Tuesday, April 24, 2012

U for Upward and Forward in the #atozchallenge

This post is brought to you by one of the April A to Z Challenge co-hosts: Damyanti@Amlokiblogs.

We're almost near the finish line---and this has been quite a ride, from A to T.

 For U, it is upward and forward-- just six days to go and another year of the challenge would be accomplished.

Time for second wind, a fresh burst of energy, of not looking back.

Once the challenge is done, we invite you to reflect on your A-Z journey:

The A to Z Reflections Postings will begin on Monday May 7th.  These posts will be your personal thoughts about the A to Z Challenge and, like the A to Z posts, you can do them anyway you want--in prose, verse, images, or whatever suits you best.  We want you to tell us about your A to Z experience.

          You can tell us what you thought were the highlights of your April Challenge, what you learned, what changes you might make next time, or what surprised you most.   Let us know about special bloggers you met in your A to Z journey or about a post or posts that especially moved or impressed you.  There are no limits as to what your Challenge experience might have been so tell us in your best way how you felt about the April A to Z Challenge of 2012.

           We do ask that you keep your posts no more than a thousand words.  There will probably be a lot of blogs to read so we don't want to bog anyone down with exceedingly long posts.

            As I've said, the Blogging from A to Z Challenge Reflections Posts of 2012 will start on Monday May 7th.  The Linky list will go up on that day so you can enter the link for that post on the list.  For those who already have blogfests or something else planned for that day, don't worry--the list will be open for the entire week so you can publish your Reflections post anytime that week and still participate.  That list should also be accessible until the end of the year along with the A to Z Master List.


Unknown said...

It's been an uphill battle but I'm determined to come out on top this year :) last year I missed the last week and did a catch up post for them all. Not gonna happen this time :)

Fellow A-Z Buddy
Doing a monumental blog catch-up
Mithril Wisdom

Dino said...

I'm pleased to say that I'm all done and dusted. I've totally abused the schedule facility in Blogger, I couldn't have done it without!

beccabooklover said...

It's been a great few weeks and this next week might be the hardest yet because of the particular letters! The reflection posts sound like a great idea too :) Now I need to start thinking about my theme for next year...

Huntress said...

What a ride! Major house construction/remodeling, planting season, a fussy three-month-old grandbaby, AND the A to Z Challenge.

Three Days Grace said it best.

'Pain, I can't get enough. Pain, I like it rough. Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all.'

Donna B. McNicol said...

I'm with Dino, no way could I have done it without the ability to schedule posts in advance. I had three week where most of my day was spent visiting hubby at hospital or rehab thanks to his double knee replacement.

Oh, I am looking forward to next year already!

Tina said...

It has been a great ride so far! I've really enjoyed writing the Swedish lessons, and I know a lot of people have added some new vocab to their arsenals. Writers need words! I'm ready to push on through this week and am already looking forward to next year!
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-Host of the April A to Z Challenge
Twitter: @AprilA2Z #atozchallenge

Stephsco said...

Cool! this has been fun. Choosing and theme and scheduling posts ahead of time made this pretty great for me. It does require effort to put everything together, but I found some great blogs in the process!

The Poet said...

As a first-timer, I've been posting as I come up with the letters...I like the idea of challenging myself last minute and I haven't quite figured out the new blogger interface yet. These final letters will be a challenge though, but I'm determined to stay the course since I made a pact to do so with my dear friend Janaki who's also doing the challenge. Keep it up everyone!

Under A celestial Dawn

A Daft Scots Lass said...

I'll be part of that BlogHop too.

Tracy Moore said...

It's been a lot of fun. Some of the letters have given me a little difficulty but that's part of the fun...the challenge. While I'm ready for it to be over, I'll do it again next year for sure. The reflections posts sound like a great idea, and I'll definitely do it if at all possible. :)


Although I had to have two cortisone shots in my shoulders because of pain I managed to comment on as many as I can.
I had my own post completed in January, when I met Lee in LA in Feb I told him what my theme was. I was glad I organised and God willing be so again.
I look forward to the Reflections in May,

JoJo said...

I have a reflections post partially in draft for May 8th. My frustrations have mostly been due to CAPTCHA and the fact that I have my posts scheduled to publish at 7 am Eastern Time (i've checked this over and over), and they don't auto publish at all anymore.

Unknown said...

As an A-Zer virgin, I have to say that I have enjoyed this first experience. I've managed to highlight the beautiful country I live in, generate interest in it and found some great blogs in return.
These last few letters might be a challenge, but that's the whole point, right?
I tried to write as many posts in advance and published them on the actual day...it worked better that day, especially with everyday life getting in the way.

Loved it - thanks.

Arlee Bird said...

I'm looking forward to seeing a lot of great Reflections posts and learning a bit in the reading of them.

Places I Remember
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog

Mimi said...

I will definitely participate in that as well. I could never have done this without the "schedule" option. My life has been just way way too crazy this spring!

Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors

CoachWalsh3rd said...

I have LOVED participating the the challenge. I can proudly say I have not been more than one day behind for the whole challange (usually Saturday's). I can already feel the withdrawls of not having a schedule! It has been suggested by some of my readers that my next challenge be some sort of number system.
Thank you for the challenge, it has been an amazing experience.

Leigh Caron said...

Phew, eh, eh...puffing towards the finish line...but I see Z on the horizon. I'll definitely have thoughts to share.

Rebecca said...

we are in the home stretch

Nicole said...

Even though the suggestion for the A to Z reflections post is a maximum length of no more than one thousand words, I'm shooting for a MAX of no more than 260 words, to challenge myself to write a shorter one than last year and to also make the length a play on the 26 letters of the alphabet.

It shoulnd't be that tough, since I've already been taking notes for that post over these last few weeks :)

Blog: The Madlab Post
@MadlabPost on Twitter

Sonia Lal said...

Hard to believe there are only 6 letters left. Some of them were hard to do!

Sonia Lal @ Story Treasury

LynNerdKelley said...

Although I'm not participating in the challenge, I'm enjoying the blog posts of my friends who are taking part. Lots of good stuff out there. I really want to be part of this next year, so I better start writing posts ASAP. When I join in, I want to enjoy every bit of it and not stress about what post to write! I admire everyone who's kept up with this challenge.

Ro @ Eat Live Move said...

I'm a little worried about V, X, and W. But I have hope that something will come to me...tonight. Yikes!

Next year I will be better prepared!

Eat Live Move: Intuitive Eating from A to Z!

Jaye Robin Brown said...

Yep, pre-writing and a theme were key for me. I'm looking forward to the break, to be honest.

Rick said...

Next time around, I'm going to give this a try!

M said...

I didn't know there would be a final exam when I signed up for A-Z...just kidding of course....bazinga.

Arthur Brill said...

I couldn't think of a "U" post, so I put up "Undecided". I followed it immediately with the V post I've had planned all month.. A Tap Dancing Vagina


Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm sorry I forgot that we skip Sundays. Now I am 3 letters ahead. *sighs*

This is Jokel, one behind the "a thotful spot" blog @ http://joknut.wordpress.com

Sean Vessey said...

Thank for hosting.i wrote everyday but did not always post. Thanks for the challenge.


Jolie du Pre said...

This has been a fun blog hop. For those of you who write horror/paranormal novellas, or who read horror/paranormal novellas, the I LOVE HORROR/PARANORMAL NOVELLAS BLOG HOP will be held August 6-10, 2012. The sign-up is now open, and I hope to make this a successful blog hop for horror/paranormal lovers. Sign up HERE.

Jolie du Pre
Precious Monsters