Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Teaching Often Makes You the Student

Today we have a special guest post from Heather of Random Interruptions. She's a very new blogger, but is jumping off the high dive and joining us in the A-Z. Please give her a warm welcome!

Teaching Often Makes You the Student

        I am so happy to be joining you today. Thanks Tina for the invitation to guest blog.    I started my blog at the end of 2011, so I am still very much a newbie. I am really excited about participating in the A to Z Blog Challenge.

       I work as a supervisor of an agency that provides support coordination/case management to people with disabilities. A couple years ago I was asked to co-train a class titled Person-Centered Planning, which focuses on how to write plans based on individuals’ needs, wants, goals, etc. That sounds like a no-brainer, doesn’t it?

      The introduction to the class is for all of the participants and trainers to share their greatest goal for themselves. Most answered with goals of traveling, furthering their education, etc. My goal was to write a book. I have been telling my friends in casual conversation for years that I wanted to write a book, but now I said this OUT LOUD to people who look to me for guidance every day. The pressure was on!

     Making this proclamation, I felt that I would be a hypocrite if I didn’t start taking steps to make it happen. After all, in my profession we assist others in achieving their goals every day. Shouldn’t we lead by example?

     I have learned that writing is easier said than done and it has been a process to say the least. My first step was to buy a laptop to make writing more convenient and portable. Step 2 was joining Goodreads where I have read some incredible advice. That has all been wonderful but I still hadn’t written anything! About a month ago I started my blog, just to get the creative juices flowing. I am still struggling and learning how it all works but I am looking forward to the A to Z Challenge to light a fire under me.

     And, …I am teaching the class again in March

What would your greatest goal be? What are you doing to achieve it?


Marta Szemik said...

Welcome Heather! Glad you're joining the challenge. My greatest goal would be to be able to support my family just on writing. I cannot imagine doing anything else:)

Tina said...

Hey Heather! Thanks for posting for us! Your perspective of being so new to blogging is going to be such an encouragement to other new bloggers. They might be hesitating because it seems like such a huge task to commit to the Challenge with a new blog. So to those of you who are pondering - connect with Heather. You guys could support and encourage each other. We all know that difficult tasks are more manageable in small chunks, and then even more so if there's somebody beside you also chunking ;-)
Great, inspirational post, Heather.
Tina @ Life is Good

Co-Host of the April 2012 Blogging from A to Z Challenge


Heather Murphy said...

Hi Marta, thanks for stopping by. I hope you are able to fulfill your goal with ease

Thanks again for this opportunity Tina!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

We often learn more when we are the teacher!
Welcome to your first Challenge, Heather. You are going to meet so many awesome new people.

Heather Murphy said...

Thanks Alex! I am excited about the challenge and looking forward to meeting new people and reading lots of interesting posts!

klahanie said...

Hey Heather,
And a huge welcome to the diverse and wonderful world of the blogging community. All different, all equal.
I have much admiration for your vocation and your heartfelt dedication to your career. Indeed, what empowerment you provide and much respect your way. For I know you realise that behind the 'disability', each individual has a profound and unique ability.
With writing, I have learnt to never put too much pressure on myself. Let the power, the magic of the written word, flow and dance upon the keyboard, when the inspiration arrives.
I do not do this "A to Z Challenge". Although, I use writing as positive therapy and I do the occasional, satirical posting about this 'challenge'. To their immense credit, the creators of this site, duly noted my tongue-in-cheek postings, last April and understood in was just good natured banter :)
Heather, all the very best with this challenge and relax. Enjoy teaching the class again in March.
Much respect and happy writing, your way, Gary

Arlee Bird said...

Heather, I have similar goals and have slow in moving like you say you have. A to Z is a tremendous motivator. It has stimulated my blogging efforts in a big way. And the community is outstanding. Welcome to the neighborhood and I wish you all the best in April.


MISH said...

Welcome Heather - it's so nice to meet you!
I can assure you that you'll have a blast during the A-Z Challenge & meet lots of wonderful bloggers!
This is a very supportive community... good luck with the challenge.
Countdown continues... 46 days to go!

Heather Murphy said...

Thanks for the encouragement Lee and for all of the support today. The blogging community has been very helpful so far. It is much appreciated.

Thanks Mish! I am looking forward to the challenge. I've outlined the alphabet already and started working on posts. 46 days will go quickly!

Ella said...

Hi Heather, it takes time! Nice to meet you and I look forward to you being part of the A-Z blogging journey! :D

Tracy Jo said...

Hi Heather! The A-Z Challenge is where I started last year. It is such a great experience and perfect way to get the juices flowing. :-) Nice to meet you and look forward to reading your posts.

Rek Sesh said...

Its never to late to start...and there are prompts all around even on the internet and you can always write on your teaching experiences...funny, random, inspirational things that happened at class or travelling..

Heather Murphy said...

Thanks Ella, thanks for saying hi. I am trying to get involved in as much as I can with blogging but I think A to Z is going to be the big turning point. I am already having a blast and meeting some wonderful people.

Thanks again Tracy Jo and Rek

I am looking forward to reading everyone's posts in April!

Shannon Lawrence said...

Great post, Heather! My goal is related. I've written a book, technically, but now I want to edit it to completeness and get it published! I hope you have a wonderful update in March. It sounds like you are taking some big strides toward your goal.

Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Nicki Elson said...

It is so cool that by teaching this class you motivated yourself. And it's awesome that you're taking the steps. My advice would be - don't psyche yourself out on that first draft. Don't worry about the rules yet. Anything you write now can and will be edited...many, many times. But first you've got to give yourself something to edit and rework and completely change. ;)

I'm looking forward to A to Zing with you, Heather. And Hi to Arlee & gang!