Monday, April 9, 2012

H is for Henry Ford, Help!, Hanging in There and Hoofing along

ere we are at day number 8, hoofing it along toward the halfway point of the A-to-Z Challenge. Hopefully everyone is hanging in there, not feeling hopeless or discouraged.

As Henry Ford said, There isn't a person anywhere who isn't capable of doing more than he thinks he can." If you're starting to doubt yourself, know you CAN make it through the rest of the A-to-Z. If you feel like you need help, just ask for it! One thing you will find is that your fellow A-to-Z'ers are always willing to be supportive. You can ask for help in a post, in the comments below, on Twitter with the hash tag #atozchallenge. Wherever you ask, you are bound to get some support and the encouragement you need to keep powering through.

How are you doing? Enjoying it so far? Have all your letters figured out or flying by the seat of your pants?

May you find your Muse.


The Warrior Muse

"H" image courtesy of Ramsha on


Huntress said...

my theme is so simple I feel like I'm cheating. I've scheduled my posts to the 20th and have plans for the rest.

In other words, it is going great. Thanks for making this challenge such a fantastic event. I do appreciate what you bloggers are doing.

Anne Mackle said...

Thanks for the encouraging words.The posts I had ready have now caught up with me and I'm only two days ahead.Some letters I'm finding difficult because I have a theme but at least it's making my brain work.

Unknown said...

This is my first year, so I don't have a theme. (I will next year!) But I do pretty much have them all planned out. Blogging ahead is so nice, when you have the time.

Happy Challenge, Shannon! :)

Unknown said...

This is my first year, so I don't have a theme. (I will next year!) But I do pretty much have them all planned out. Blogging ahead is so nice, when you have the time.

Happy Challenge, Shannon! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Moving along at full steam!

Jaye Robin Brown said...

All I can say is thank you to who ever's theme voice hit me over the head the strongest and loudest. I have five more letters to write and out of those I know 3 of them for sure. I can say with 100% certainty that I would probably be a drop out if I hadn't started pre-writing mid-March.

Tina said...

I'm still with my theme, but have changed words a couple of times, sometimes due to feedback from bloggers who want more on..., and sometimes because I've been inspired by another idea.
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-Host of the April A to Z Challenge
Twitter: @AprilA2Z #atozchallenge

Arlee Bird said...

Great words of encouragement. I have been so pleased to see all the great comments from participants and elated to see all of the fine blog posts out there.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

Bish Denham said...

I have all my posts scheduled so I can take time to visit around!

Mina Lobo said...

I'm doing ok. Sketching out my theme in March helped a LOT, as does the ability to schedule posts (if I couldn't do this, I don't think I could do it, period). I'm spending my weekends writing/scheduling posts and my weeknights hopping around the linky list to read others' blogs. Have found some gems this way and am having a great time!

Thanks for the encouraging words, Shannon, and good luck, fellow Challengers! :-)

Some Dark Romantic

Jenny said...

I've been doing surprisingly well. I didn't think I'd make it even this far to be honest. It's been fun!

Nicole said...

Henry Ford has some of the best quotes, I tell ya.

I'm doing just fine for the A to Z Challenge and am enjoying coming across blogs that surprise me with humorous photos, incorporating photos and poems or short stories in new ways.

I have all of my letters figured out and completed up to the letter K or L, I think. So, I'll either finish those posts in advance over the next few days or I'll just write them up when the day comes along.

So, I've found my I'm anxious for readers to respond to it!

Blog: The Madlab Post
@MadlabPost on Twitter

Sally said...

I am enjoying the challenge but I am worried that I am going to suffer deep withdrawal symptoms at the end of the month because I felt at such a loose end on the Sunday break.

Lynn Proctor said...

i am enjoying it some days so far---i have decided that for me, it has the greater meaning if i decide each day what to write---that being said, i almost recycled an old post today on h--i think it was my very first blog--hot dog hash---didn't do it though---thanks for all the encouragement!


Again I say thanks to all the hosts for making this challenge a success.

This was wonderful to read , most enjoyable.


Anonymous said...

I have all but one post prepared and have plans for that. My downfall is in reading.

Amy said...

I am most definitely flying by the seat of my pants! I usually decide on a word at around 11.30pm, write it and submit by midnight! I am thoroughly enjoying the challenge so far (and challenging it sure is) and it is doing me good to get into the habit of writing every day, even if it is only for my own enjoyment. Hopping around the linky list over breakfast is definitely the best way to start the day, so many great new blogs discovered already!

Maria said...

I'm also flying by the seat of my pants! I did schedule the first two posts, but after that real life got in the way!

Very much enjoying the challenge so far...

Rebecca Leith said...

What a great idea. Wish I'd found out about it earlier. Shall have to wait until next year now.

Althea said...

I'm winging it!x

Kelly Barnes said...

My blog is brand new, so I'm mostly flying by the seat of my pants, so this month I'm experimenting with different features.

Today's test feature gets filed under "Teachers' Corner"

Texas Yellow Rose said...

Participating in my first Challenge, I am having a blast! I'm ahead of the game a wee bit with some posts prepared but . . . gee, I'd better get back at writing! Have fun, everyone!

Rosalind Adam said...

It's a bit of a strain trying to get to visit all the people who are visiting me, never mind popping in to see new bloggers. My problem is I feel so guilty about it all. Not to self - must remember this is for our enjoyment!
A to Z of Nostalgia

Petra said...

Thank you for the encouragement. Sorta flying by the seat of my pants but trying to be at least one day ahead of schedule. Happy A2Zing!

my blog

Julie Jordan Scott said...

I was on Spring Break with the kids last week so I pre-wrote through G. Over the weekend I wrote H and researched I and J. I loved being caught ahead so am aiming to get this weeks posts prewritten by the end of today. I have fallen head over heels in love with my theme (Women Writers in Literary History) so it has been a deep pleasure.

THANK YOU for this challenge. Without it, I wouldn't be so romantically engaged AND meeting so many wonderful bloggers along the way!

Julie Jordan Scott
Fellow A to Z Challenge Participant
H is for Hilda/HD
On a Mission to Spread Word-Love Throughout the World

Funny in My Mind said...

my theme is just my life, today will be Hawaii

Al Penwasser said...

I lost my muse. But, then I found it in my other pair of pants.
I'm really enjoying the challenge. The majority are already written. I just have a few left, but I know what the topics will be. I just have to write them.
It's been fun.

Patricia JL said...

So far, so good. Been following the AtoZchallenge hashtag on twitter.

loverofwords said...

Don't have a theme, so learning on the job, so to speak. Enjoying others blogs. But learning, learning, learning, both by doing and reading.

Rob Z Tobor said...

I still find it strange so many people have stuff written in advance almost to the end. Still I will just carry on bumbling along without the safety net and thinking what's next.......

What is next "I" ..... Piece of Cake in fact a Piece of Cake with icing on.

ooo by the way have I said I hate it, its awful DAM alphabet is doing my head in and I still have not worked out what my theme is yet.

Still its going better than it did in March.......

Jen said...

Shannon, I was up all last night with a migraine, but hey didn't let that keep me from writing my H post today. Headaches was my topic lol! I will finish this challenge....

Abigail@The Story Factory Reading Zone said...

This is so true. I have all my letters planned out and posts scheduled up to Thursday now- feeling a lot more prepared!

Sandra Tyler said...

thanks for the boost, feeling a little tuckered out! Doesn't help that I'm bogged down with a cold now, but keep clopping along as it's all very fun.

Erin M. Hartshorn said...

Ha! I like the concentration of ideas here. Thanks!


Anna (herding cats-burning soup) said...

So far so good :) Having a great time too! I'm doing the whole flying by the seat of my pants bit. Some days I have planned already but most just kind of hit me the night or two before. It's working though :)

Anna@ Herding Cats & Burning Soup

carol said...

So far so good. I have some posts planned, but I'm mostly just going with it. I may have skipped "F," though.

carol at Carol's Notebook

Tracy Moore said...

This is a really nice, encouraging post. I'm hanging in there nicely so far...even though I chose not to pick a theme and a few days I've been lucky to get a post up by late evening. Some days I feel frantic but have managed to push through. I love the challenge!

Dana said...

I'm having a great time with the challenge! Although I have some of my posts planned, I mainly just go from day to day. I'm loving visiting new-to-me blogs. :)

Sonia Lal said...

I know, I asked on twitter for help with the G post. It worked out. I've ideas for I and K, but nothing else.

Sonia Lal, A to Z challenge

moondustwriter said...

My personal blog is all scheduled
wish I could schedule commenting
lot of interesting writers out there
thanks for the hosting of this
are you guys sleeping???

Jeremy [Retro] said...

My post were done and now I am rethinking each one... thank you for the pep-talk!

Happy... to the challenge "H" is for Harmonious!
Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
A to Z Co-Host
My New Book:
Retro-Zombie: Art and Words

Debra Harris-Johnson said...

Great blogs to explore. My Muse and I are fine. Great ride this Challenge. Thanks muc to all of you.

John Holton said...

My idea was to take the NATO spelling alphabet and blog on each of the words. So far, so good. I was having some trouble with a couple of the letters, but things seem to have worked themselves out well.

Tracy said...

great blogs, great writers, great reads...I was ahead before last week, not need to get my rear in gear and get ahead so I can spend time reading!

cleemckenzie said...

I'm with Henry. If you can dream it, you can do it! I'm new to the challenge, but I'm enjoying it and really learning so much by visiting new blogs.

Sharon said...

Definitely flying by the seat of my pants, but that's kind of my way of operation on a daily basis! :)

Stacy S. Jensen said...

Enjoying it, but got behind with family in town.

Rebecca said...

so far so good have met lots of great bloggers

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

First year here but planned with a calendar and everything. Hee hee
~Naila Moon

Tyrean Martinson said...

Today was all seat of the pants, and super late . . . but at least I have tomorrow's done . . .for some reason I left out "H" in my planning.

Arthur Brill said...

I have been enjoying this greatly. I have some of planned out, but much is done spontaneously.

"M" will be for "Magic" (as in stage illusions), and "V" will be (believe it or not) for "Tap Dancing Vagina", something I have first hand experience with.

Today, "H" is for Helen, Georgia.

Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

Going strong, thanks for asking and caring, Arlee. Of course, you are the one that got us into this! Theme: A World of Crime

Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

BTW, so many wonderful people are visiting my blog and leaving detailed comments. Unfortunately, some don't leave a link that will allow me to follow them back to their site. Clicking on their name often takes me to Google+ or another unrelated site.
Sorry I can't always reciprocate.

Angie said...

Flying by the seat of my pants and having a good time. It's not as hard as I thought! I usually have an idea start forming the night before a letter and by morning I've got a post ready to put up. I'm doing two blogs and having a great time!

I've met new friends and been pleased with the visits from other bloggers. Yay, challenge!

Julie said...

just started a blog yesterday for the first time, so everything is flying by the seat of my pants!

So excited to make new friends!

Double Yay!

Sue said...

I'm working ahead, but seem to be stuck on U - my theme is Climate Change, sustainability etc, which is a bit of a challenge itself...any ideas welcome, even if I use them as a bounce off point. I've written most posts ahead, not happy with some of them, and will probably revisit them and edit or rewrite before they get posted.

Sue: An A-Z of Climate Matters

klahanie said...

Holy heck! Nice to see yet another fine blogger bringing further awareness of the alphabet.
Really should be laws against having this much fun.
And being a poor, insignificant blogger whose writing is most certainly not worth wasting your time with, "flying by the seat of 'my' pants" is all I can afford these days. Heck, I can't even afford to fly on the blogger's favourite airline, "Blog Air".
Seriously, have fun all you wonderful people and Shannon, thanks for sharing.
With respect and a bonus letter 'zed' or 'zee' if you're American, Gary, who is, according to Lee, one of the awesome hosts and I quote, "You have been appointed as the official anti-A to Z spokesman."
Can you believe that eh? :)

Unknown said...

I was so nervous right at the end of March but then got my theme and got rolling! I'm having a ton of fun and so far all is well! Hopefully it continues, especially when I get nearer to the end of the alphabet!


Jolie du Pre said...

I'm making it by keeping my posts entertaining and simple. If I were to try to write a mini-dissertation for every post, I'd burn out.

Jolie du Pre
Precious Monsters

Anonymous said...

Being the first year of the Challenge for me, I now understand how themes can take the work out of coming up with daily topics. I will go the theme route next year.

I am finding it harder than I thought, but I know that at the end of the Challenge I will have built up a great body of content - perfect for a newbie blog!


Patricia Stoltey said...

I'm only working a few letters ahead, but so far it's going fine. Most of my posts are very short which helps a lot. Occasionally, however, I hit a topic of special interest and babble on a bit longer. :D

BragonDorn said...

I have been gone for the past month and just got back. I wish I could of been part of this but it is what it is. I hope everyone enjoys themselves!

SueH said...

As I already had my posts done and pre-scheduled, that part of the challenge is taken care of - but, my goodness, I'm hardly scratching the surface in trying to get round reading some of the other blogs!!


It will take many months to get round everyone - but that is MY particular challenge to myself!

So, if I haven't reached YOUR blog yet be patient - I'm getting there!

Arthur Brill said...

"I" Is for Impasse

viveka said...

Getting on just great … I’m a planner – so have done up to “T” – got on a side track in the beginning, but where I belong now … introducing Sweden. Can’t write short post … not in my nature and I do quite a bit research for every post I do, so I have to be ahead of the game.
Enjoy this very much. Plus it makes my Swenglish much worst or better. *smile

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Shannon .. I'm happily castling my way round .. lots to read and I still must get further forward on the list - but can only do what can do ..

Cheers - Henry Ford .. well he sure started something didn't he .. Congratulations on all your help around the blogosphere .. Hilary

Jarm Del Boccio said...

Thanks for asking, Shannon! I'm doing well,and have posts scheduled at least a week out. I like the challenge of finding topics for the alphabet...I have all of them now, and and only two are "a stretch". The support of the team has been tremendous...I appreciate all your hard work!


Kate said...

Like the "h" graphic and short post! Thanks for asking...I'm Having a ball.

Unknown said...

My cache of ready made posts is dwindling fast, so it's pants time for me :)

Fellow A-Z Bloggy Buddy
Mithril Wisdom

blissflower1969 said...

I did plan all the letters out ahead of time (except for Y- still looking for a topic for Y) but didn't have any specific theme. Planning them ahead has helped keep me on task and ahead of the game, which helps. If I had to try and write something the day of, I'd probably be scrambling or dealing with writer's block. This experience has been fun and not painful!

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

I'm having no trouble with each daily letter, just TIME to write! I would love 4 hours a day to create and post, but life intervenes. :-) I've loved discovering other bloggers who share similar interests. This is my first year with A-Z, and I will be back! Thanks for the opportunity to discipline the old noggin.