Friday, December 21, 2012

Letter Play - Over and Out!

The following blog photos are brought to you by Nicole at The Madlab Post...

It’s time for Letter Play - Where DIY activities, cinema and life offline collide!

Marking the very last post for Letter Play 2012 and Letter O in this Friday Fun Time series, here are four O’s that I found on popular consumer goods. I wonder which among you devout Blogging from A-to-Zers can match the “O” to its accompanying grocery store item.





Have a Fun Friday, everybody!

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Shannon Lawrence said...

Hmmm...#3 maybe looks like a marshmallow bag? #4 looks like Dole something, maybe? Gah, I need to pay more attention at the supermarket!

Shannon at The Warrior Muse

Nicole said...


You're guess for #4 is correct! It is a box of Dole Fruit Bars.

Here are the sources of the Os:

1. Kashi Go Lean Cereal

2. Downey dryer sheets

3. Pop Tarts

4. Dole package label