Sunday, May 6, 2012

A to Z Reflections Linky List: #atozchallenge

          As this is being posted I realize that it is not yet May 7th where I am, but it is in some other parts of the world.   So let the Reflections begin.

            For those still not familiar with the A to Z Reflections Post and the other things A to Z that are still to come, you might want to revisit the A to Z Blog posts of Sunday April 22nd or Tuesday May 1st.   We don't want any of you A to Z fans to miss out on any of the upcoming A to Z events.

            Here is the essence of what the current A to Z Reflections post is all about:

             The A to Z Reflections Postings will begin on Monday May 7th.  These posts will be your personal thoughts about the A to Z Challenge and, like the A to Z posts, you can do them anyway you want--in prose, verse, images, or whatever suits you best.  We want you to tell us about your A to Z experience.

            Share your pleasures, your pains, your setbacks, your gains.   Who did you meet along the way that you found to be especially helpful or inspiring?  Did you have a favorite blog post?   Or a favorite series?   Which blogs did you discover during April that you will be returning to in the future? 

          You can tell us what you thought were the highlights of your April Challenge, what you learned, what changes you might make next time, or what surprised you most.  There are no limits as to what your Challenge experience might have been so tell us in your best way how you felt about the April A to Z Challenge of 2012. 

         Express your gratitude or vent your frustrations.  If you'd do this again, let us know why.  If you hated it. tell us why.  We want you to tell your A to Z story to the rest of us.  Like the Challenge itself, this Reflection post is your creative outpouring.  Be it prose, verse, song, video, or images, you can express yourself in anyway that you like. 

       You don't have to have finished the Challenge or even entered the Challenge to be eligible to submit a Reflections post.  Didn't finish or never got started?   Let us know what happened and tell us how you feel about that.   If you were an observer who followed some of the A to Z blog posts and even commented on a regular basis, give us your thoughts about the Challenge.    

           We do ask that you keep your posts no more than a thousand words.  There will probably be a lot of blogs to read so we don't want to bog anyone down with exceedingly long posts.

            You can add your Reflections post to the Linky List anytime between now and Saturday May 12th at 10 PM Eastern Time.   Please add the link that goes directly to your Reflections post and not your general blog link.  We plan to keep this list up until the end of 2012 and since there could be a large number of links on the list it may take a while for readers to get  through it and we don't want visitors to have to be searching for your Reflections post.

           We hope you enjoy these Reflections posts and perhaps even learn something from them.  And we hope you will continue to discover new blogs that will be of interest to you and meet new blog friends.  Have fun!

          The Post Challenge Challenge begins here next Monday May 14th.   Be here then for the complete details.

          Important Note!!     Please Read before signing on to the list!!

          This list is intended only for those who are posting an A to Z Reflections post.   Please post only the link to your Reflections post and not the URL address of your blog.  If your intent is to add a link to your advertising site or just to get your blog noticed, be aware that those links will be removed from the list when discovered.   If you have any problems with your entry or accidentally enter the incorrect link, please contact us.  Refer to the "Contact Us" tab for contact information:



Anonymous said...

Looking forward to reading the Reflections posts.

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with!

Jackie said...

Thanks for all your reflections guys!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Can't make it any more obvious than that!

Dino said...

1000 apologies!

I've entered my blog url rather than the reflection post url which will be published tomorrow.


Jo said...

Um, I'm not sure how to do this. Do I have to make a separate blog or what?

Arlee Bird said...

Jo -- Simply do a post on your own existing blog--the same one you would have used for the A to Z Challenge. After you have posted your blog article, copy the link (the URL address for the precise blog post) and enter that link on the Linky list.

If you still need help let us know and we will help you with it.


Jo said...

OK, thought I had to do something more complicated.

Arlee Bird said...

As easy as ABC


Martha said...

Glad to see the list up a bit early. I'll be working my way down the list over the week. Thanks again to all our A-Z co-hosts for a wonderful job!

Unknown said...

Am looking forward to everyone's posts---off to do another round of visits!

Lisa said...

I kinda always reflected on the A-Z Challenge, its time of the year, I call it the season, its community, its reasons for blogging and mostly its challenge that I take so personally.

kjmckendry said...

Can't wait to see what everyone has to say!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Mine is up!

Theresa Milstein said...

This is no rinky-dink operation. There are links for reflections and badges. Very impressive!

Seriously, you guys all did an amazing job running this challenge. Thank you!

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I actually did a wrap up post on May 1st but I linked it here today - hope that was okay?!

It was my first experience with the Challenge and it was a great one. :)

Thanks to Lee and all the co-hosts!

Anonymous said...

You're all fantastic! Thank you so much, I've really enjoyed it.
So has Victor the Guinea Pig!

Lynn Proctor said...

i hope i am not terminally stupid but i am not sure i am doing the reflections post right--i tried, but it is still on my only blog site

Tina said...

Yeah! I'm totally excited about how many we have already!
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-Host of the April A to Z Challenge
Twitter: @AprilA2Z #atozchallenge

Anonymous said...

Thanks, A - Z Team...I went ahead and shared some of my reflections. This has been quite a ride, and I haven't stopped writing since:)

Amy said...

Thank you for hosting - I had a blast reading your posts! :)

Stephanie said...

THANK YOU to all of the co-hosts. You've created quite the community! I found myself a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of blogs to read, but participating was such a fabulous experience. Thanks again!

Nicole said...

It's great that, based on the amount of Reflections entries, many A to Z participants are still going strong in May! I think this week of Reflections will be a nice primer for the upcoming Post Challenge Challenge.

Blog: The Madlab Post
@MadlabPost on Twitter

Bibsey Mama said...

Have posted my reflections. Looking forward to reading some of the others. I did put in a little suggestion about categorizing the blogs on 'the list' for next year. Just because it is so huge and daunting and this might make it more manageable and more like a showcase.

I loved blogging from A-Z. Thanks for hosting. xxx

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry - the first link I posted for "Since You Asked" is the wrong one! I re-posted the proper link to my reflections post. So sorry for the mess-up and possible confusion!

Rob Z Tobor said...

Just as a point of interest I am aware of one blogger who is 80 who is still working their way towards Z. I believe their last post was Q. Personally I think this is rather cool, I love a maverick I hope you make it all the way to Z.

Andrea said...

Loved the challenge! My reflection post would've been better if I'd come here and learn (as usual)!

AimeeKay said...

I just wanted to say thank you to the organizers of the challenge! I had a lot of fun this year.

Arthur Brill said...

Thanks to all the organizers and their tremendous efforts, and congrats to all the participants!

Corrinne said...

Dang! I missed the linky list cutoff. Anyway, I did complete a reflections post here:

I loved being a part of this & look forward to joining in next year!


Dazediva said...

Damn I missed the linky list!
Here's my A to Z Reflection post

'Looking Back At The A to Z Challenge'

Kayla Beck said...

I missed the linky list, but here is my post if anyone is interested:

Bibliophilia, Please Reflections

Boric Glanduum said...

I also missed the linky list, but here's my series of reflections:

The Dwarven Stronghold: [A to Z April] Reflections

Red said...

I was hospitalized during the list, so here is my link:
