We're finishing our first week and so far the A to Z Challenge is a gigantic success. Heads are swirling with blog posts everywhere to read. It's been like entering a theme park for blogging this week. The pulls of where to go next are strong, but one thing is guaranteed: Wherever you go you're going to find something good.
Hope everyone is having a grand time with this 2012 edition of Blogging from A to Z. This will be a busy weekend for many of you and blog visits may be down. Those of you who are able to spend some time blogging this weekend can perhaps take up the slack for those who will be spending time with family and holiday events. We've got a wonderful community gathered together here.
You all are doing a great job so far!
Hey Tina,
This is my first year and I'm just having a great time writing and making new friends...Thanks so much!
this challenge was a Groovy idea! i'm Grateful to be involved!
Violet @ Revolution ~ Evolution
This first week has been amazing, but I think I'll need to up my game next week to make it even better :)
Fellow A-Z bloggy buddy
Mithril Wisdom
I've having a great time! Now that I've finished my three "G" posts, I can visit more blogs and leave more comments.
Ellie's Blank Book
Ellie's Couch
Help Michigan Pets
I'm a first timer, and I'm having a great time.
Many thanks to you and the AtoZ team.
This is my first time doing the challenge and I'm thoroughly enjoying it! I think I'm going to spend the day tomorrow writing up the posts for next week :)
I am certainly enjoying the variety!
Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors
Having a grand time!
Where'd the linky list of bloggers go? I was using the signup sheet for the blogs to visit, but it's gone now.
We could do this challenge on more than one blog? Ooh, that would have been fun. I have book blog, too (under a different username). Maybe next year!
I'm having a Grand time with the challenge - my first time, too. And yes - it's like a blogging theme park. I've been visiting about 10 blogs per day + the blogs of challenge bloggers who visit mine + my regular blog buddies (who are delighted with this, too.) So lots more time spent on blogging, but it's worth it. Thank you to the organizers for making this so fun.
Rubye, I just checked, and the list is still there. It took a long time for it to load, though, so you probably just need to give it more time.
Thourouhgly enjoying the party.
Having a Golly-gee-Great time this week.
Thank you for all of your efforts making this all happen. This is our first challenge and we are having a blast and looking forward to being a part of many more in the future.
Again, thank you for all of your hard work to make this all a success!
It's been great fun so far. Have been a bit busy this week but hope to catch up and visit many new blogs next week :)
Universal Gibberish
Good so far...roll on week 2
Thanks to the whole A to Z team! You guys rock! This challenge is awesome and I'm having a great time writing and reading. There just are not enough hours in the day...
Great week so far. Wishing everyone a Glorious Easter
I've been having a great time with the challenge! I'm trying hard to visit all the blogs. I just wish I had more time to and comment.
I'm enjoying myself! Thanks for all the work assembling this thing.
~ Barbara
Life & Faith in Caneyhead
Am enjoying the challenge as usual.
My grateful thanks to all the hosts who have kept things running smoothly.
Hi: Having fun but noticed that not all of my comments are published. I try hard to make the connection and write something personal and yet, it can be disheartening.
Glad to hear so many are still keeping up energy and staying power. Still a few weeks to go.
Lover--not sure about what's happening with your comments. Are you talking about the ones that need approval from the blog owners? Hopefully your situation will be resolved with satisfaction.
Well thank YOU! ATOZ is huge this year!
Having a blast so far. Lots of awesome blogs w/ great posts. =)
It's been fun so far. Hope I can keep it up. H is next, which could stand for "Holy crap it isn't easy coming up with something original every day!"
Guaranteed, I am having a grinning good time with the A to Z Challenge. This first week ended so quickly but I have visited many interesting blogs already. Can't wait to see what next week will bring.
http://gail-baugniet.blogspot.com Theme: A World of Crime
i heart my a to z blogging buddies
I started a day late. But I have to say- this is so much fun. Something good to celebrate!
Thanks you guys!!
It has been an amazing week so far. So near yet so far, but am loving the challenge. Great to see you all around.
Visit My Blog
I will admit. This challenge is lots of fun. Amazing to see the inspiration it enables. Loving it and thanks for organizing!
Thanks! I didn't think I would last but I'm still here... now I think I'll make it to the end. It's been a lot of fun!
The people I've met so far have been fab- everybody has been so friendly and it's great to meet people who have the same passion for blogging as I do. Here's to week 2- have a nice break tomorrow! x
My followers and my page views have increased tremendously. This is the best thing I could have done for my blog. (I plan to get caught up reading lots of blog posts this weekend.)
Jolie du Pre
Precious Monsters
I am really having fun doing this!
Got a couple new people as well!
A great blogging experience...thanks for your time and effort...it is greatly appreciated.
Sue..CollectInTexas Gal
yeah, can you believe the first week is over already? Now to get busy with next weeks letters...
Have a blessed Easter!
It's been a great week - but we're slowly coming up to the letters I have no posts for yet! Argh!
Its terrible I hate the alphabet even more now. I knew it was full of letters but dam it there are a whole 26 or is it more?
Still I've started so what can I do but carry on. It will be horrible on Monday and incredibly horrible on Tuesday and then on Wednesday it will be jolly incredibly horrible. You see it just gets worse the longer it goes on.
Still it could be even worse and we could be using the Chinese alphabet and I would be trapped for the next ten years.
The only redeeming thing is everyone is avoiding my blog so PHEW ...... NO dont look, just stay away.
I am enjoying myself too! It is all going great!
My first year and almost have all posts written. Fun to see other words than Easter for E, lots of Goals for G but I am learning stuff and making lots of new friends, thanks
Wish I'd known about the Challenge earlier so I could have had some posts written ahead. But despite the crazy pace, I'm keeping up and loving the challenge.
Help! Again!
I tried all the links provided to me to assist in getting to the complete blogger list and none of them take me to a complete list, just promos, links to the facilitators, etc. How are other bloggers getting there? What am I missing?
You can do it! I know you can. Just remember that it's all for fun and networking.
Wisewebwoman -- It sounds like you're at the right site. Go to the top of the main page and under the title header, click on the tab that says "2012 A to Z Sign up List". You should be taken to the page with the list. There is more helpful information on the other tabbed pages as well.
G is for Good Job to all of us! :)
Well, I made it to the end of the first week. OK, everything should be easy from now on, yes?
*I wish*
Still, I'm having fun on this, my second year. Having a theme should have made it easier - but then my theme mutated on my very first post. Ack!
But it's been a lot of fun visiting other members of this crazy tribe.
I didn't get in the linky, but I am loving this challenge. Thank you for doing it!
I survived but not without a little pain. For some reason today's post wouldn't allow comments. I deleted to template, built a different one, same thing. Finally deleted and re-added the blog post, now folks can finally comment. Never a dull moment.
Okay, off to write my N entry...gotta stay ahead to keep up!
I've noticed a great response at my blog since I started this challenge. I used to think that blogging 5 days a week would annoy my readers, but they seem to think it's "Great," too! What fun!
Hi Lee .. couldn't agree more - a grand lot, groovy lot, great group - wonderful team .. with a gorgeous team leader!!! cheers and Happy Easter to you and your family, and all A - Z bloggers .. Hilary
Great gusto! Go! Go! Go!
All on Blogspot.com and all in the A to Z Challenge:
Heart of a Ready Writer – Bible &Devotional
Meme Express – Daily Blog Prompts (A to Z)
Nickers and Ink – Featuring favorite classic poems from A to Z
Practically at Home – See what fellow writers are cited – with article links!
The Mane Point –Pprofiling special horses from A to Z
Working in Words – Writing How-to’s
Simply Snickers is not posting daily in the A to Z Challenge, but you are invited to comment with your A to Z/NaPoWriMo poetry links!
Click my name/icon for links to all these blogs! Happy A-to-Z!
Greetings! I am new to the challenge this year and I'm loving it! A week in and I've already found so
I love this challenge so much. Not only is it increasing my knowledge of women in literary history via my creating within my own challenge, it is stretching my creativity in other ways, too. Very very grateful... (and I love connecting with everyone else!)
Julie Jordan Scott
twitter: @juliejordanscot
G is for Gabriela Mistral
LOL I am enjoying the A to Z challenge, too.
Sonia Lal, A to Z Challenge
Am also an A-Zer virgin! Loving the Challenge and reading some other great blogs out there - looking forward to the next postings!
Indeed am having a grand time so far (if I haven't said so already, lol...I may have. What I am enjoying most is expanding my horizons and reading blogs I might not seek out and therefore find, but love the content and want to keep reading. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Finding something to blog about using the letter prompts has been easier than I expected so far. I just hope it keeps up as we get further along in the alphabet!
I am having so much fun participating in this challenge. If you have time check out my blog:
I am loving this year's A to Z even more than last year's.
Lloyd of Gamebooks - http://virtualfantasies.blogspot.co.uk/
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