Friday, April 27, 2012

#atozchallenge X Day

A to Z Badge by Ada Zdanowicz from

Xerox your zeal!

You're gonna make it!  You've nearly reached the end of the challenge and it's almost time to celebrate.  Were you able to maintain your enthusiasm for the duration of the Challenge?   How did it feel?

This was one month of your life filled with a passion to achieve.  Carry that fire with you throughout the year.  Xerox your zeal.  Remember how you felt this April and know that whatever you strive to achieve in life, you can do it.  You've got what it takes.

We'd like you to share your experiences and your feelings.  Remember to prepare your entry for the Blogging from A to Z Reflections Posts that will begin starting the week of Monday May 7th.   Enter the link to your post on the Linky List that will appear on that day and be open for the entire week.

Also, we are interested in your guest posts for the A to Z Blog.   If you have an idea for an article you'd like to contribute to this blog, send us an email so we can schedule your post.

And don't forget about the A to Z Post Challenge Challenge.  Be watching this blog for more details.  Don't suffer from A to Z withdrawal.  Join the fun and networking opportunities at a less-stress more leisurely pace.

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Julie Burroughs said...

Xerox - I didn't think of that "x" word!

Thank you for all the reminders about what still is to come. :o)

A to Z does not have to be X-ed out of our lives!

PR said...

It's so exciting the buzz will continue after the challenge has finished. You've all done a great job, thanks :)

Arthur Brill said...

Xerox your eXuberance!

X is for Xenophobia on Main Street Arts

Hopefully, the A to Z challenge has helped some folks overcome any Xenophobia they may have had about blogging!

Huntress said...

'A to Z withdrawal'??!

*crazy, hysterical laughter*


Have you another brain wave up your sleeve Lee?


Lynn Proctor said...

i hope you do have another great idea!!

Sheila Siler said...

A Challenge Challenge? Whatever could it be? {holding breath}

Nicole said...

My enthusiasm had a speedy roller coaster ride during the challenge due to both unforeseen and expected external forces, which I'll be sure to explain further in the reflections post. It felt...well, like a challenge! LOL. I wouldn't have it any other way because that's what is necessary for personal growth in any area.

I sure do hope that I can Xerox my zeal and keep the momentum flowing from here on out the rest of the year. Thanks for believing that we can achieve whatever we strive for and that we have what it takes to do so -- I've been questioning this very thing these last few months and recently felt like the A to Z was the only thing that I had going for myself right now, like, the only thing that was working without any major hiccups or setbacks.


Blog: The Madlab Post
@MadlabPost on Twitter

Tina said...

I'll be the first to admit I'm tired, but it's a good tired, like the tired of, "I skied all day" or some other physical exertion. The networking has been amazing, I've met such great new friends, and it's not going to be over, it will just change pace, and that I'm looking forward to. I'll still be blogging, though probably not EVERY day. I'll still be visiting, because I want to make it through the whole list, and I'll keep being a co-host of this blog. I answer the info@ email, and run the schedule here. So if you're interested in guest posting like Lee invited you to do, email me at either place. Addresses under the contact tab.
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-Host of the April A to Z Challenge
Twitter: @AprilA2Z #atozchallenge

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'm beat, but I have just enough energy to make it until Monday.

Anonymous said...

It's been a rollercoaster of a Challenge ride, tough but oh so gratifying. I'm so glad I paricipated and am now excited that I can see "Z" just around the corner!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that comment was not meant to come out three times - my computer just had a cow, it can smell the end of the Challenge.


Anonymous said...

I've been admiring you folks from a distance. What dedication you've shown sticking with this challenge! And who would have thought of Xerox? :D

Anonymous said...

Xerox the zeal! Love it. And definitely worth a Retweet!

JoJo said...

I can't believe the challenge is almost over!!!

Marta Szemik said...

Challenge for a Challenge? Wow!
Two more days to go:)

Arlee Bird said...

It went by so quickly didn't it!!
More to come. Stand by over the next few days.

Places I Remember
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog

Jen said...

This had been an amazing experience!

Anne Mackle said...

I read this morning on the bus after not being able to post my X post because Internet was down. It really gave me the extra push and made me feel good about doing the challenge. Imagine my surprise when later after I posted I found you had visited and followed so thanks for both your words on here and taking time to comment.

Wendy said...

Oh, more to come? X-cellent!

Anonymous said...

This has been a lot of fun and like last year, I got to meet some great new bloggers.

My X post has a little video in honor of the A-Z Challenge. You can watch it right here! :O)

StratPlayerCJF said...

This has been a tough challenge. Thanks to the miracle of pre-scheduling, I never missed a day, but came VERY close a couple of times.

I've loved it, hated it, dreaded it, looked forward to it, regretted it, will be so glad it's soon over, and will miss it, too.

I'm a bit conflicted about the whole thing... ;^)

Tracy said...

It has all been super! and yes, I used the same word but in a different context!

Empty Nest Insider said...

It really did go by quickly! Thanks for another eXciting year! Julie

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I got a bit burned out around letter Q, but I caught my second wind and I'm going strong.

An A to Z Challenge Challenge? Can't wait to find out what that is all about.

Thanks to Arlee and all the great co-moderators. I think everything has been running smoothly.

Mimi said...

magically I have now sold two paintings. I am still not getting very many comments (less every day, I Think people are getting worn out)
HOWEVER, i sold two paintings that I know sold directly because of this challenge!!

Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors

klahanie said...

X is for Xerox. Do you copy?
You might just recall me using that in my alternative to this challenge, last year.
Hey Lee, hope your withdrawal symptoms from the alphabet challenge are nice and stress-free.

Anonymous said...

This was my first A - Z Challenge, and I had so much fun that I hope you don't limit it to only once a year. It would be great if you would do this bi-annually or even quarterly. Thank you so much for sponsoring this exciting April event!

Rebecca said...

great x word

Mina Lobo said...

"Remember how you felt this April..."

...that would be "exhausted!"

Between my job, The Challenge, and my kid's college admission results (and all the stuff that comes along with them, the good and the bad), April's been...well, I'm glad we're in the home stretch. I need a break, y'all. :-)

Some Dark Romantic

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lee .. it sure is one way to lose a month of your life - having said that .. I've enjoyed it enormously - not been as diligent as perhaps I might have been .. but have made some good strong interesting new contacts - and that's what it's about ..

Cheers and thanks for reminding us of what's to come .. Hilary

Jarm Del Boccio said...

I'm not giving up now, Arlee! But I do have a question: What do you mean by an article on your guest blog? Did I miss some important info?

Unknown said...

"X" was so hard! But I'm so chuffed I've made it this far! A post Challenge? Hmmm..


Unknown said...

X was hard, but it was fun visiting the blogs seeing all the X words everyone came up with.

Congratulations on finishing the A to Z challenge!

Bishop Leo Michael said...

Kudos to AtoZ Blog Challenge for keeing us committed and going. It was a tough call, given the ministerial responsibilities, but I kept at it, sometimes battling time zones to get my blog finished before the strike of twelve. My wife Holly Michael and her blog lead to me to AtoZ Challenge. Thanks to the wonderful bloggers whom I've connected with and today my hope is to connect with more. I promise. Thanks to them for making this a possibility!