Despite a bit of a glitch with the Linky list on Friday night to Saturday, the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge of 2012 is off to a huge start. Over 300 sign ups on opening day! Captain Alex has been fixing the list whenever fixing has needed to be done so we have a purer list to work from once April comes. Please let us know if your list information is incorrect and needs to be fixed. Also, if you run across a link that is bad let us know so Alex can fix it.
Today we'd like to pay tribute to some super bloggers. A number of you have helped give the A to Z Challenge an extra boost with your guest posts on this blog as well as posts on your own blogs.
Here are a few of the fantastic A to Z promoting blogs that have been brought to my attention:
Teresa at Journaling Woman gave a textbook presentation of how to do the A to Z Challenge. This is an outstanding post that you should check out.
Inky the Hamster Mommy gave the Challenge a nice plug the weekend before sign-ups began. If you want to see what a niche blog is all about, you need to take a look at Inky's place. You might end up getting diverted for awhile playing with the cute little hamster.
A new entrant to the Challenge is Aimee Kay from How Can You Help?. In keeping with her blog name she's helping out by promoting the Challenge. Check out Aimee's blog for relevant ways to help in your community.
Now whenever I hear someone say "Whatever", I'll be thinking of the Gossip Girl since Whatever is the name of her blog. She also gave A to Z a shout-out and that's all fact and not gossip. Well, Whatever! Hmm, I like that.
Shay from Seriously--WTH? joined in the list debut day celebrations with a rousing call to blog action. Thank you, Shay!
More stirring words came on a debut day post from Jamie at Mithril Wisdom. Jamie will be a guest on the A to Z Blog this coming Thursday.
Also spreading the news about A to Z was Heather M. Gardner at The Waiting Is the Hardest Part.
We also appreciate the nod given to the Challenge by Beth Stilborn at On Writing, Reading, the Arts, and Life.
I'm sure I've missed more of your promo blogs for the April Challenge. I'm trying to keep my eyes open to catch as many as I can. I want you to know that we appreciate everything each of you are doing to let more bloggers know what will be happening in April of 2012. Keep on spreading the news!
Facebook fans!!! Please "Like" the A to Z Facebook page by clicking the button on the sidebar or go to the page itself at:
We are nearly at 100 likes. Let's push that number up!
Twitter users!!! Team member Damyanti, our Twitter news editor, has requested that you get the word out on Twitter. Follow the Challenge and tweet it everywhere. Here's our Twitter info:
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
Can we get the Twitter followers to 1000?
Thanks for the shout-out! Looking forward to seeing everyone else's efforts.
Hi Lee - this is going to be wonderful - and you and your team are doing great things for us all ..
Have a great week ahead .. cheers Hilary
Every time I come on here the follower count has gone up, great job guys. I was wandering, can the challenge be done backwards, from Z to A? :P
Hi Anna .. someone did it last year - and I have to say it completely threw me .. I thought they weren't participating - because the one constant = that letter for the day.
Now - I'm probably being curmudgeonly! So see what others say ..
Cheers Hilary
It was fun writing it. And the parts about me--true--all true. I'm terrified at the thought of committing to all those days of writing. And yet, I CAN'T WAIT.
Thanks for the mention.
Thanks so much for the shout-out. This is going to be a fantastic experience!
To the person who was wondering about Z to A instead, didn't someone do that in May last year to continue the fun? (I wasn't part of the challenge, but I seem to recall reading about that.)
glitches only remind us that we should remember the good things in life... or at least appreciate them more...
Sorry the linky went down for a while, but we are back in business now. And I have seen SO many posting about the Challenge this week.
The interest is there Lee, I have seen many blogs with A to Z on.
We here in the UK have a commercial about A TO Z UNFORTUNATELY IS ABOUT MCDONALDS.
I came across the A-Z Challenge while looking for inspiration today. I can't wait to try this in April. Thanks!
Looks like great participation Stephen. Now, to take a peek at some of your super bloggers.
Ha ha ha, now I feel like I am in a candy store with a much too huge selection of goodies to choose from.
Thanks for the shout out! I had a great time last year so I'm just hoping to bring my friends along for the ride this year!
Thanks for all that you do!
Thanks to all of you for the comments and the promo posts. Keep 'em coming.
Adding my thanks to all of you great bloggers who are spreading the word with us! Looking like this year is going to be HUGE!
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-Host of the April 2012 Blogging from A to Z Challenge
Thanks for the props!
Matthew Macnish
& The Armchair Squid
Thanks for stopping by! I look forward to reading your posts and hope that you will stop by again to read mine and not just the shout out because I really am pretty funny;)
Looking forward to the challenge!
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