Thursday, September 13, 2012

Books by Some of Our Author-friends #goodreads

 Authors help authors-- that's the way it works amongst writers and bloggers. In that spirit, here's my second post in the series of books by indie-author friends (first post here): some are books I came across, others have been recommended for mention.

 I'm adding only one link, but you can click through to the author sites for more options and also more books they've written. I've added a bit about each book, so if you see what you like, go buy it!

If you're an author-friend, or a reader who loved a recent download, leave a comment with the link to the book.

So here it goes, in no particular order: 

Shannon GrissomMonkey Made of Sockies

Want to smile? Want to giggle? Are you ready to return to your childhood? All you have to do is pick up a copy of Monkey Made of Sockies.  As soon as you see the smile on the monkey’s face, you’ll gain a smile of your own.  Each turn of the page describes why Monkey Made of Sockies is the favored toy at Grammy’s house.  The vibrant illustrations and lyrical text make reading his book a truly enjoyable experience.

                                                          Jacqueline Stone: Rising from Ashes

Living in the shadow of abuse is a dark and frightening experience that limits every area of life. This book is an invitation to come out of the shadows and into the light of Love, to heal your heart and learn to love yourself. It empowers the reader with tools for self-awareness and healing processes to become a joyful co-creator. If you're ready to heal your heart and finally know what it is to be happy, get this book.

Allan Douglas: Writing for Profit or Pleasure

Writing for Profit or Pleasure; Where to Publish Your Work, is 146 pages (paperback version), 30,000 words of concise, insightful information about where and how a writer can achieve publication of their writings. Whether you write for income or for the joy of it, whether you aspire to write on-line or for print, this book has a wealth of information to help you find and secure publication.

Joe Bunting: Let's Write a Short Story!

An eBook about the process of writing and publishing short stories. The book will guide you through the process of researching publications, writing your story, editing, and submitting your work to literary magazines. It's also a primer in how to make a career in fiction writing. If you've ever wanted to be a writer, this book will help get you started.
  • Why all the great writers started with short stories, and why you should, too.
  • How to build a fiction platform with short stories rather than just another blog.
  • How short stories are structured differently than novels. 
  • -----------------------------------------------------------

This post is brought to you by Damyanti@Amlokiblogs


Tina said...

I love this idea and feel like it could be a regular feature here at the A-Z. Authors could send us their links and art, etc., someone would compile them, and then when we had enough for a post - bang - up she goes. Maybe Saturdays, once a month? That would give the authors a deadline, and I could fill one Saturday a month with a feature!
Tina @ Life is Good

P.S Authors, speak up here. Team, feel free to email me OR speak up here.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Those are all new books to me!

Shannon Grissom said...

What a wonderful idea and I am so honored to among the featured writers!

PR said...

This is a great idea, will have to check these out :)

Arlee Bird said...

I'm with Tina on her idea about making this a regular A to Z Blog feature. After all, this is partly what this site is all about--promoting each other.

Great job, Damyanti.

A Faraway View

Doreen McGettigan said...

I think this is a great idea and very much appreciated.

Marta Szemik said...

That's a great idea. I haven't seen these books before and always love to learn about new writers :)


It's surprising how many bloggers have books already out or in the process. There seem to be more people writing these included.


Unknown said...

I know Allan's. The others I haven't seen before.

Trisha said...

I love reading books by people I've actually talked to & interacted with in the blogosphere. It's so cool :)

Anonymous said...

I so appreciate the feature and agree with other commenters that it would be great to do a similar post on a regular basis.