Monday, April 23, 2012

A to Z Post - T by Matthew

This post is brought to you by one of the April A to Z Challenge co-hosts: Matthew MacNish.

I think next year we're going to do these posts a day late, so that we can consider featuring the best posts we read the day before.

Anyway, for now I'll just be mentioning some awesome things that start with T, followed by one blog post from a participant I know you guys will love.

Titans - they're really tall.

Tartan - slainte!

Theater - movies and plays.

Tetris - from Russia with fun!

Toll Booth - phantom ones, not real ones.

Trains - choo, choo!

The Triple Option - it's an offense in football, run by Georgia Tech.

And now, let me point you to a blogger whose posts for the A to Z Challenge I've been enjoying very much. Joe Lunievicz has been going with a Greek theme, and his post for today, T is for Tartaras, is a great one.


Jaye Robin Brown said...

Don't forget Two-hour delay - which is what I have this morning for my teaching Monday due to weather. Hoorah.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Got to love the Titans!!

Unknown said...

time-out would be great too! hmm wonders... can one put one's self in time-out?

Oh, well either way gotta love Titans and Tetris!


Thinking of next year already?????

Good post.

Liz Brownlee said...

Oh! I obviously haven't been exploring enough, I didn't know all you creators of A-Zness were doing this - in fact I only found your blogs here at the top yesterday! Clearly been spending too much time replying to comments, clicking on the list, writing my blog, illustrating my blog and writing poems for my blog...

I really enjoyed the link blog.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Tartan yeah! good idea to feature the best for each letter a day later.

Hopefully I'll still be around for next year!!

Tina said...

Nice, Matthew. Loved Joe's post, thanks for the tip!

Arthur Brill said...

T is for Theater Festivals: America's Sweatshops at Main Street Arts

Lynn Proctor said...

that's an interesting idea--i think i would like to do this another year--but sorry for offering my unsolicited advice--but i wish it were in january of feb--when not much is going on in my life ;)

Slamdunk said...

Having grown up watching the Sooners and Cornhuskers battle every year, "triple option right" and "triple option left" will never leave my vocabulary.

Tracy Moore said...

I like the idea of a recap from the previous day. I just know that I'm missing some great matter how hard I try to visit as many as possible.

Arlee Bird said...

In the late 80s I was addicted to Tetris. So it was all a communist plot?

Please help me reach 100 followers at: A Few Words
An A to Z Co-host blog
My Main blog is Tossing It Out

Claire Hennessy said...

Unfortunately, Tartan only ever reminds me of The Bay City Rollers!

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

I am with Arlee: Tetris and Communism? Sigh...oh well, I will continue to play if I can. lol
Good to "meet" you.
~Naila Moon

PS>I am thinking trees today if you want to come by.

LTM said...

And T for you guys are almost THERE! (as in done... get it?) ;o) <3

Unknown said...

What ...
No Tiramisu???

I managed to find Joe's site before your recommendation - Kismet

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tell Georgia Tech to keep practicing! (Just kidding.)

Theresa Milstein said...

Big fan of The Phantom Tollbooth! Did you hear them talk about that book on the TV show "New Girl"? The guy shortens words, and called it, "PhantomT".

Christine Rains said...

Titans, tartan, and Tetris! Triple play!

Matthew MacNish said...

@ Alex - Hah! They didn't do too well last year, did they?

D.E. Malone said...

Thanks for the link to Joe's blog - enjoyed that!

Nicole said...

It would be cool to see those roundup posts on the A to Z Blog. Nice list for "T." I like riding TRAINS and recently went to see Wrath of the TITANS at a local movie THEATER!

Blog: The Madlab Post
@MadlabPost on Twitter

Annalisa Crawford said...

Ticker Tape?

Adrianne Russell said...

Yay for Theater! I'm such an arts nerd. :)

Jen said...

Sipping on my "Tea" enjoying you post as well as others... happy A-Zing!

Sonia Lal said...

Tetris! Yah!

Also, I read the triple option as an offense to football, until I read it again realized you were talking about a football move.

Sonia Lal @ Story Treasury

Kristen Pelfrey said...

That means it's time for a dram.

Haddock said...

Out of all these, I like the choo choo train the best :-)
One of the oldest mode of transport and the best.

The Poet said...

Dear Stephen,
Great "T's" indeed. I keep thinking about "thoughts" of love...

Maria said...

T is definitely for Tulips!!! or maybe Two Lips or 2's Company, or THree is a crowd...all T Thanks for the post..may have to join in ....I think I did this a long time ago! SMiles, Maria from Seattle.

Arthur Brill said...

I see we're still on "T". I did a brief "U", and went on to "V".

"V" is for A Tap Dancing Vagina on Main Street Arts

Cheryl Klarich said...

Cool T words... I can't decide which I like best- Tartan or Theatre!!

Traci Kenworth said...


Hosting said... fun, you've now reminded me to play one :)