A couple of weeks ago, Teresa from Journaling Woman published a post that offered some great tips on meeting the Challenge in the best blogging shape. It was entertaining and funny, but on target as to some of the things challengees will want to consider as they approach April. Teresa has given me permission to reprint her post on the A to Z Blog.

Now, I don’t join blogfests often. There’s the commitment issues. There’s the “marching to my own drummer” philosophy. But sometimes you long to belong.
And that’s where the Blogging from A-Z Challenge comes in. To get prepared, I’m in training. Here’s my workout plan.
Fingers stretch out. Fingers pull in. Repeat eight more times. Then—stop.
· Get eight hours of sleep.
· Dream each night about a dancing alphabet.
· Leap vigorously to catch random letters in your dreams since you will need them to complete A-Z.
· And even if they struggle and bite to be free, catch them. It’s well worth it.
Mental Games
Repeat daily: A-Z is only one month. Not even a month. Only 26 days. It’s a challenge not a marriage. You’re only committing yourself for 26 days. Consider it a very long date.
· Old A-Z posts for ideas. New A-Z posts for ideas. (This helps you know you’re not alone.)
· Gone with the Wind (“I can’t think of that right now, If I do I’ll go crazy. I 'll think about that tomorrow.”)
· Eat chocolate – lots and any kind is fine.
· Drink coffee. Lots. Coffee helps with memory. True story, I think.
· Eat fried foods to store fat because writing is a lonely and cold profession. You’ll need the comfort of fried food.
Write random ideas. Write conversations. Write grocery lists. Write until you find your theme. Then…write it for real.
And that’s my training workout for the Blogging From A-Z Challenge coming to a blog near you April 1-30. I’m stoked. I have a theme. I’m getting prepared.
Now go visit the Blogging from A-Z Challenge site to learn more about it. Get outta here--go!
Haha, I am totally on board with this! Anyone who tells me I can eat chocolate and drink coffee is worth listening to! :D
Hi Lee .. I loved Teresa's take - such a refreshing post .. I think I'll latch onto her coat tails and see if I can swing along the A - Z with her .. got my theme - just need to write my posts .. then string them up in the April Jungle ..
Cheers to you both .. Hilary
Oh I like Theresa's tips. I have been sitting on the fence about joining in for a third time. Guess I may as well jump on over.
That was so clever!
Lee, I've been so busy this week that I've not had time to post on my blogs AND I'd forgotten about this honor. Thanks for reprinting.
I love writing humor and I love A-Z or I will when I get my posts written. ;)
A most clever post,
As I have mentioned I have all mine
done and is eagerly awaiting 1st April.
I saw this when Teresa posted it on her blog! Love it! I can't believe how soon April is arriving. Gotta get ready... :)
Chocolate and coffee, genius :)
Oh, yeah, coffee, coffee, coffee. I like the idea of a long date.
That nutrition part sounds identical to my diet:)
I have my coffee cup coaster ready and my box of chocolates is set to peel back the cellophane...moist hand wipes...still need to go pick those up at the store. Don't want a sticky keyboard. Half my posts are primed and ready to go. Is it April yet?
I like the nutritional part the best...I am starting tomorrow!
I totally agree with the coffee part... lots & lots of coffee is the answer!
Anyone who says I should eat fried food, and read Gone with the Wind in the same post is all right by me :-)
I love the preperation workout tips
: )
I think if someone scolds us, we will have no lack of writing ideas. Surprising how words flow when we are angry.
Hi JW! I remember this post well...Lee and I were tag-teaming you, fighting for you to let us post this!
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-Host of the April 2012 Blogging from A to Z Challenge
Now that's my kinda' workout! Thanks for the fun post.
Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z
Loved the post! Makes me excited and nervous to try the challenge for my first time!
After reading this post I wonder how people survive anything without dreaming, chocolate, coffee, fried foods and lists, I'm a list Queen...sounds like I will do great by this routine! Great read! Thanks!!!
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