Thursday, February 23, 2012

Making A to Z Challenge More... Friendly!

Okay this is something that I did on the last year's "A to Z Challenge" and I thought this would be a good thing for you all to... so I share. I made a desktop calendar that had the breakdown of April right at the click of a button, this way no having to fumble back and forth.

Click on Image [First, should fill screen] and then right click [PC] save to your Hard drive or as your Desktop.
If you save it to your hard drive just click once on image and it should allow you to save as the desktop, you may need to readjust it in your settings. This also should work for most monitors as most have this shape and I have tried on most successfully

Also I have been making a few more banners/badges with some of the suggestions you had mentioned from the last post... you can find all of them either at the bottom of the main page or look for "A to Z Badges and Banners" at top.

So many banners/badges so little time, got something you would like to see... I will get it done...
Any questions please ask or stop by my site and I will do the best I can to help!

Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

People are really going to appreciate that calendar!

Tracy Jo said...

Love, love, love that calendar! That rocks. I need to get myself one of those banners too! Thank you!

The Angry Lurker said...

They're bloody helpful for the challenge sir.....

Cranky and Difficult said...

Niiiiice. And Zombies!

Huntress said...

Cool calendar. Wow!

And zombies too. My blog runneth over with riches.

Arlee Bird said...

We're seeing some real A to Z creativity this year. Thanks Jeremy!


MISH said...

The calendar is going to be a real life-saver... thanks!
Awwww... those banners are just too cute.
Retro Zombie - you are a genius!
I'll have to get my tech guy to add one to my blog.
Countdown continues... 37 days to go...

Mimi said...

what I have done is use google calendar. i put an "appointment" for each letter day, and the name of the appointment is the letter until i know what the WORD is going to be. then i change it to the word.
When I get a post done, i delete the appointment.

Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors

Marta Szemik said...

The calendar is very useful! And the banners are too cute! I have to figure out how to get one on top of my page. Any ideas? Does it have to do with the template setting on blogger?

Unknown said...

How great is this! Worked like a charm---THANK YOU!

Movies on my Mind said...

Makes for a perfect year.

Shannon Lawrence said...

Great banners! Aw, Looney Tunes. The calendar is very cool, too. I went old school and pulled out my little appointment book so I could brainstorm when I was out and about, but this will be helpful on my comp.

Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Tina said...

You're an amazing digital artist, my best zombie-friend. Ok, actually, you're my only zombie friend, but even if there were more undead inhabiting my friendship place, you'd still be first ;-)
I'm grabbing the desktop calendar. All kidding aside, (though that's hard since it's one of my favorite forms of communication) that's a brilliant idea. Looks very nice on my mac :-)

Tina @ Life is Good

Co-Host of the April 2012 Blogging from A to Z Challenge


PR said...

Those banners are so cute, and thanks for the calender :)

Universal Gibberish

Anonymous said...

Those banners a full of cuteness!
You are clever :)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I actually used my day planner to write the letters in and make little outline notes on each one as I figure out my topics.
Love all the banners.

Golden Eagle said...

That looks like a really useful calendar! I'm downloading it.

Great banners. :)

Susan Kane said...

Love the calendar, and the easy directions. Thank you, thank you!

Heather Murphy said...

Thank you for the calendar and all the cool badges!

Jamie Gibbs said...

That calendar looks awesome! Great idea!

Empty Nest Insider said...

The calendar will be a huge help, and I also love the imaginative banners! Great job Jeremy! Julie

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Thanks you all, I am glad could help...

Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
A to Z Co-Host
IZOMBIE: Visit the Madness

Pearson Report said...

These totally rock, Jeremy!

I may need to grab one.

Jenny @ Pearson Report
Co-Host of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Anonymous said...

The banners are great. Already have the letters on my butterfly calendar and I have an A to Z list hanging on my bulletin board with each day's topic being added as I decide what it will be.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the desktop calendar and the awesome banners (I used 2 of the banners , 1 for each of my blogs that are participating.) I am going to save the calendar to my laptop to help me stay on track.. Don't know if I am crazy to be doing 2 blog for the challenge but what the heck, a girls gotta live a littel

Ida Thought said...

I appreciate the simplicity and effectivness of this idea. Now I'm just testing to see if I can comment because it gave me a box I have never seen before. Good luck everyone

jasmin carlson said...

Thank you for being so helpful!