Friday, July 13, 2012

Alphabet Remix - Lamenting Love's Lure

These blogging prompts are brought to you by Nicole at The Madlab Post....

It’s time for The Alphabet Remix - A Writing Prompt Idea Engine Treating A to Z Blogging Avoidance Disorders

Love has been one of the most popular topics for Letter L during the Blogging from A to Z Challenge -- so popular that some bloggers have opted to forgo being yet another one of the bajillion and six people who write about the sentiment in April. I mean, if we read one blog post about love, then we’ve read them all, right? Much like any other topic or letter, the answer to that question all depends on what is written.

You see, I don’t need a reminder of the existence of a possible oversaturation of love, to understand how dull the topic becomes when it’s sung, performed about and blogged into the ground. I’m in a metropolitan area known as “The City of Brotherly Love” and “The City that Loves You Back.” Heck, the sentiment even has its own park, complete with a waterfall and great views of the famous “Rocky” steps, just a few blocks away.

I’m sometimes puzzled when I notice tourists in awe of such landmarks -- probably because locals like myself often take these placed for granted. Yet, I still don’t mind reading about the topic of love because there are so many different ways that A to Z Challenge participants can write about it without looking or sounding like the same ol’ tune that their fellow bloggers are mixing up. Here are a few Love mixes to consider when trying to find topics to write about during the Blogging from A to Z Challenge in April.

Love Letters
Write a love letter to your spouse, parent, friend or a deceased loved one. Better yet, teach your readers how to craft a love letter to an estranged family member if they are seeking a reconnection. If you’re feeling artsy, make a comic showing three different love letters -- one between teenagers, one between newlyweds and one between two elderly people.

Write a short story about two lovers who are faced with a problem. The conflict could revolve around an either low (or high. It could go one way or the other) libido, a scandalous trial over their extreme PDA or some weird transformation issue a la Cinderella, Shrek, Snow White, etc. if you like magic or fantasy stories.

You could also try your writing skills at creating some fan fiction starring two loves from your favorite Soap Opera, novel series or television show. An alternate approach to the topic would be to profile your favorite famous love triangle or lovers scandal in (hollywood, music, political, publishing/fictional) history and write about why you favor their story.

Lovely Fairywren
Find some interesting facts about this Australian bird and write about the one that you find most fascinating. Maybe you could explore how the “lovable” bird got its name or teach your readers about any nicknames that this particular species has. It is one of the quickest options for writing a short blog post for Letter L during the A to Z Challenge.

Now, onto other business. The Winner of Last Week’s Alphabet Soup Game is....

Corinne OFlynn at Ode to Blogging

She correctly unscrambled five of the eight movie titles ending with a Letter L word. Her prize packages includes: Title of Alphabet Wizard, The authority to pick the letter for the next Alphabet Soup game and the option to pick the Monday Movie Meme topic for an upcoming day on my blog.

Congratulations to Corinne!

Here are the answers to last week’s Alphabet Soup:

1. LoeaotLhdtsnf - Land of the Lost.
2. etoLosgnothNi - Nothing to Lose.
3. inneLhlTBeiu -Thin Blue Line.
4. hTeaLmaorpustseLferot - Treasure of the Lost Lamp.
5. edoLfsBoyi - Body of Lies.
6. ffmoienaIitLtio - Imitation of Life.
7. izroyaeLutSdCvp - Crazy Stupid Love.
8. e8tya2rsDaL - 28 Days Later.

I'd also like to send a special shout out to Sheila Siler at Sheila Scribbles, who not only played the Alphabet Soup game, but also correctly unscrambled No. 2 and No. 8 on the list. Kudos to you!

Sign up for the Monday Movie Meme, a weekly group blogging series that inspires discussion about entertainment in a whole new light and provides recommendations for your DVD, on-demand or theater fix. New topics are posted every Monday at The Madlab Post!
@MadlabPost on Twitter


Arlee Bird said...

Love can be such a widely varied topic that can generate so much inspiration. Sometimes it can be really sappy too. Love is a good topic for the letter L, but it could be an equally fine topic for the entire A to Z Challenge. Another idea for me to consider.

Tossing It Out


Having survived three A to Z,
With a different theme each year.
I think love is a wonderful theme,
And could certainly shed a tear.

There are all sorts of love,
Motherly, siblings and husband/wife,
The sort that stay throughout your life.

My theme however for next year,
May come at a surprise.
I'm keeping it a close guarded secret.
Until you see it with your own eyes.


Tina said...

Funny you should write about this today, as I was watching, "Love Actually" which does such a fantastic job of exploring most of the different sorts of love relationships - mothers/children, brothers and sisters, cheating girlfriends, crushes, etc. There are too many to list.
Great list of ideas you generated. When I get back from the road trip I might start thinking about my theme for next year's challenge...
Tina @ Life is Good
Post A-Z Road trip!

Nicole said...


With the many directions that Love can be taken into, I'm glad to get your gears turning for possible blogging themes for the entire duration of the challenge. For some odd reason, I started thinking of "L for Leather" while reading your comment. I don't know where that thought came from but I think maybe I need to catch up on some more sleep.


You're so clever with your commenting style...always finding a way to put a creative spin on your views regarding the subject at hand. I LOVE it! ;)

Sometimes it can be best to keep an A to Z theme under wraps until the challenge gets going, especially if it's a topic or theme that people who are familiar with your blog won't expect. Surprises can be fun. Go for it!


OMG, I just got back in town and was thinking about that movie, "Love Actually," on my way home...specifically, the connection between Hugh Grant's character as Prime Minister and his foul-mouthed assistant! LOL

I watched for the first time several weeks ago and enjoyed the different interpretations of how Love is displayed between people. I hope the road trip is treating you well and I think that when you finish the trip, you'll probably have a few theme ideas in mind for the next A to Z Challenge, thanks to the variety of blogs you're coming across on the Road :)

Blog: The Madlab Post & @MadlabPost on Twitter

E. M. Prokop said...

I love Love Actually! I don't know what my theme will be for next April though...that's still a long way off.

Sharon Hamilton said...

L is for Late to the Party. Last to comment. Late night blogging...
When you mentioned the overuse of the theme Love for the letter L, I had to go back and check. I've done 2 years of the A-Z, and yup, you guessed it! Both years 2011 and 2012 L was for love. What does that say about me?
Well, as overused and "old" as the word is, I still love it. I like Arlee's thoughts about doing it for the whole month. I used Gratitude this year. But now I'm thinking...
And Love Actually, is my favorite movie of all time. Way more than a movie, it inspired by first hero in my first novel, the lovely (there it is again) Daniel in Heavenly Lover (again, sorry), who was Rodrigo Santoro, or Karl in the movie - the one that almost got Laura Linney. Brazilian and gorgeous, I even have him say, "Life is full of complications," in my book, just like he does in the movie.
Lovely to think about before I retire. ttfn all.