Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Help With our 2013 Co-Host Questionnaire!

We're hard at work preparing for the 2013 A-to-Z Challenge, and we need your help!

Last year, each of us co-hosts answered a set of questions in a Getting to Know You post, so participants could learn a little about us and know who it was they'd be talking to or dealing with throughout the challenge.  You'll find last year's list of questions below.

This year, we want to know what YOU want to know about us.  We're asking you to create our questionnaire for us.  What would you like to ask us?  Leave a comment with your question(s).  You can suggest as many as you'd like.  Have fun with it!  No question is too silly.

For ideas, see the list below or click on the names of last year's co-hosts to read our answers to last year's questions.  Maybe you'll get some ideas based on what we said in 2012.

If we get enough questions, we'll each be choosing a set number to answer for ourselves, rather than answering all the same questions.  This way, you get a little variety.

Last year's Getting to Know You posts:

Alex J. Cavanaugh
Arlee Bird
Damyanti Biswas
DL Hammons
Elizabeth Mueller
Jenny Pearson
Jeremy Hawkins (Retro-Zombie)
Konstanz Silverbow
Matthew MacNish
Shannon Lawrence (The Warrior Muse)
Stephen Tremp
Tina Downey

Our 10 Getting to Know You Questions:

What is the most daring thing you've ever done?
What is your favorite article of clothing?
What is your favorite monster?
If you had to dress up as your favorite literary character, who would it be?
What is your favorite fairy tale, urban legend or nursery rhyme?
What is a cause near and dear to your heart?
What's the strangest item you've used as a bookmark?
Do you have any nicknames?  What are they, and how did you earn them?
Name one habit you want to change in yourself.
Tell us something interesting or shocking about yourself.

And our 5 A-to-Z Questions: 

What was your favorite A-to-Z post from 2011?
What brought you to the A-to-Z originally?  Tell us about your first A-to-Z.
Are you doing a theme?
Are you writing and scheduling posts in advance?
What is your favorite letter of the alphabet, and why?  What letter do you like least?

What questions do you want us to answer?  What do you want to know about your 2013 A-to-Z co-hosts? Can you get us to tell our deepest, darkest secrets?

May you find your Muse.

Shannon Lawrence
The Warrior Muse



As I was the first person to sign up for the first A to Z , my question is
What reason did you have to sign up for the A to Z and what did you expect to gain from entering.


D.G. Hudson said...

Another Getting to Know You question: "Where do you hail from?" (I like seeing all the countries involved and it's not always obvious from the blogpage).

For the A-Z Q's:
"When is the best time to post your entry for each day?" (I noticed some bloggers posted at the end of the day or in the evening, when it won't be seen by as many people.)

Looking forward to another one. I'm already mulling over my options.

Tina said...

Great start! Thanks for helping us out!
Tina @ Life is Good

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Shannon .. how do you all cope?!

One blog is enough for me .. and FB, Twitter are on the sidelines ..

Organisation I guess -

I do love the Challenge and yes I am writing my posts in advance .. slowly but surely.

I really appreciate the organisation by you and your fellow A-Zers ... it's great to have such professionalism in the background - and also people who care ..

Cheers Hilary

Arlee Bird said...

Good post Shannon. Now to get some more questions! We've got some good ones here so far.

Wrote By Rote

Shannon Lawrence said...

Yvonne, that's a great question!

D.G., I enjoy seeing all the different locations, too. Great questions!

Hilary, it's wonderful to have A-to-Z'ers who care back and make it all worthwhile.

Lee, thanks, we do! Can't wait to see what else A-to-Z'ers come up with.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Have you ever wanted to be a rock star? Oh wait, that might not be a good one for all of us...

Shannon Lawrence said...

Alex, indeed! But what rock star would you be?

L.G. Keltner said...

Would you rather have your own personal sailing ship or spaceship? What would you name your ship?

Shannon Lawrence said...

L.G., oh, that's a fun one! Thanks for contributing.

Tina said...

That's the spirit, L.G! Keep 'em coming!
Tina @ Life is Good

Tina said...

In the spirit of setting a good example:

1) Favorite childhood memory

Tina @ Life is Good

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Shannon .. this is my entry copied over on Tina's blog:

Hi Tina and co-hosts .. I want to know where to dig - where is the treasure trove .. there must also be some skeletons!

1) How does everyone operate their Reader ... do they clear it every day? Can you have two Reader accounts .. one for bloggers and one for other ... I guess I need to do some tutorials!

2) How do you comment - if someone posts 5,6,7 times a week .. once -

or 3 times .. then each time

or once or twice .. then each time

I can't keep up .. but hate not supporting everyone ..

Obviously the A - Z is different .. I go to people I know, look at new people's blog and see their style - if it doesn't suit .. I move on.

LIKE: The idea of starting 5 blogs ahead was a great idea ...

EXTRA EXTRA .. how do you use those HTML tags .. and I've yet to learn about the signature line too ..

Cheers that's me ... Hilary

Mrs.Books.Coffee.Rain said...

Which is your favorite fictional character and why?

Nicole said...

Here are some questions...

1. If you were a contestant on the CBS show "Amazon Race" and could pick ANY movie character to be your partner, who would it be and why?

2. What is the most Underrated letter of the Alphabet?

3. What is the most Overrated letter of the Alphabet?

4. Name a book that didn't meet your expectations.

5. Name a movie you watched that exceeded your expectations.

6. Describe the last Halloween costume you wore.

7. What makes life worth living?

8. Do you know how to 'Gangnam Style?'

9. Are you smarter than a 5th Grader?

10. Name an item that you have too much of.

Matt Conlon said...

1) What is your "Thing". i.e. do you have a non-professional hobby or a particularly acute preference for something that you feel defines a large part of who you are?

2) What items could you typically have in your pockets?

3) You're on a crowded train, and the person across the way from you (who is probably 20 years your senior) finishes a bag of chips, and throws his trash on the floor.

4) When was the last time you were slapped, and what did you do to provoke it?

5) Cake or pie?

6) What is the most unusual thing you have ever given as a gift?

7) What makes you cry? (Emotional reasons. Onions don't count.)

8) Where do you go to "Get away from it all"?

9) What's more important, space exploration, or under-sea exploration?

10) Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he dressed up as a girl bunny?

Matt Conlon said...

Duh. Forgot to finish question 3...

3) You're on a crowded train, and the person across the way from you (who is probably 20 years your senior) finishes a bag of chips, and throws his trash on the floor.

Do you speak up and tell him to pick up his trash, or just let him go?

Mina Lobo said...

1. Who would win in a fight: Jiminy Cricket or Tinkerbell?

2. True or False: Frequently cracking your knuckles will lead to arthritis. (Defend your choice.)

3. Coke or Pepsi?

4. When writing, do you prefer to compose your first-draft by hand, on your computer, or using Morse Code?

5. What's one thing you wish you'd known about blogging before you started?

Some Dark Romantic

Tracy MacDonald said...

These are all really good questions, not sure if I can add much. But I'll try:

1. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Cone or cup? Sprinkles or hot fudge sauce?

2. If you could sing any song with the artist who wrote/performed it, what would it be and with whom?

3. On a rainy day- curl up on the couch with a good book, or a good movie?

4. If you could make a recommendation for a book for World Book Night (awesome event on 4/23), what book would it be?

And that's it for me. I'm already planning ideas for my post and can't wait! I've been thinking about it since the summer!

Arlee Bird said...

I'm loving these questions!

Tossing It Out

Anonymous said...

How old were you when you realized your passion for writing?

Who inspired you to write in the very beginning?

Who inspires you now?

Shannon Lawrence said...

Tina, that's a sweet one!

Hilary, wow, thanks for all the questions!

Mayflow3r, oh, fun one! And tricky.

Nicole, jeebers! Great bunch of questions. Hope you're prepared to answer them, too!

Matt, excellent list of questions, thanks!

Mina, beep, beeep, beeep, oh, sorry, no Morse code. Meant to say, thanks for the questions!

Tracy, awesome that you're already planning, and thank you for the questions! Now I want a hot fudge sundae.

MiMi, wonderful, thought provoking questions, thanks!