mina, ha, exactly! Though I'm paying them back in advance. They can thank my siblings and god children for that one.

Diane, thank you, I appreciate it! I like the word whimsy. :)

Stephanie, that's right! I intend to give them LOTS of character. ;-p

Lee, then I must be A-OK, because I love that combo! And thank you, it's always an honor to get to work with you.

Gary, we'd miss you if you stopped.

PV, oh, there's always more. Thank you!

Rosalind, I'd love to visit Leicester some day. Every place is beautiful. I had hoped to visit Essex before my friend moved, but she now lives in Australia (her family sort of bounces back and forth between the two).

Hilary, that would be my mom-she has little sense of humor and is quite literal. Hysterical since my dad is such a smart aleck (that would be where I got it).

Medeia, ha, I bet it's even more hilarious to see.

M.J., mmmm, ice cream. Sonic used to have mini banana splits that I could eat fairly guilt-free, but they got rid of them. So sad!

Tamara, oh, I'm sorry, it's evil to mention dessert then! There is some manner of Weight Watchers dessert for brownies that involved using Diet Coke to cook it. I never tried it, but it apparently shaved off a lot of calories. (Though I vote for cheating now and then, and having that piece of cake.)

James, oh goodness, don't neglect it! As mentioned above, you need them to have character. ;-p No worries. Not all my ties to California are snipped.

Trisha said...

Chocolate and marshmallow ice cream?? Why have I never heard of this? You crazy Americans come up with the darndest stuff. :)

Shannon Lawrence said...

Trisha, what!? No chocolate marshmallow ice cream!? Oh, I'm traumatized. It's super tasty.

Michelle Wallace said...

I've always been more of a long-hand writer...
I'm a savoury girl, so I'd have to go with the pie... which also means I'm not a great fan of ice-cream, though I do eat it on occasion, especially ice-cream with hazel nuts... yummy!
Nice to learn more about you Shannon!

Shannon Lawrence said...

Michelle, sometimes I find my thoughts really flow with longhand writing. Other times I realize I can't read a thing I just wrote.

Shannon at The Warrior Muse