Monday, February 13, 2012

Stephen Tremp "Opening" Release

Hi everyone, and thanks for stopping by. I'd like to thank Lee for the opportunity to promote the recent release of my suspense thriller OPENING, the second installment int he BREAKTHROUGH series. Here we go .....

“A scientific breakthrough of such magnitude it could radically alter the future of humanity—for better or worse—is in the wrong hands.”

Graduate students from M.I.T. have stolen a breakthrough in wormholes. Their leader, Nicholas Fischer Jr., has convinced the group to assassinate powerful politicians and World Bank executives, privy to the discovery, to prevent them from using it for their own New World Order agenda and egregious profits.

Orange County resident Chase Manhattan, man of danger, is part of a new breed of modern-day discovery seekers. As the death toll mounts, Chase and his friends must battle this group of misled zealots from M.I.T. The conflict: will this discovery be used to benefit and advance the world in ways only previously imagined, or will greed and incompetence be used to manipulate the masses and benefit a select few. Amplifying the problem, events escalate as a scientific Pandora’s box is knocked over and the contents spilled out.

Stephen Tremp, author of the BREAKTHROUGH series, has a B.A. in information systems and an MBA degree in global management. Stephen has a background in information systems, management, and finance and draws from this varied and complex experiential knowledge to write one-of-a-kind thrillers.

His novels are enhanced by current events at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and other scientific research facilities around the world. These potential advances have the ability to change the way we perceive our universe and our place in it!


I am a big fan of BREAKTHROUGH, the first book of the Chase Manhattan series, so I was looking forward to OPENING. Author Stephen Tremp has not only not disappointed with the new installment, but also raised the bar in OPENING, providing a slick complex action thriller.

The scope of the story is breathtaking and the action is non-stop. The events are so plausible that at times I was nodding in agreement thinking, "Yeah, that could happen." The story is cued directly from current world events and scientific breakthroughs.

Arlee Bird
Writer, Blogger and Juggler of Words and Phrases

I enjoyed reading OPENING. You did a great job of grabbing and keeping my attention. Your use of description was wonderful and your attention to detail just helped to add to the book. The action was quite intense at times. I am a big fan of BREAKTHROUGH, the first book of the Chase Manhattan series, so I was looking forward to OPENING.

Audrey Sillett Lintner

You can visit Stephen Tremp at Breakthrough Blogs. BREAKTHROUGH and OPENING can be downloaded:

Kindle for $1.99

Smashwords for $1.99


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Go Stephen go!


Good luck Stephen, you deserve it.


Karen Lange said...

Congrats, Stephen! Wish you all the best!

Marta Szemik said...

Congratulations Stephen! I do like your covers :)

Patricia Stoltey said...

Yay, Steve. Congratulations. I'm looking forward to reading Opening.

Arlee Bird said...

I encourage everyone out there to support Stephen and all of the rest of the A to Z co-hosts. We have some fine authors in the A to Z Team.

Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog
Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Jeremy [Retro] said...

great post... best of luck.

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone for the encouraging words! You guys and gals are the bestest!

Rek Sesh said...

As I said commented on Stephen's blog interesting premise and the covers are awesome....on TBB list.

Tina said...

I just bought it for my Kindle. I bought Breakthrough a while back but haven't read it yet. (When I have down time, I usually head to Bloggyland to visit my friends, haven't spent a lot of time reading lately.) Reading this description has me completely excited all over again. As I'm on bed rest, this is the PERFECT time to have two great books waiting to be read.
My post today, which is going up within the hour, is going to include a piece about this release! I'm so excited for you, and wish you all the best!
Tina @ Life is Good

Co-Host of the April 2012 Blogging from A to Z Challenge


MISH said...

Way to go, Stephen!
Countdown continues... 47 days to go!

Ella said...

Congrats Stephen! I am looking forward to it :D ATB

Pearson Report said...

Hi Stephen...what a write up! Congratulations on OPENING! I wish you great success with your BREAKTHROUGH SERIES.

I love the name of your "man of danger" - too cool!

Jenny @ Pearson Report
Co-Host of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Anonymous said...

Hi, Stephen. Great picture. What an interesting way to get out and promote your books. How were sales? Did you also pass out business cards or bookmarks with info for buying books?

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Stephen .. great news and am so pleased you've published the 2nd of your trilogies ..

Your guest post on "Space" on my blog gave a new dimension to the subjects I cover ..

I love Lee's review here .. the scope in your books is breathtaking and quite believable .. I'm looking forward to reading Opening -

Have good weekends .. Hilary

Shannon Lawrence said...

Congratulations, and good luck with your blog tour, Stephen! This is a fascinating idea and storyline.

Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z