Voting for the A to Z Video Challenge ends tonight at 11:59 Eastern Time. Don't forget to go to the voting tab at the top of this page and register your vote!
Still A to Z posts popping up everywhere! Here are some that we found recently:
Rena J Traxel is looking for some help for her April Challenge project and she's got a contest underway as well.
Fang at Fang Talks is ready to bite into the Challenge. Talk your friends into joining, Fang.
Susan Oloier, Author has gone and done it--signed up for the Challenge. I'm going to have to check into those raspberry Hershey kisses that she mentions.
Minnie, the ever popular denizen of Siv Maria's blog Been there, done that, made an appearance this week to preview the upcoming April offerings for that blog. Sounds like some naughty, but witty fun from A to Z. Siv also had a post encouraging everyone to disable the dreaded Captcha.
Jaycee DeLorenzo needs someone to hold her--or a least provide some moral support to get through the Challenge. You can do it Jaycee!
TMW Hickman is Not Just Another Mother Blogger. She offers her Reasons to Blog from A to Z.
Li at Flash Fiction suggests "Topics You Could Use {But May Not Want To}". Actually some of them sound pretty good. I hope someone takes her up on these.
There was lots of buzz about Word Verification this past week. Jeremy at Geeky Tendencies was one of those offering a reminder to turn it off for April.
Claire at Claire's Writing Log is dedicating her April Challenge to her infant daughter--stories that she can read to her little girl when she's old enough to understand. What a cool legacy to create during the A to Z!
Nikki at Inspire Nordic was practicing her A to Z chops with a little encouragement for more bloggers to sign up for the Challenge.
Yadin Bromberg is still plugging away at the A to Z Challenge. This time he's wondering what he should blog about during April. Whatever it is have fun with it!
Mary Aalgaard at Play off the Page is thinking about words and the April Challenge. She also has some questions for her readers.
A to Z inspiration from The Twilight Zone? Sure, why not! It worked for Anna Smith at Universal Gibberish and her post tells the story.
Jessica Bell and Dawn Ius have another great A to Z plan in mind this year. Read about it at The Alliterative Allomorph
We're glad to hear that Delores from The Feathered Nest has decided to join us in the April Challenge after all. She's come up with a theme we can all relate to.
Dare to Know All There Is to Learn has made its April intentions known.
Shannon at Shannon's Book Bag will be back to try the Challenge again this year with hopes that she won't run into similar obstacles as last year. Good luck Shannon.
Another blogger signed up may be a Daydreamer but she's also One Mum, Two Girls, and a Chauffeur--well that's her blog. Stop by and maybe you can help her decide how she should approach the A to Z Challenge.
A call was put out for poets to join the Challenge at My Heart's Love Songs. Thanks!
A to Z co-host Tina Downey paid a visit to House Revivals to tell more folks about the April Challenge.
In a seemingly slightly eccentric move, Rob at The Slightly Eccentric Diary of Rob Z Tobor looks like he's already started the A to Z Challenge on his blog, but his March posts are only a warm-up for things to come in April.
Another blogger convinced by others to join in the A to Z fun is Violet from Revolution Evolution.
Sometimes I feel like I'm losing track of the blogs I include on the Sunday Summary. I try to leave a comment on the blogs I've included. I didn't see my comment on Sabrina's Writing Reflections post announcing that she had joined in so here is the mention in this summary.
Gossip Girl offers up some helpful reminders at Whatever.
That's it for this week's Sunday Summary. Please try and stop by some of these highly supportive blogs and make a new friend...or in some cases say hello to an old friend.
And Don't Forget to Vote, Vote, Vote for your favorite A to Z Video. If you haven't seen the videos yet, they're short and fun to watch. And voting is easy. Show our video entrants your appreciation for what they've done.
Thanks for the links, shall have to pop over and say hi. I can't wait for the challenge to begin - it's gonna be a blast!
I can't vote for the video for they are all good. The community is building, I think it is really amazing what you are doing here Arlee.
Thank you for mentioning me! And thank you for all the links, I'm going to have a lovely evening visiting everybody :)
I've been sending them in as I find them but I've long since lost track of all the blogs I've seen featuring the Challenge.
Just left Jaycee DeLorenzo's blog and its not only nice to see that A to Z Challenge continues to grow as we lead into April, but it is also attracting a lot of new participants to make for an even larger community.
Blogging at The Madlab Post and socializing @MadlabPost on Twitter
Thanks for the "shout out" Arlee and I will be checking out those links.
Thanks for the mention, Lee. I can't imagine trying to keep up with it all. I struggle with that in the writing group I am currently President of right now. Lists are my best friends right now! *grin*
Wow, I'm meeting so many new blog friends already. There's such a great variety of styles and themes being tackled also. Love it.
Thanks for the shout out! I figured my theme out and it's going to be announced the day we start. Also I created an A-Z song/rap parody of Teach Me How To Dougie if you guys want it for the site.
great links to some great blogs...cheers
You do such a good job on these Sunday Summaries, Lee. I haven't hit them all, but I've met totally awesome bloggers wherever I do go.
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-Host of the April A to Z Challenge
Twitter: @AprilA2Z #atozchallenge
Great write-up! I really enjoy these summaries.
I sure hope Blogger cooperates with everyone in April. I've been seeing a lot of errors lately.
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