Lately I've been reading on the Kindle. Sometimes I'll get into the
story and think about it when I'm not reading. That's like a real book.
Sometimes the Kindle book bores me and I never finish, again like a real
book. I tend to get bored much easier with e-books than I do with print
I miss browsing the bookstore. Browsing the
Kindle store doesn't feel the same. Borders, my favorite sort-of local
bookstore, was a favorite destination. There's just something about
holding a print book in my hand, I love it! I love the smell, the feel,
the anticipation!
I miss the loss of bookstores in my
area. But I'm glad there are still options for buying print books
online. Besides my personal favorite ( of course!) there are many other places to find great deals on print books. Amazon is awesome of course, because you can find practically any book that's ever been published, often at a cut rate price. Shopping Amazon for used print books is a trip!
not of the school who believes that print books are dead or dying. And
given the choice, I'll choose the print book over the ebook reading
experience any day.
This B is for Books, preferably in print!
By KarenG Coming Down the Mountain: A Writer's Blog
It is like the joy of the old card catalog at the library. It was not in finding what you were looking for, but the treasures you found along the way
I love print books more than ebooks too, but I'll read them both. Having access to an eReader just means... more books to choose from! :D
Reading electronically is hard for me. I just want to be done with it for some reason. I'll take a hard copy any day over an ebook.
I've decided not to get an e-reader simply because I love the feel of 'real' books. I get most of my books through bookcrossing, along with second-hand bookstores. Occasionally I also buy something new from waterstones, or a small independent store.
I don't know which direction to go... I love the idea of picking up a book that doesn't need to be recharged. Though I love the option to have a 500 books with me, to fit me particular whim.
Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
A to Z Co-Host
IZOMBIE: Visit the Madness
Since so many of our bookstores closed up around here, I've noticed a few more used bookstores. One of my favorites isn't far away at all ... just picked up some vintage crochet books from there last week, as a matter of fact...nice "B" post! Books are the best!
Totally agreed! Ebooks are great, but there's something about a real, live BOOK that I will always prefer.
I have to admit, I gave in to the Kindle. It's great for the treadmill. But I hate to further admit, that instead of reading on my Kindle, I have now resorted to listening to books. That way I can multitask, for instance knit and listen.
I still don't have an e-reader but everyday I'm closer to breaking. My favorite book store is our local library!
It's always difficult to choose.
I read on both mediums - ereader mostly because it's immediate, I don't have to wait for the book to arrive in the mail.
Nothing beats hard copy though
I don't think I'll ever get an ereader becuase I love holding a book in my hand and turning the pages and looking back at a favorite line or description and I love the fact that I can get a signed copy from a beloved author; how can you do that on an ereader?
great B word!
I'll take either but my husband refuses to buy print books anymore.
Print wins over ebooks, since my eyes strain from long hours staring on the screen. And a touchy feely person, love holding the real thing
Same here; give me an honest-to-goodness book I can hold over an ebook any day.
I also agre with you there is just simply something special about turning a page, rather then presing a button.
I'd kill for a Kindle!
I prefer printed books to e-books..I like the feel of a turn the pages as I go along the chapters..
I love real books ans real bookstores, although I find kindle and amazon to be extremely useful. I also get bored more easily with my kindle books - they seem like more work to read. The feel of a real book in my hands is irreplaceable. I miss my local borders too, and I know I need to commit to a longer drive to keep the "local" bookstores in business. Browsing at Amazon just isn't as fun.
Viva la BOOKS!
I'll get an ebook reader sooner or later, but I'm afraid it'll mess up my memory system.
"Where did I read that? Oh yeah, it's in that gray and green book with the cover art..."
Totally with you on this! I just cannot give up my books in print.. There's just something about the feel and smell of a real book in your hands..
I have a kindle but I agree with you, I would choose an actual book over an ebook any day. But I've been reading alot more since getting a kindle.
Here's my B post for my Lord of the Rings theme :)
I do both. Love my Kindle and its synching ability, so I can always read whenever I'm in line or what-have-you. I also love having the big print on my computer screen while crafting, too! Otherwise, I use a stand for the real books and have for years.
I haven't bought a print book in well over 3 years now. Needless to say, I am an advocate of the ebook revolution.
I love bookstores too! In fact, I'm on my way to one this very morning!
I love my kindle and am revisiting all the classics I have enjoyed in years past **for free** as well as discovering some new favourites. I can keep them all and not use up valuable house space. Love it.
Can't see a linky for each day :)
Anyways, my ABC - Z journey continues with this post...
Born in me:
Great letter to comment on! I live books, paper ones and e-versions!
The Scent of a book is hard to beat. My fave place is an old library which has a number of vintage titles.
I absolutely refuse to buy an e-reader. I know they're convenient and all, but I simply cannot live without print books.
Great post and happy A-Z blogging!
I miss bookstores too. I like my kindle and use it and read real books too.
Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors
I say long live the printed, wonderfully smelling, scratched pencil within book!! Lovely post, absolutely lovely!
Julie Jordan Scott
B is for Beatrice
I will always prefer the real thing, but I'm finding ebooks to be practical in certain situations.
I love both! I will def. not be giving up paper books any time soon! :)
My husband always tells me to buy books for my iPad but I like the feel and smell of a book. Call me weird.
*groan* I agree with you. But with a Kindle, at least the books that I don't care for are easily tucked away and not in a box.
I miss Borders terribly.
I love book stores, too, but I also love my Kindle because most of the books I download to it are of the $.99 variety, which I would never buy at a book store. And some of them are REALLY good!
I agree with you about print books not dying. Remember when everyone said movies would die out after TV arrived? I don't think so. eBooks just give us another option.
I am in complete agreement, which is why I have yet to purchase an e-reader!
I agree that printed books are much better than e-books. I love the look, feel and smell of bookstores. I used to hang out in them all the time!
I'm totally, 100% in agreement - I'm a printed book girl, all the way. Tried e-books...just couldn't get into it.
I was just at Barnes & Noble yesterday - spent an hour perusing the YA section, alone! Ended up with 4 books: Ditched, The Fault in Our Stars, Pandemonium, and Out of Sight, Out of Time - can't wait to read all of them!
Will always buy books, as long as I can - in fact, this is my topic for the letter E!
Thanks for the great post - so glad to see others agree, as well!
I don't think print books are dying at all. While there's a certain convenience to e-books, like you said, nothing beats the smell and feel of a real paper book, and that's while I'll buy my favourite in print. Plus I like having a physical library on display.
I'll always be a fan of print books, but the wave of the future has already swept up the generations behind me. When my writers' group met for dinner as we hosted a visiting Harlequin editor, the 20-something waitress asked who our group was. When I told her, she said, "Does anyone in the group write e-books? Cause that's all I read."
I just posted my "B is for Blessings" post for today :) Blessings to all who have started this challenge!
Me too. I don't believe books will ever die and much prefer the feel of a book in my hands. Thing is, the Kindle has made it much more affordable for me to buy books. Also, I have the convenience of taking it everywhere with me.
i love printed books, the crispness of the pages, the smell of print and I can spend hours in book store.
The bookstore is the library!
Print books without a doubt.. :-)
Books or Blogs ........Mmmmmmmmmmmm
I only read e-books because of NetGalley- of the addiction of getting books early. However, given a choice I will always pick a real paper copy.
My post for B was books to. We are definitely on the same page!
i too love the real thing--funny thing is, not wanting to spend much, i have looked through the years, in places like the dollar store--have been pleasantly surprised most every time
I love both ereaders and print books. Though, curling up on the couch, sick, the other day... I had to have a 'real' book in my hands. I do find that reading on my Kindle, I seem to get through a book more quickly... I don't know what the psychology of that is! Fun!
I admit I'm one of those eBooks only people now. For some reason, reading on my iPad has motivated me to read even more.
I love my Kindle but I still continue to buy 'proper' books too. There is definitely something about the feel and the smell of a new book.
I don't think books are dead yet and won't be for some time but I do think that much further down the line ebooks will take over - sadly.
I love eBooks for convenience, but nothing beats holding a book. Plus, they're easier on the eyes.
BTW I made a spreadsheet for keeping track of the blog list.
It's on Google Docs if anyone is interested.
I also love books. My daughter loves the Kindle, and it is nice - much easier to transport while on a trip than actual books; but there's nothing like the feel and smell of a book or the bookstore itself. One of my favorite things is to peruse the bookstore, looking for new favorites. And, I love used book stores. They smell even better!
I have a kindle, but when it comes down to it, I prefer the real deal and the ability to mark and scribble notes.
Awesome. I'm excited to start this challenge. At first I thought I was supposed to take my letter prompt from your blog and we'd all have the same basic Letter starts. But i'm gathering now that we can pick our own topics with the new day's letter. Oi! Sorry, I'm a newb.
And I too was given a Kindle as a gift. I loved it at first so much so that I donated all my beloved hard copy books to local hospitals and the prison. Now I miss them terribly and am forcing myself to use the kindle. Like a fool I even got rid of my bookcases and shelves. Nothing feels right any more! Back to real books for me ... anyone want a used Kindle?
I too love print books, but I keep moving more toward all digital. Mostly because I can keep all of those books I hold dear with me (in my purse) at all times.
I love both. Print books: the atmosphere of the store, the smell of the binding, the ability to visually tell how far you've read. Ebooks: convenience of instant purchases without leaving home, the ability to carry 48 books around without breaking my back, the access to books that aren't available in print.
I finally got a Kindle for PC; there was a nonfiction book I wanted right then, and I didn't want to have to go out and buy it.
Ellie's Blank Book
Ellie's Couch
Help Michigan Pets
I am so with you! There is nothing like holding an actual book in your hand and carrying it around with you on the off chance you might actually get time to read it! Haven't heard of celerytree so will check it out. Thanks for the tip.
I'd have to agree. Holding an Ereader in your hand just doesn't give the same feel as a printed book.
Bookstores provide the space and comfort for snuggling up in the corner or next to their massive bookshelves with a book and flipping through it to read a few pages to find out if it is indeed worth buying. That is one of the key differences that separates bookstores from Kindle but maybe whatever Kindle lacks in coziness, it makes up for in convenience.
I'm still not sure if I'll ever get one though. They seem a little hard on the eyes...but I still think they're cute :)
Blog: The Madlab Post
@MadlabPost on Twitter
I like my KIndle because I can store so many books in a very small space, and the Kindle is something I can easily take with me wherever I go.
Ive also spent hours and hours sitting at my computer where I can also read my Kindle books and others.
At this point I think I have close to 700 e-books and several hundred paper books. We have very limited space in our seniors' apartment so the e-books are much easier to accommodate.
I used to borrow books from the Public library, but stopped doing that when the news media report that bedbugs had been found in some of the returned books. I want no part of bringing those critters.
Bedbugs can't hide in my e-books.
I love book stores
I love libraries
I love kindle
I hope you are right my Karen!
Nothing can replace a real book!
I love my Kindle but use it rarely. I still much prefer physical books, but I accept that digital is the way of the future.
Jamie Gibbs
Fellow A-Z Buddy
Mithril Wisdom
I miss Borders so much. Still, I live on my Nook Color now. It'll never take the place of real books, but it's so convenient to carry around in college.
I am an Nookbook baby. I love my Nook, and read there regularly. I also must have books in print. There is something innately right about holding a literary tome in my hands, unsure of the knowledge waiting to spill forward from betwixt the binding. Gotta have it.
I love my Kindle. It's so much easier for me to hold with my arthritis issues than a print book, and when I go on a trip, I can "pack" a lot of books! I'm excited to learn more about your Celery Tree site. My Best self-published her first novel. Would she be able to sell it there? I have no idea how you operate - I'm waaay behind.
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-Host of the April A to Z Challenge
Twitter: @AprilA2Z #atozchallenge
Books! I love books and you've posted a few here I have got to check out. Thank you!
I wrote on this topic too! How fun!
I recently got a Kindle and I'm starting to feel the same way. It's not the same. I can't smell the book, and I don't get to go into the book store, and I can't feel the book, and it's upsetting at times. Good old print books are still my favorite.
Blog Twitter #atozchallenge
You know, for all the "print books are a dying business" talk, there seems to be plenty of people who still like a good ol' book in their hands over an e-reader. I don't think they'll ever die - they'll just share their space instead.
A to Z Blogger & SF/Fantasy Writer
Visions of Other Worlds
I think it's because I'm running all the time but I'm a digital book gal lately. I too find its easier to walk away from ebooks that aren't holding my interest.
I read many of my books via the Nook app for my iPad. But I also still love having an actual book every now and then. I do think though that an iPad or any ebook is far more convenient and portable than a regular book. Great topic! Thanks and good luck this April!
I'm a bookie... so far... my suitcase is always in danger of costing me more $$$ at the airport.
I like print books over electronic books, definitely! I enjoy holding the book, turning its pages, making notes of unfamiliar words or quotes worth remembering. In my opinion, print books aren't a dying breed... bookstores are! It seems like it is becoming more and more difficult to find a bookstore.
My 7th grade students enjoy eBooks, and I am glad that there is a media out there that motivates them to read more.
Thanks for sharing!
Mandy @ The Chockboard
When I got my Nook, I announced to the world that I'd gone to the "dark side" of reading, previously preaching that I'd never cross over. NEVER! Now I can't imagine not having my Nook. I still love and buy physical books, but it's nice not to have to cart around 10 big books in my purse. It's big enough already. :)
I too love the feel and smell of a real book. We have an android tablet and I've gotten a few books but it's just not the same. I'm glad to see I stand in good company.
Karen, I'm with you. Print books are my favorite and I'll choose them over an e-book any day.
Is it me but I can't find the list of bloggers participating in this challenge and other bloggers can't find me?
PS And I'm with you on the papyrus.
I love bookstores and libraries. I don't know what I'd do without them.
I blogged on this topic today, as well (and linked to this post). I'm actually planning on doing a series during the challenge comparing books and ebooks.
Lauren, from Word Art
EBOOKs are my FAVE!! I love the NOW factor and having every single one with me at all times. And a lot of times they're cheaper. However, I will say that I have nothing against print books, in fact, they're awesome and I have just as many print as eBooks. Love 'em both!
I don't own a kindle so have to do with the conventional way of reading.
Loved the B POST.
Books are an obsession of mine. :)
I can get lost in a print bookstore for hours and there is nothing like a new print book's uncreased spine, pages and promise. I find I can manouver better within a print book. Loved this post.
I'm also Judy at
I just love the smell of em.
Ah yes, B is for Books. And who knows, if you read a book in correct English, it would spell 'favorite' as 'favourite' :)
Gosh, more increasing awareness of the alphabet. Well done to all of you and seriously, have fun.
Gary who according to our buddy Lee, is the 'Official anti-A to Z spokesman. What an honor....oops..honour! :)
Haven't done the KINDLE or NOOK thing yet, as I'm afraid it might become an obsession! ;-)
Popping in as an A to Z Blogging Challenge participant. Please feel free to visit and comment on any of my blogs as well, leaving a link to your own post, so my readers can find you too!
All on and all in the A to Z Challenge
Heart of a Ready Writer – Bible &Devotional
Meme Express – Daily Blog Prompts (A to Z)
Nickers and Ink – featuring favorite classic poems from A to Z
Practically at Home – Wait till you see what fellow writers are cited – with article links! Maybe you!
Simply Snickers – Not posting daily in the A to Z Challenge, but inviting you to leave comments with you A to Z/NaPoWriMo poetry links!
The Mane Point – profiling special horses from A to Z (just a few letter spots left!) –
Working in Words – Writing How-to’s
You can click my name/icon for links to all these blogs!
Happy A-to-Z-ing!
Linda Ann
Couldn't agree more. When I want to read a book I prefer the real paper kind. Especially when I want to highlite or underline things. I have the Kindle reader on my PC and have used it 3 times. Doubt I will be buying a kindle anytime soon. Good post.
I agree--the Kindle is amazing, but I like holding a book, shopping in bookstores, etc.
Yes, there's nothing like a real book in ones hands as opposed to a device.
Should the local bookstores ever fall prey to closings, I would bet that garage sales et al will see an increase in visitors like us who will ever be in search of a real book!
I prefer print books, too But, I love to go to bed and read. My IPAD has made this a breeze. I have Kindle on it and do love it, but I rather have a hard covered book~
I looove bookstores and libraries!
Not me. I am totally in love with my Kindle. Tony prefers the books, which often finds us buying both the download and the hard copy.
-Juli @
I still like real books best - but if someone gave me a kindle fire I'd take it :)
You're right...there's nothing like a real book. I am coming around to electronic books, but still love holding a print book in my hand...being able to smell the paper and ink. I know nerdy, but I can't help it. :)
I was honestly grief-stricken when Borders closed last summer - that was the bookstore I'd grown up with and it really, really broke my heart when the chain closed. I couldn't read for months afterward (which seems ridiculous, but is true).
Some Dark Romantic
I agree that browsing the kindle isn't the same. The only positive is that I can get free books for school. The negative is that I've often read the wrong thing cause my kindle likes to just chapters. :/ Sad day.
I'll never end my love affair with print books! ;) Nice post!
Ah I love going to Barnes and Nobles with my sister and actually observe a book carefully before purchasing it.
I love print books too. We need more bookstores around here. The closest one to me is a Half-Priced Books an hour away.
Wonderful post. Long live books.
I like books, too, but I like writing them more than reading them. I love my Kindle fire and that's a fact. Real books are always closing up on me and I lose my place, but the Kindle keeps up with my place and is easy to hold with one hand. So, for me, electronic reading is better even though I own an extensive array of paper books.
I am finding just the opposite you are - I am reading more with my iPad than I ever did - and I used to read quite a bit!
I do still like to read a real book now and then, but the convenience of carrying all my books and everything else, in my iPad is wonderful!
The best thing about Kindle is that you can carry your entire library with you !
There is a bit of tangible sacred feeling associated with the holding of a favorite text... or an unknown text! I still love to sit in Barnes and Noble and read, while I watch the others who shut the world out and enter into another.
Thank you for visiting my A-Z blog.
A-Z 2012 (#49) - Bloggit Write A-Z 2012 - Poetry
A-Z 2012 (#861) - Bloggit Write A-Z 2012 - Haiku
I LOVE print books. Unfortunately I've been doing a lot of reading on my iPad to be able to read some of my friends' books and I really miss holding a paperback. I even love the old card catalog systems before they went digital. There's just something about looking up a book manually that was just exciting.
I am very impressed by the number of comments we are receiving on this blog.
I'm a big book lover too!
I love the feel of books and miss my trips to the local bookstore. I would spend a long time just looking...often going in for one book in particular and walking away with three. I have an ereader and it's been practical in a few ways, but nothing compares to a hardback.
I love the randomness of browsing in a bookstore. If there's a specific book I'm looking for, I go to Amazon (more often than not for the e-version of it.)
There are a few second-hand bookstores I love to visit, two here in the SF Bay Area and one in Kansas CIty, MO.
It's fun to see what might catch your eye. That's a far harder task in an online bookstore.
Good post, Alex.
Print books all the way! Although I don't buy from Amazon anymore unless it's a used book that I can't find anywhere else. I'd rather pay full-price retail than buy from them.
I don't think they're dying, but diversifying. I love all books and choose different formats at different times, I love buying paperbacks and hardcovers, read on my iPad and Kindle and listen to audiobooks. More choices are a good thing, gives more access to reading and stories.
Wagging Tales
I never thought I would be so addicted to my Kindle. I drag it along everywhere now (or if I need to pack light I read on the phone), and every free moment I read.
The downside is that when I get tired of one story, I can switch to something else with ease. So my reading stack would collapse if the books were real :) But it is the way I love to read usually :D
Love books, then pass them on to a charity shop, where the charity can raise a bit of money out of them, also a great place to pick up a book you would not normally buy full price and discover another author you like.
Books, everytime :) I love the idea of picking up a book that doesn't need to be recharged. However, I love the idea of being able to carry the odd 500 books away on holiday and being able to fit them into to my carry-on luggage too ;)
I have aKindle and do enjoy reading from it, but yes I do love reding a page turning book as well
An ebook can't compete with a printed book - the smell, the texture, the weight - but I do like my Kindle.
I love real books too, there is something about having a new book, never opened in front of you. I love the smell of the pages as your turn them, I love the way an old favourite gets dog eared and looks loved. I got a Kindle for Christmas and depsite my reservations I have taken to it more than I thought I would. I travel with work and have to admit an ereader is easier when traveling but nothing will ever beat the real thing.
I love real books too, there is something about having a new book, never opened in front of you. I love the smell of the pages as your turn them, I love the way an old favourite gets dog eared and looks loved. I got a Kindle for Christmas and depsite my reservations I have taken to it more than I thought I would. I travel with work and have to admit an ereader is easier when traveling but nothing will ever beat the real thing.
I love books and even though I have a kindle browsing bookshops is my favourite pasttime.
Karen - I agree wholeheartedly
and what about those big beautiful childrens books
As a writer for children I dont think the pictures that are so welcome in a book translate over in a kindle
I adore books, and don't own a Kindle! I have been a book reader all my life, often to the exasperation of my family, who would want me to join them to play tennis or to go the beach. I wanted to do what I wanted to do--stay home and READ! best wishes, jean
My post is up ~
Christa Darr
FB - Fairfield Corner Academy
I really like the feel of an actual book and bookshops I find so peaceful somehow.
I so believe this, Karen...and I miss Border's, too! Thanks for this post...mine was B for books as well. How could a writer not write about books???!
I'm a bookaholic, which is why I added built-in bookcases to my A to Z Wish list. When I'm not buying, I'm lurking in the library...
Patricia Stoltey
Confidence? I have done A, I have done B, and I have done C. I have visited people and you have visited me, yet my name and my blog have been removed from your list? Why?
I love my kindle fire...great for reading so many books...this too was what my b post was about...a lot of people wrote of books...blessings
I have come off reading - have about 1400 books once - all I have read. Now I hardly open a book - wonder why and I'm sure I miss out on something.
I prefer real books but the Kindle is great for travel and for reviewing books for authors. You are going to be very busy with this challenge posting every day!
I love printed books, but oh, the convenience of ebooks! I'm getting spoiled. Thanks for dropping your encouragement at my blog! :-)
I hope you see this post. I'm trying hard to be working participant on this great blog. Love your comments. I find myself being all my books on line but I prefer browsing thru a good, smelly, old book store.
I'll take a print book over an ebook any day. I think it is cool to read on an iPad or Kindle. I just don't want that to be the only way we are able to read. I love strolling through a bookstore running my hands across the books. There is nothing like a real book! I hope some of the stores will be here in ten years... good post!
Bookstores and all their charms, as well as the tactile experience of holding, breathing in, marking up and turning back the pages of a book cannot be replaced. Neither can dropping a book in the bathtub or discovering an old one you'd forgotten, or the thrill of finding a personal message from that author you admire so much. But there's room for the Kindle and their kind. Just as long as we continue to read.
I've been learning to enjoy books on my Kindle apps and have found some true gems. But tonight, while waiting for an old friend to get to town, I sat at our local Barnes and Noble. I read 2/3 of a book and enjoyed the ambiance. Nothing will ever take the place of a real book nor bookstore.
Hear hear, the feel, smell and sound of a good book rocks.
Nice sharing this post of yours Karen!
I am also one whose addicted to books at one point in my life, way back college days but thereafter, after three kids, I seldom could find time reading a novel or two.
But now that they are all in college na, I guess I have the time now, but when blogging became a craze, well i forgot about books and many are lying in my shelves and left unread! :(
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