Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A to Z Post - P by Matthew

This post is brought to you by one of the April A to Z Challenge co-hosts: Matthew MacNish.

I was hoping to highlight some of my favorite posts I'd seen on the letter P, but then I realized it will take all day for me to read them.

So instead, I'll just list a few cool things that begin with the letter P, and then maybe mention a couple A to Z Participants.

Pirates - ARHG! Plus - booty.

Poetry - Pentameter even.

Prose - Particularly creative writing.

Pulled Pork - Because, yum.

Pizza - Same.

Paris - I've never been, but they say it's wonderful.

Paladins - Because they're really nice guys.

People - We make the world go round.

Pillow - Because that moment when your head finally hits it ...

And here is one of my favorite blogs from the challenge whose post about today's letter P, is great:

Kristen is a teacher, a writer, a fan of great literature, and a lover of all things revolutionary, so here's her post: Please Don't Dim the Lights.


Anna (herding cats-burning soup) said...

All very nice Ps. Well, not the pulled pork one since I'm a veggie but I do think pigs pre pork pulling are pretty cute :)

Anna@Herding Cats & Burning Soup


I thank all hosts who have successfully kept this challenge going. well over half way now.
Once again Thank you.


Pa Ul said...

What an interesting P indeed.
P is also for Pa Ul

Laura S. said...

These are some terrific P Words! Especially pizza and pulled pork, yum. I made pulled pork with root beer sauce last night for dinner. Maybe I should've saved it for P day! Good thing there are some leftovers for my lunch today. :) :)

Hope you're having a great week, Matthew, and happy A to Z!!

Unknown said...

Yay for pirates! That's the theme of today's post for me :)

Fellow A-Z Buddy
Doing a monumental blog catch-up
Mithril Wisdom

Rebecca said...

all great P words

Sandra Tyler said...

Pirates and pizza would be high on my boys' lists.

Elise Fallson said...

Nice P word list. I especially like, pork, pizza and Paris. I'm trying to convince people that pheromone is a great P word...but for some reason...(;

Lynn Proctor said...

i'm right there with you, especially the pork and pillow

Unknown said...

People always make P interesting!
Also a great "P" is P for Paros - an island in the Greek Aegean sea. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Haha! I love your pirates imitation! :)

Kelly Barnes said...

I like pheromones.

Kate said...

amen on the pillow...I often stay outloud "this is my favorite time of day"

Dino said...

Paris truly is a beautiful place!

Julie Jordan Scott said...

Oh, how I enjoyed this post. You make me smile... which is good because I have a very busy morning!


(Oh, how I love this challenge!)

Julie Jordan Scott
Fellow A to Z Challenge Writer
twitter: @juliejordanscot

P is for Phillis Wheatley

On a Mission to Spread Word-Love Throughout the World

Jenny said...

Is there anything better than perfect prose? Besides pirates, that is. Ooh, and pretty pink ponies.

Sherry Gloag said...

Great list of 'P's

Tina said...

I'll take some pulled pork (we have our own smoker and make this rather frequently for big parties) with a side of pizza and a splash of pirates. Thanks!
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-Host of the April A to Z Challenge
Twitter: @AprilA2Z #atozchallenge

Martha Reynolds said...

PARIS - oui oui! I am loving the A to Z Challenge, even though I know the coming days will challenge me!
By the way, my "P" post today is the fabulous Dolly Parton - with a video included!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lee and Matthew - great thoughts .. Pirates of Penzance .. and Pizza - don't eat it often, but pulled pork - probably a good thing it's not around too often .. and Paris - must visit after reading D.G. Hudson's Rain Forest Writing about Paris sights .. wonderful read ... and I'm off to visit .. Kristen's blog ..

Cheers Hilary

Arthur Brill said...

My "P" is puppets (very broadly interpreted)

Arlee Bird said...

We need to have a big A to Z pulled pork and pizza party when the Challenge is over. Sounds like I'm not the only one who loves those foods.

Places I Remember
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog

Claire Hennessy said...

Paris is beautiful and well worth a visit. Loved sitting on a cafe, sipping coffee/wine and people watching. Heaven.

Marta Szemik said...

Now I'm getting hungry. Pizza sounds just about right, but wouldn't go with my plan to eat healthier.:)

Steve MC said...

Pizza with a paladin in Paris = perfect.

Jen said...

Never been to Paris either...pooh!

Arthur Brill said...


Pulled Pork at a Pig Pickin'! A Southern favorite, as I'm sure you know!

(I just don't care for that North Carolina vinegar! Beer makes a much better basting brew!)

Helen Ginger said...

Great Ps. (I was going to say you were a great P-er, but that didn't sound right.) I especially like Pillow.

carol said...

My husband has a book of Pirate poetry that would have been perfect for today.

loverofwords said...

Visit my blog, I used "P" for prompts, using a line from "Heart of Darkness," so much fun!

J.L. Campbell said...

Interesting P words. Haven't had pulled pork. Going to check out Kristen.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

And only in the South is BBQ pulled pork.

S. L. Hennessy said...

Pirates Rule!

Clare said...

Excellent choice of P words!

Tracy said...

great choice of 'p' words especially the pulled pork but only if it is BBQ :)

photomom said...

Very interesting. Will there be an A to Z challenge for May?

Joyce said...

Pizza, pulled pork, pillows-yay! But especially Paris...everyone needs to see Paris!

Theresa Milstein said...

I love Paris. My husband would agree with you on the pulled pork!

Erin M. Hartshorn said...

Pepperoni pizza perhaps? (I jest -- I like mine loaded with toppings.)


Nicole said...

Pulled pork? No thanks, but Pizza? Yum! :)

About one month ago, I started making my own little mini pizzas at home too, so you know I'm in big trouble -- gotta watch those pounds before they creep up on me before I can day "D is for Diet" during next year's A to Z challenge, lol.

Blog: The Madlab Post
*Rockin' the A to Z Challenge!*
My recent posts include:
P for Purple Rain
O for Officially Oblivious
N for Neighbors from Hell
@MadlabPost on Twitter

D.G. Hudson said...

I love pulled pork, Paris, and prose, not necessarily in that order. Also pecans, and peaches.

P was my favourite letter since my theme is 'Paris Etc.'

I did check out Kristen's post.

D.G. Hudson said...

@Hilary, thanks for the mention of my Paris posts!

J.C. Martin said...

I ADORE pulled pork! Now you got me planning a Sunday dinner of it... :)

J.C. Martin
A to Z Blogger

Matthew MacNish said...

@ photomom - I'm sorry, but there will not be an A to Z challenge for May. Once a year is enough, don't you think?

Arlee Bird said...

You mean we don't want to start doing A to Z every month? Can you imagine? It takes me a year to recover from April!

Places I Remember
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog

Jessica Marcarelli said...

Ack, no, no A to Z every month. I think it will take me a year to recover.

On the flip side, I wrote about pirates, too.

A to Z Blogger & SF/Fantasy Writer @ Visions of Other Worlds