Wednesday, April 4, 2012

D is for Dreams!

We're a couple of days in to this challenge, and I don't know how things are for you at your blog, but at mine, it's an explosion of activity! I've never had this many comments, and I've met such wonderful new friends!  I'm trying like crazy to keep up with returning comments, but just know that I will make it to your house eventually.  I'm so excited to be in this challenge because I'm using it as a means to my dream.

It's been a dream of mine to write a book. When I say write, I mean writing an entire book, with a plot, that others will enjoy reading.  I've got it started, five chapters, and it's a sci-fi space opera meets good ole tale of corrupt government agencies and the guys trying to bring them to justice.  I know I need to shorten that...just don't really know if it fits a genre that's already out there.  

Why blog, instead of working on the book?  Blogging to me means practicing my instrument. The more you practice, the better you play. Challenges such as this one with deadlines and a bigger audience means I'm trying some new stuff to see if it fits my style, my blog, my readers. I'm counting on you to tell me how I'm doing. So far two commenters have left constructive criticism. Wow. I've been asking for that in the blurb to my comment box for a very long time, and finally some brave bloggers are doing it!

If you'd like to comment and help me with my dream, come on over to Life is Good. Postcards from Sweden is my theme, and you learn a word or two of Swedish everyday.

What's your dream? I'd love to hear it.


Pa Ul said...

great post for D
I have to post my D now of GAC a-z

MOV said...

I love this post, Tina! Dreams is the perfect "D" word! I also had a dream to write a book, and I was determined (another "D" word) and finally DID it!

I look forward to checking out your blog. Please stop by mine too if you have time:

I am writing with a travel theme, but on a personal level. Hope you like it!



Wonderful post, if you've a dream hang on to it, with tenacity it will come.


PR said...

Dream is my D word too! I wana see the world, there is so much out there, I wana learn about it all :)

Universal Gibberish

Unknown said...

Good post - and I can totally relate! Am also attempting a book and find that blogging helps me with getting a theme going, practice and also an audience, hopefully, for the final product.
Good luck with the book and the Challenge.


beccabooklover said...

Great post! Your book sounds great! I'd love to write a book one day, one that I would enjoy reading and hopefully that others would. Probably fantasy. I jot down ideas sometimes but nothing comes out of it!

Unknown said...

I love sci-fi, drama is intensified when the environment is hostile. Keep on dreaming.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

I am the same, sis. I cannot believe the amount of fun, love and friends I have gotten or made. It's just been Pickles... yes I said Pickles.

Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
A to Z Co-Host
IZOMBIE: Visit the Madness

Leigh Caron said...

I too find blogging helpful. Especially this contest...keeps my brain on its toes. Great "D" post.

Anne Mackle said...

I hope you fulfill your dream. Thanks for visiting my blog.
www.cassam-isanyonethere. com/blogspot.

Donna Martin said...

MY dream? To finish this YA fantasy novel I've started because I never thought I would take this route in my writing and the story started with a DAY DREAM so I guess it ties into your theme today! ;0)

Donna Martin

Unknown said...

Great post. Writing, too, is my dream. I think it is so very important that we teach our children to have dreams and to strive for them with all their might. Wanna be a space cowboy? Go for it! :)

Jaye Robin Brown said...

My dream? Full-time writer, part-time art teacher (instead of the opposite)

Li said...

I dream of finishing a novel - and more sleep! :-)

Unknown said...

Glad to see so many of us are sharing the same dream. I see this challenge as a good way for people to connect about such things. I too had a dream of writing a book. I wrote one and will soon be writing another. Keep at it and I will check out your blog.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'm practicing? Good, now I have an excuse.

Robyn said...

I love it. So happy to see how dreams can happen when we make them happen.

Congratulations on all of your followers!

Texas Yellow Rose said...

I am fortunate to be living one of my dreams as a full-time RVer. The next dream to be realized is writing "my story" in book form. Well, if I can accomplish one dream, why not another, eh? Loving the Challenge! Meeting all sorts of great folks!

Grammy said...

Hi, I gather you are talking about dreams for what you want to do in the future. :) My future is pretty much in the past, (so to speak) but I still have a few things I want to do yet. Who knows, I may write a book and get it published some day but I wouldn't count on it.
I plan to do a few more quilts before I shuffle off this mortal coil. Thanks for the really good post. Ruby

Bish Denham said...

The wonderful thing about dreams is that we are never too old to have them!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

I'm enjoying visiting all my new commentators blogs (as well as making time for others). Its a great hub of buzyness and I'm loving it.

michelle said...

It all begins with a dream... but the individual has to take it to the next level and beyond!

Unknown said...

Some of my best inspiration has come from dreams....

The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

I'd like to write a book as well...I always have ideas floating around in my head, but I never start. Love the dream theme for D.

Anonymous said...

Looks like there are lots of dreamers out there...

JoJo said...

A lot of my dreams came true last year....ones I didn't even know I had till they happened!!!!

i'm seeing more traffic on my blog for sure so far! But a lot of bloggers still have their Captcha turned on.

Funny in My Mind said...

My dream was to go to Hawaii. We finally went for our anniversary last year and it was perfect. Now my dream is to retire there in 15 years when we pay off the restaurant.

JANU said...

D for dreams is certainly the theme of day...nice post.
Mine is here -

LibraryDragon/Storykeeper said...

My blog is helping me take baby steps towards my dream. Each challenge helps me become a better observer, a better writer. There are so many talented people who generously share their knowledge and offer encouragement for those of us who are dreaming. Theme: Dictionary Hike

Arlee Bird said...

I share some of those dreams. I like your assessment about blogging. It is partly a means to an end, but many other things as well.


Rob Z Tobor said...

life is chasing the dream, and if your lucky catching it.

Erin M. Hartshorn said...

I've written books. Even have a couple out there submitted. Writing more. My dream is to make a full-time living at it, enough to help make sure the bills get paid, the kids can go to the college of their choice, and my husband and I can retire wherever we want. I'd also like to bring hope to others along the way.


Youmna09 said...

I too was writing about Dream for this day but ended up writing something else
Great post :)

Youmna09 said...

I too was writing about Dream for this day but ended up writing something else
Great post :)

Unknown said...

Great post. I must say the A to Z Challenge is absolutely buzzing this year. It's huge and it's so busy!

Lisa Campbell said...

I share your dream too. I'm sure it's a common one, but that doesn't make it any less of a worthy goal. I like the way you categorize your book's genre. I can relate! I'll be checking out your blog for sure.

P.S. My only constructive criticism is on the font you wrote this in. I hate Papyrus. ;)

Anonymous said...

All best with you book and way to go on the first five chapters. I say blog on to write is all part of the creative process and what feeds your writer soul!

Anonymous said...

Oh...forgot to share my dream. To be a published author, traveling to schools and bookstores promoting my books and sharing the love of reading and writing!

Anonymous said...

Here's to living the dream! Wishing you every success with yours. Great A - Z Challenge, btw. Thanks to you, I finally learned to make the bullion stitch. In a little while, after I format my pics, everyone will get to find out how I was able to use this new skill for Letter D. Happy Wednesday to you!

a.eye said...

This really is a great way to add readers to your blog! Good luck on the book. Blogging is definitely a way to practice your skills.

Shaun said...

ive been dreaming, unfortunately its day dreaming. and ive gotten away with it all day.
Valleys ShutterBug

Youmna09 said...

I remember one of the quotes by Tupac ...."The only thing that comes to a sleeping man is dreams"

Great post :)

Patricia Stoltey said...

Hi Tina! I'm laying out all my dreams in my A to Z Wish List this month. I'll be over to check out your blog in a minute. Good luck with your novel. And be sure to sign up for the NaNoWriMo summer camp. In the regular National Novel Writing Month session last November, I wrote 51,000+ words of first draft for a suspense novel. I may need the summer camp to finish the darned thing. :D

Patricia Stoltey

Matthew MacNish said...

Comments at my blog have been settling back down toward normal, but I've never gotten as many on a Sunday as I did the day we opened.

June said...

My biggest dream is to fly-- aviation has always fascinated me. I'm currently saving up for my pilot's license.

My dream after that is going to be a memoir of first flight and travel experiences. ;) I'm also a big road tripper so those may go in there... Though I admit I was never that great at taking notes.

grins said...

I'll have to wait for the next comment, because I only have a B cup Man-boob wise, and my dream involves Angela Jolie.

Cheryl Klarich said...

Tina, I really like your writing. It's nice and clean. If anyone can pull off the sci-fi scary government thing you're the one!

Tracy said...

great post! Let's see, my dream of publishing a book happened just in Oct. and it has been wonderful and now my dream is to make it into a best seller! My other dream is to open my own scrapbooking store and write full time.
Dreams are the path to our future...keep dreaming! As far as my blog, it's a way to write what is in my heart as well as keep a documentation for my son to have of his life and be able to know his mom!

Marta Szemik said...

It's good to dream, and you have a great one! I attached a video today to my post of a song by Ozzy Osbourne called "Dreamer". One of my favourite songs:)

Mum of One said...

My dream would be similar. I hope one day to publish a small collection of humeros poems.

Unknown said...

I think it's in the
'Sci-fi-political fiction' genre.

Good luck on the novel, I'm trying to write one (actual, I completed half of one, but I lost it). It's not easy, but it's very rewarding to see the number of words rise.

Sara said...

I love blogging cause I feel like its a no pressure way of practicing. Plus its fun.

Unknown said...

I too have a book I want to get published. Unfortunately it is a Romeo and Juliet knock-off and no one seems interested. I wish you luck!

Elizabeth said...

I posted about dreams too. We all need dreams, no matter what our age. Dreaming means we don't shut ourselves off to possibilities.
I hope you make great progress on your book in the coming months.

Christa said...

I'm linked up!

Christa Darr
FB- Fairfield Corner Academy

Christine Rains said...

Great D post! I dream to publish a book too.

Sonia Lal said...

I dream of publishing a book, too. LOL I think it probably does fit in an existing genre.

Catherine Stine said...

A sci-fi space opera, eh? Sounds awesome to me, and quite in vogue at the moment! As far as my dream? To have a broad readership who excitedly awaits my next novel. To always entertain and inspire. Why blog? Because it's like playing with your brain, and I love the dialog! Cheers, Catherine

Mel said...

I, too, have a dream of one day writing a novel. An epic one! I attempted to in November with NaNoWriMo but, alas, didn't finish. This year I'm determined! It all starts with a dream, it's what we do with that dream that makes it worthwhile. Keep working at it! Beautiful post.

shelly said...

Good post! You know, You've marketed yourself well. Really. My dream is to now publish my book and then another and another....and on and on....


G said...

I have many dreams...but for D for me was for Desiderata

Unknown said...

What a great post! Stay focused on your dreams and things will come true!!


The Writing Goddess said...

Great post, Tina. Blogging is kind of like running sprints - it might not be a marathon, but you can't practice for a marathon by running a marathon. Thank you for being a co-host this year.

Rebecca said...

i dream of having enough money to travel one day

Jessica Ferguson said...

My dreams change constantly. I need to focus! Great post. :)

Heather Murphy said...

You and I share the same dream, but I want to write a different genre than you. I am loving the challenge so far!

Julie Jordan Scott said...

I posted this earlier today but have had zero time at the keyboard. I wanted to add video & hope to get to that tomorrow.

Happy writing!

Julie Jordan Scott
twitter: @juliejordanscot
D is for Diane

Andrea said...

I so dream of writing a book, and sometimes I am mighty darned determined, but right now I think I need a ghost writer to make it happen! I am loving this challenge!

Juli said...

Being a published author is also one of my dreams.

As well as making through the kids homework without poking my eyes out with a spoon and catching up on the laundry.

Two out of three isn't bad.


Headed over to follow.... after all the nice emailing back and forth how could I not? We're practically BFFs now.

Hold my hand: a social worker's blog said...

This is so cool!


Cheryl said...

My dream is also to write a book - a novel. I've had that dream since I was a kid. I enjoyed your post. I like what you said about it's like practicing your instrument. Of course, I haven't been blogging any fiction yet. I need to get to that.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Ooo. fun. My grandpa was born in Sweden. I plan to have a post about him in K day. I'll check out your blog!

Play off the Page

Retired Knitter said...

Hey, thanks for visiting my blog. Your suggestion to move my Followers widget up was a good one. I made that change.

Retired Knitter

Ella said...

Great post! I love this idea :D
My dream is to be recognized by a few names online as an artist! I'd also like to have a book published.
I'm working on a children's one, now.
I still want the cover of one of
Stampington magazines. My Dad swayed me to go to Bus college, but my heart has always been in the arts.
The cover would confirm it for me...
I'll be by! I'm excited for YOU!

loverofwords said...

I have a question: Do you dream in Swedish or English?

Nicole said...

It's great that your taking advantage of A to Z Challenge as an opportunity to flex your writing muscles so you can finish that book....which has some attractive elements - corruption, good guys, bad guys, seeking justice. I'd read it...and I rarely read fiction!

You're on your way to realizing your dream and I'm happy for you. Way to go! My dream is to direct an award-winning film that helps me create and maintain a self-sustaining movie career.

I LOVE when you said "The more you practice, the better you play." I never heard that before and it's good to keep in mind.


Blog: The Madlab Post
@MadlabPost on Twitter

Unknown said...

My dream is to write something and be proud of having written it. Hasn't happened yet. :(

--Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Unknown said...

My dream is to (eventually) write a fantasy novel, but right now I'm quite happy practicing my instrument :)

Jamie Gibbs
Fellow A-Z Buddy
Mithril Wisdom

Arlee Bird said...

Damyanti -- You are such an incredible writer. I would feel thrilled if I could write with the quality that you have achieved in your writing.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

k~ said...

I like the analogy you used for blogging "practicing my instrument" it is indeed a way to fine tune the tools, and keep the social aspect alive. What better way to see if what you have to say can hold an audience?

Sharon said...

Great post! For me doing this challenge is out of my realm of comfort so that's good. My dream is to do something that helps others feel better about themselves, see emotional blocks and move past them. I love writing, but at this moment I'm not even close to what most of you are doing. I'm taking this challenge opportunity to meet new people, enjoy reading others' blogs and to practice thinking about new things everyday.

Swarna said...

D for dreams
Lovely topic and did enjoy you of luck for your book. I too have a nice crime story. But I am help up with too many things at the moment. Hoping to read your book soon. From a-z blogging challenge. Visit my blog

Swarna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Swarna said...

D for dreams
Lovely topic and did enjoy your post. best of luck for your book. I too have a nice crime story. But I am held up with too many things at the moment. Hoping to read your book soon. From a-z blogging challenge. Visit my blog Happy blogging!!