Monday, June 25, 2012

Call Attention to Your Blog or Get the Promotion You Need

Be My Guest   

        You may have often heard that guest posting is a great way to bring more readers to your blog.  It's a tactic that can work well.   As a guest blogger you can reach readers who might not have heard of your blog before.  You can even venture off into topics that you might not normally cover on your own blog.  Guest blogging is an effective way to hone your writing chops and to step out beyond your own blogging community to tap into a larger one.

           Blog tours and guest promotional posts are standard procedure for many bloggers who have something they want to spread the word about.   Many authors take advantage of guest blogging to pitch new book releases.  You have probably even seen guest bloggers trying to draw attention to favorite charities and causes.  When you've got something that you want to tell others about, you should take advantage of every outlet that is available to you.

            Some of you may be too shy or uncertain of yourself to ask other bloggers if you can be a guest on their blogs.   If what you've got to say is important enough to you then maybe it's time to step out of that comfort zone of your own blog and speak out on some other blogs.   Now's your opportunity.   There are blogs looking for your guest posts.

Guest posting opportunities await!

           Tossing It Out  -- This summer and into September I will be hosting guest bloggers during my Hijack This Blog! campaign.  Click here for details.   Click here for schedule and application.

            Wrote By Rote  -- I look for guest bloggers year round on my memoir blog that publishes every Saturday.  Posts remain at the top of the page for an entire week to give your guest post maximum exposure. I'm interested in memoir writing or helpful articles about writing memoirs.

            A Faraway View -- One of the most unique writing opportunities comes on my dream blog A Faraway View.  This blog also publishes only once a week so posts stay current for the entire week following posting.  Anything about dreams is welcomed.   Topics that have yet to be covered are non-psychological dream interpretation, dreams as prophecy, and dreams as related to literature.  Any other topics are certainly welcomed.  Dream study is a fascinating field and it's fun to write about.   Tell us about your dreams or dream experiences.

           Blogging from A to Z Blog --  We are always receptive to guest posts on this blog you are visiting now.   We are interested in all topics here.  Priority is given to those who have been past A to Z participants, but anyone is welcomed as well.   Posts can be about the A to Z Challenge, blogging, writing, or just about anything else you want to write about.  Go to the "Contact Us" page by clicking the tab at the top of the page and send us an email or leave a comment on this post and we'll set you up.

             Kid Lit Reviews -- Sue is having to take a blogging break due to health problems and she's looking for guest bloggers for a while.  She could use some help or at least a word of encouragement.  Go to her site for complete information.

        So there you have it.  Some great blogging opportunities are right there for you to step up and claim as your own.  My Hijack This Blog! campaign has been a tremendous success so far with several bloggers trying guest posting for the first time.  Try it--you'll have a good time and should make a few new blogging friends.

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I will try one of your blogs again Lee though my comments are going through a lean time at the moment,

Have a good day,


Unknown said...

I love guest posting, though I think I might have bitten off more than i can chew with writing guest posts recently, it's hard to keep up :)

Tina said...

Thanks for alerting us to those great opportunities! When I'm back from vacation next week, I might have a post for you.

Tina @ Life is Good
Post A-Z Road trip!

Anonymous said...

I'll send you an email in a day or two with some dates I can help. I do love guest blogging and meeting new people!

Marta Szemik said...

Thanks for the great opportunities. Once I get my stuff together, I'll send it through:)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Guest posts are fun!

Rob Z Tobor said...

I would quite happily do a guest blog spot but there are problems with this. Firstly I don't have a clue how it works, secondly I cant spell or type and thirdly and the most important of all, my blog is a little mad for most and so everyone (except the few)go WHAT? What's he talking about?.... is he mad, I'm off.

And I'm British the world does not understand British off beat humour.... No No its no good saying yes you do....

Lynn Proctor said...

what a nice thing you all are doing!

Nicole said...

Man, I've had some odd dreams in my lifetime so far, but I doubt I remember enough to write a complete post about one. The memoir blog, however, may be one that I could whip something up for...although it would probably be focused on reading them more-so than writing them. Maybe I could figure out a way to combine the two. So many blogs, so many guest post openings...what's a person to do?! I'm just starting to get the hang of it all. I'll tell you one thing about guest surely makes for some varied topics between those who submit them, which are nice to read :)

Blog: The Madlab Post
@MadlabPost on Twitter

Arlee Bird said...

Yvonne -- Maybe it's just a summer slump. Things always seem to slow down this time of year.

Jamie -- You're a pro! You can do it.

Tina -- I'm ready when you are.

Stephen - Your guest spots are always welcomed. You've been doing a great job with your posts on the A to Z Blog.

Marta -- Okay, we'll be waiting for what you come up with.

Alex -- They can be fun and very helpful to everyone concerned.

Rob -- What? What are you talking about?

Lynn -- I like to be nice now and then. The guest posts are helping me as well. And they've been very interesting.

Nicole --You've become a guest post pro! Memoirs are great fun to write and we all have unique memories to share. I always welcome your posts. Who knows--you might even have an outstanding dream in the next few days and feel compelled to write about it. And don't forget, dreams are not only visions that come at night, but dreams can be many things. They're not always weird either.


Anonymous said...

What a great opportunity to be a guest blogger. I enjoy having guest bloggers on my blog.

Unknown said...

What a great way to expose your blog to the wider world, and get guest bloggers to your blog too.
I loved the A-Z Challenge this year and met some great bloggers this way too.

I operate about life in Greece and my general blog is

Would love to do a guest post for you. Do get in touch.


klahanie said...

When I have guest bloggers on my site, it is not about me getting more readers to my site. It is about me giving somebody the opportunity who is perhaps not as blessed as me with readership, to bring further awareness of what they do.
The ethos is about a sharing, caring blogging community. A community where we rejoice in the great diversity.
Take care Lee and may we all continue to be a force for good to make this a better world.
In kindness, Gary

Arlee Bird said...

Susanne ---I've always enjoyed hosting guest bloggers, especially when they are bloggers that a lot of folks aren't familiar with.

Bex -- You'll be our guest soon!

Gary --Exactly! The whole point of the guest blogging process is for the guest to gain a wider reach than they might otherwise have. Of course the host may gain a benefit of attracting new readers and there's nothing wrong with that either. My hope is to give other bloggers a boost, while hopefully disseminating interesting information readers might not have otherwise known about. Ideally it's a win-win-win situation for everyone involved.


Empty Nest Insider said...

It's so nice of you to offer so many opportunities! It will be fun to see who is guest hosting, though they will have tough shoes to fill! Julie

Unknown said...

I also have guest posting opportunities over at Since You Asked. I am currently running a weekly series of guest posts, "In Celebration of Mothers".
If you would like to participate, please be sure and visit my blog and leave me a message!