Friday, November 30, 2012

Letter Play - Wickedly Wrecked and Weary

The following roundup is brought to you by Nicole at The Madlab Post...

It’s time for Letter Play - Where DIY activities, cinema and life offline collide!

Items in and around the house featuring Letter W have been hard to come by when working on today's post.  Add to that the fact that I'm tired and wiped out from a long, hectic, stressful week -- the last thing I want to do is look at a computer or take photographs. So instead of going through new W's, let's take a look at some of the previous letter play posts that followed this series' metamorphosis:

First glance clues: Two of the W's are from food items while the remaining one is from a printed publication.

First glance clues: All of the C's are from items found in the grocery store aisles but one of them is also sold at locations that house goldfish and turtles.

That's all folks!

Have a Happy Friday...

@MadlabPost on Twitter

1 comment:

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Nicole .. I can imagine you're whacked - now that's a W .. and there's all those Christmas Windows around .. now that's a C and a W .. gosh I'm getting clever at this!

Enjoy the weekend .. cheers Hilary - another W and C ...!!