Sunday, March 4, 2012

#atozchallenge: Sunday Summary March 4, 2012

Your A to Z Challenge promo posts are appearing all over the place and now it's getting difficult to keep up with all of them.  I'm sure we'll miss some of them, but please bear with us as we love them all and appreciate every mention that we get.

We tried our best to get to 1000 sign-ups this past week.  With your help we can still make it.   By April 1st I hope to see at least 1500.  Keep encouraging everyone you know to join us.

Don't forget about the A to Z Video contest.  We haven't had any submissions in the past week and we'd love to see a few more before next Sunday's closing date.  The video doesn't have to be professional or anything elaborate, just you and something you want to say about the A to Z April Challenge.

Here are some of the special posts we came across this week:

Jessica at Visions of Other Worlds is in a quandary about how best to approach the Challenge.  She even offers a poll for those who want to help her decide.

I believe the announcement on ReAhkemiH's fullishness in its fool blog was in Portuguese, but her final sentence assured readers that her Challenge entries will be in English.  A to Z is a worldwide event!

Jennifer Wells declared her love of a good challenge and exhorts her readers to sign up for A to Z in April.

Overcrowded Book Shelves blog makes an April Challenge debut in 2012. Can anyone help her with the letter "z"?

Back for her second year, Miriam joins in Jenny Pearson's A to Z Tag questions on her blog An' de walls came tumblin' down.  She found the questions on the blog Wake up, eat, write, sleep where Annalisa Crawford also answered the questions.

Teresa at Jounaling Woman has been posting about the A to Z Challenge with some regularity now including this Open Letter.   Hang in there Teresa--chocolate marshmallow eggs are the best cure-all for all that ails you.

Sarah Allen at No Write No Wrong is back for a second year and she tells how she's ready to go.  She'd like to hit the 200 follower mark and as I write this she needs 74 more to make it. Maybe you can help her out right now by visiting her blog and clicking the "Friend Connect" button.  Maybe you'll get a new follower as well (that's usually the way it works you know).

Julie at Empty Nest Insider recalls how last year's Challenge got her fired up.  She's looking forward to the 2012 Challenge.

Yadin Bromberg is making lemonade:  Main ingredient the A to Z Challenge.  That's the way my blog friend!

Lucy Jane is at her Writing Desk and geared up to go in April.   She's in for a second year.

Theres Just Life has joined the A to Z party and is crazy about the Challenge.

Sylvia at Writing in Wonderland is returning to the Challenge and offers some good reasons why others should be a part of this great blogging event.

Then there was inspirenordic who passed on an award with a "join the A to Z Challenge" stipulation.  We condone bribery in this case.

Kelly at Kelly Said... said that she was accepting the Challenge so said Kelly at Kelly Said...  Now say that quickly three times.

Thank you Jennifer Fischetto for the mention.  Also Cynthia at Read Is the New Black, and Tambo Writes.

Tracy at A2ZMommy gave us a great shout-out in her post.  Thanks, Tracy!

I leave with a video idea offered by Nicole from Madlab Post :

Enhanced by Zemanta


Unknown said...

Thanks for the posts, I'll check 'em out soon :) I think 1500 is doable by April 1st; A-Z is going to be awesome!

MISH said...

I've just returned from visiting some of these links. The A-Z Buzz is definitely on...


You haven't seen my contribution to the advertising the A to Z yet.
will do later this week.


T. Powell Coltrin said...

Thanks, Lee, for the shout out. I think I've decided that I may be saving depression for when it's all over and I will miss (uh huh)all the A-Z prep.


Marta Szemik said...

I've posted on Book Blogs group as well which works on blog networking. Perhaps a few will join in from there:)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Look at all those mentions! Just awesome.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

A to Z is spreading across the world. April is going to be great fun.

Nikki said...

Yay thank you :) It's so nice to be mentioned :D I'm sure there'll be 1500 of us by April!

Empty Nest Insider said...

Thanks for the mention Lee! I just came over from Mish's A to Z post which is one of the most creative I've ever seen! Nice video Nicole, and I look forward to catching up with the other bloggers on your list. Julie

Tina said...

I love this weekly feature! What a great way to not just get the word out about the challenge, but to be able to give a shout-out (and we hope, increased traffic) to those who take the time and blog space to spread the word!
Hey Nicole, I really appreciated your encouraging comment on my guest post at the A-Z. Just wanted to let you know I quoted and linked you at Life is Good today.
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-Host of the April A to Z Challenge
Twitter: @AprilA2Z #atozchallenge

Anonymous said...

YEA to all the shout outs! Liked to the video.


Jeremy Bates said...

Good luck to your A to Z challenge! just enjoy it...;)