Thursday, May 10, 2012

Guest Post at the #atozchallenge Site!

 This post is brought to you by AZ co-host Damyanti, from Amlokiblogs.

Most bloggers who've been around for a while know what guest posts are all about. Simply put, one blogger writes a post for another's blog, on a topic which is of interest to both.

During the A to Z Challenge however, we hosted a lot of participants who are relatively new to blogging, so here's a little more about guest posting:

1. Guest posting on a blog increases your exposure: If you're able to interest the host's audience in what you've got to say, some of them will check out your blog and if they like what they see, they will follow you.

2. Guest posting allows you to showcase your expertise: A host blog is always looking for a fresh perspective on the topics it deals with--- and when you appear as a guest, you share your expertise in your field. Win-win. Guest posting at blogs on a topic gives you more authority.

3. Guest posting can be an exchange affair: Most hosts would be happy to write up a post for you should you need it--this brings all their audience to your blog!

4. Guest posting gives you Link-love: Hosts always link to the blog of the guest (as well as website and social networks). This is a good thing-- the more genuine links with other blogs, the better your blog's ranking on search engines.

With that out of the way, we'd like to invite all A to Z challenge participants to guest-post for this site.

The posts could be on any topic--from writing, blogging, editing to gaming, gardening or cooking. Go on, share your viewpoint with us, your expertise. Or talk about what you would do if you hosted the A to Z challenge-- we're good listeners!

Guest posts on the site will ensure you all hear from others besides us co-hosts, and would provide exposure for you, your book or product. Multiple guest posts from the same blogger can also be discussed. If interested, contact AZ co-host, the awesome Tina, who runs the schedule of this site: 2012AZinfo at gmail dot com

We are waiting to hear from You!

Leaving you with an A to Z video that totally embraces the spirit of A to Z!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Guest posts are a win-win for everyone!

Marta Szemik said...

As soon as I can think of a guest post I'll submit one:)

Lisa said...

A-Z is kinda always on my mind and there's a part of me that is always want to give back to the community. This guest post contribution will certainly be on my mind, now and as I blog impromptu on normal basis, I feel some of my thoughts and feelings about the Challenge and about blogging will surface.

Thank you Damyanti for being a great co-host.

Jolie du Pre said...

I will absolutely submit a guest post for A to Z. (For me, it would be foolish not to.)

Sending Tina an email now, and thanks, Arlee, for alerting me to this.

Jolie du Pre
Precious Monsters

Misha Gerrick said...

I would love to do a guest post. :-)

Matthew MacNish said...

Lee was right. Great post, Damyanti!

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi All,
This is really an amazing offer to all the participants at A to Z Blog Challenge.

What an intelligent idea to keep in touch with the challengers. This is no doubt will definitely be a wonderful reader writer involvements/interactions.

My Good Wishes to All the team members (Arlee Team of A to Z challenge)

Keep Going.

Keep Writing

Philip Ariel

Theresa Milstein said...

I might like to do a guest post. Now all I need is something interesting to say...

J.L. Campbell said...

Good points, Damyanti, which includes stuff I haven't thought a lot about.

Had an experience yesterday that's given me the subject I'll 'guest' on.

Lynn Proctor said...

i would love to---:)

Susan Kane said...

Would love to do a guest post. Just let me know when!!!

Tina said...

Thanks, Damy for explaining so thoroughly what an advantage this is for all. I've gotten a lot of response. If you're one of the awesome bloggers who's emailed me about this, don't panic. I am drowning in emails, but your queries will be answered in the order in which they are received. it might be a few days until I get to yours, but no worries, I WILL get back to you. Here's how I'm running it.
1) you send an email that you're interested
2) I write you back with possible dates
3) you send in either a rough draft, or some ideas that you'll flesh out
4) your post gets approved, or suggestions are made and then it's approved
5) the post gets scheduled
We're not picky about content, basically you can write about anything your want. We're just trying to avoid fourteen Mondays in a row about orangutan mating habits... ;-)
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-Host of the April A to Z Challenge
Twitter: @AprilA2Z #atozchallenge

Unknown said...

I've sent an email to Tina, so hopefully I'll get to guest post here soon :-)
PS - Don't worry, Tina, I don't plan to write about orangutan mating habits!


I wouldn't mind doing a guest post about the A to Z challenge and my experience od all three.


dolorah said...

Awesome idea Damyanti. This was an excellent guest post on the subject too :)


Unknown said...

Thanks for all the comments, everyone, and Tina, I'm glad you've got such a great response. I hope more and more people share their knowledge with us on this site---and before we know it, it would be April 2013!

Jolie du Pre said...

How about orangutan zombies instead? That would be fun. ;-)

Precious Monsters

EvalinaMaria said...

Sounds like an interesting idea, I'm in.

Evalina, This and that...

Unknown said...

I'm always happy to lend a hand in guest posting :) The timing works out perfectly; I'm looking to do some guest posts as my lack of computing power means regular posting at my place is really difficult.

Julie Jordan Scott said...

Just sent an email to Tina. I would love to participate. This year was awesome & I'm looking forward to inspiring an even greater experience in 2013~!

Sue said...

thanks so much for the notification, what a great idea, and just what I needed after the intensity of April. Now to think of something to share/contribute - I promise, nothing at all to do with orangutan mating habits ;)


Anonymous said...

Ok so we can write about anything. Fabulous.

Liz Brownlee said...

Well now, I just found your comment in my pending, read your mention about guest blogging, wondered what it was, replied to you, came in to read your blog, and how serendipitous, here is a wonderful explanation!