Thursday, February 16, 2012

How to Make a Hyperlink Signature: Guest Sue Travers

       You can find Sue Travers at Traverslife among other sites.  Today's guest article is a reprint which offers a how-to explanation on leaving a link to your blog in the signature you leave on comments.  Here Sue explains why it's a good idea to do this and how you go about creating the link.

Hyperlink signature for the A-Z Blogging Challenge

Non technical, non threatening instructions for making a hyperlink signature!

Why do you want a hyperlink signature?
• You've signed up for the A-Z April Blogging Challenge
• You plan to comment on other bloggers posts in a caring and sharing way after The Challenge has finished
• You hope the person for whom you crafted a kindly word, will come tovisit your blog in return
• You want to make it easy to visit your blog. You don't want them to have go to your profile page, scroll down, find you have 3 or even 8 blogs, and wonder which one to look at first
• Sadly, people give up in frustration if it's not easy to work out which is the relevant blog
• The nifty signature will take them to the specific blog (or post) you'd like them to visit. Easy!

How to do it:
The letters and symbols below are what the computer needs to navigate to your blog or post, (and you wouldn't believe how hard it was to find a blog title that hadn't been taken!) I've colour coded it for ease, normally it's all in black, and appears more or less in one line. It's only broken up like this because I put it on a powerpoint slide so you can see it. (Otherwise it goes straight into a hyperlink signature which wouldn't help you at all.)
All you do is copy those letters and symbols out - the whole lot up there, exactly the same (but of course with your personal, relevant information) - including the space after the a - into a Word document or equivalent. Don't add anything else. Save it where you can refer to it easily.

Next. Where it's red is where you put your blog address (what you originally called your blog - if you can't remember click on the title of your blog and check in the address bar at the top of your page.) But of course you do it in black, not red.

Now choose your signature. Are you going to use your real name, the name of your blog, a nom de plume or what? Type that in where I've used blue. That will become your hyperlink or 'clicky' signature, and is what I should see in the comments section when you copy/paste from your saved word document.

That's all! It should work.

Please, please, please, feel free to give it a go here. I was nervous the first time I tried it in public, thinking I'd stuff it up (which I did about 4 million times before I got it right). I won't be critical if you get it wrong...honest! Please ask for help if you get stuck.

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Dani said...

Man! That's how you do it! I honestly have been wondering how some people make it look so easy. Thanks for sharing this. It makes life a whole lot easier! You rock Sue!

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Thanks for this!

Not for the html instruction though, but for the tacit lesson on protocol.

I had read on Some Respected Blogging Site TM that a link back to your on blog in comments was tacky. Though I do do it sometimes and I have seen others do it.

This way we have all have an agreement that it is ok to do it. Plus I want to see the blogs of people coming to my site. If you found my post interesting/funny/good chances are I will find yours good too!

Tim, The Other Side

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Simple instructions!

Jamie Gibbs said...

Easy to follow advice there, thanks :)

I've always been in 2 minds about hyperlinked signatures, but the way you've put them as being useful for the A-Z challenge sounds like a good idea. I think I'll put one on mine :)

Matthew MacNish said...

Great, simple instructions, well done!

For those who don't like signature links, there is another option. Navigate to your blogger profile, click edit profile, and then click "Select blogs to display" near the top, in Privacy settings.

Personally, I display only my personal blog, because I'm part of several group blogs, and I use other ways to link to and promote them, and I want people who don't know me to be able to find my blog easily.

Monica said...

Thanks for the instructions...I'm going to give it a try. Crossing my fingers, lol

Monica, OlderMommyStillYummy

Monica said...

Yippee!!! Thank-you so worked like a charm!

Monica, OlderMommyStillYummy

Ron Easton for Dads UnLimited said...

I tried half-heartedly to figure this out once...I think its very valuable, so thanks for taking the time to give us this great information!
Ron Easton for Dads UnLimited

Cherie Reich said...

Thank you! I've been wanting to know how to do this for a while. Now I'm going to try it out.

Cherie Reich - Author

Beth Stilborn said...

My comment didn't even show up, nor did it tell me it was being held for moderation, so obviously I did something wrong.

Trying again.

Beth Stilborn

Beth Stilborn said...

And no, it didn't work for me. I have a self-hosted Wordpress blog. Does that make a difference? I'll try again. If this one doesn't work, I'll wait for assistance.

Beth Stilborn

Beth Stilborn said...

This will be my final comment, I promise!

For those with your own domain name, you must add the http://www portion of your url.

So you need to do

Your Name

MISH said...

Like Beth above, I have a self-hosted blog so I don't think it's a good idea to try... though I'd LOVE to do so... *le sigh*
Countdown continues... 44 days left!

Beth Stilborn said...

Please delete my previous comment. I tried to write out the instructions, and it tried to transform it into a link.

If you have your own domain name, add the http://www before the domain name or it won't work.

Arlee Bird said...

Beth-- Your second try worked.

Honestly I don't understand why some folks have an aversion to providing a link to ones blog when commenting. I've heard some of the arguments, but I think those are generally based on misinformation or just plain selfishness. If anyone knows a strong logical reason not to use the hyperlink in a signature please let us hear the argument.

To me having the link to the blog of the person leaving the comment is a real time-saver. Saving time is vital when you're trying to make it through many blogs.

I think I feel another post coming on. Be watching on Tossing It Out in the near future.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Arlee Bird said...

Mish-- Why? You are one of the main examples of the type of blogger who I wish would leave a hyperlink. Let me explain. I typically respond to my comments from my email notifications and yours and others like yours do not link anywhere from the name. Therefore, I have to take an extra step to go back into the comment section to access your blog. You should be able to easily leave your link like anyone else. If your signature with link also has the name of the blog it also distinguishes which Mish you are (there are more than one)--there are other names that have even more owners attached to them. It's easier to pinpoint a blog name than it is a person's name that might be the same as others. At least consider it--I think it could increase the amount of visitors you receive.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Mimi said...

Arlee, you are on to something. Too many blogs do not allow me to put in my self published blog address in any other way! so maybe instead of fighting, I should just do this:
Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors

all the time!

Arlee Bird said...

Mimi-- There you go. It was great. Your email popped up while I was going through emails. I clicked on your link and found your site immediately without having to do research or go through extra steps. Thats great!
Thank you!

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Marta Szemik said...

Thank you! I've been wondering how people do it (hyperlinks people, hyperlinks).
I'm going to try it below. As for why it is beneficial to use one.
SEO - Search Engine Optimization! If you want your blog noticed, be on top of google pages and draw visitors, links are one of the ways to do that.

Ok, here comes mine *crossing fingers*:

Marta Szemik

Arlee Bird said...

Marta -- Yours worked great. Your point about SEO points to an abuse of hyperlink use which is an argument some bloggers use against it. I find the argument to be invalid in my experience since my blogger spam filter is pretty good about separating the good from the bad.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Mimi said...

So, Arlee, next question, someone very nice just responded to my comment here by commenting on my blog. What is the best way to respond to them? I clicked on the hyperlink I guess I'll show it here:

which was an unresolved URL.. Now I see, there's a typo. But is the best thing to do; go to their blog and then continue the conversation, or continue the conversation on your own blog???

Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors


Jeremy [Retro] said...

Some great advice, I have been using this for sometime... its cool to use it.

Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
Visit The Madness:

Arlee Bird said...

Mimi -- the link that you refer to that was left on your site is my main blog. Not sure why it showed as unresolved as it worked for me. The conversation should continue wherever you think is most appropriate. In the case here I would continue the conversation on this blog since the topic thread might be followed by someone else and could be helpful to them. This can vary depending on the case. It could even go to private email if it wasn't something the parties wanted to share.

There are different camps on this and your opinion is best if that's what suits you. I'm offering the way I see it.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Nicole said...

When Lee stressed the use of hyperlink signatures last year, I started using them more often in my comments and now feel incomplete without them. Sometimes in the early days, I would forget to add one and now it's like second nature...unless I encounter technical issues when commenting on some blogs and in those few cases, I just skip it altogether and leave the name or URL.

Signatures are great to use and does make it easier to visit blogs during the A to Z challenge....I find signature links more useful on Blogger blogs than most other blog platforms.

Blogs that are hosted on Wordpress or some other platform usually have a field for website URLs so I just leave the link to my blog that way, rather than adding a signature, because it's just as easy for the blogger or other readers to click my name/blog site on those types of blogs, as it is to click the link in the signature.

Great tutorial on comment signatures!

The Madlab Post

Mimi said...

Arlee, it didn't work because "tossing" had 3 s's in it.

I am referring to the link that you filled in using the form on my website. So if you go back to my website and click on your name (the second comment) you will see what I am talking about. (I corrected the first one)
But you did answer MY QUESTION!! thanks. Makes good sense to me.

Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors

ps and if you're planning on doing a lot of blog visiting, it might be a good idea to save that link in notepad so you don't have to keep typing it all the time because we all make mistakes!

Christi said...

I was also wondering about using the link in your comments. I have a professional teacher blog and some of those bloggers get downright mad if you leave your blog link for your signature.

I personally love clicking over to see the blog of the person who commented, but have refrained after seeing others eaten alive for it. =)

Can't wait to visit all the challenge blogs in April!
Christi from Beach Dreams and Love Always

Cranky and Difficult said...

What a great idea and what a great blog! Following you now!

Mimi said...

Christi, I think you ought to leave your link! don't let a few bad eggs ruin your fun. As long as you are not selling V i a g r a I never mind a reader leaving a link.

Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Following your lead and inviting ALL my readers to do this for my blog.

I also give permission for anyone on the A to Z challenge to use the graphics i made for this post and modify them as needed.

Tim Brannan, The Other Side

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sue and Lee .. well I'm going to try this right now - and if doesn't work .. well I'm going to sulk and wonder why??!! Here goes ..

Cheers Hilary

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sue and Lee - failed! I'll have to have another go .. I'll be back!!

Cheers - Hilary

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sue and Lee - let's try again I'd put a "+" instead of the "=" ..

Cheers Hilary
Hilary Melton-Butcher

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sue and Lee .. that failed too - as it went to Blogger - Page not found .. and telling me "Positive Letters ... Inspirational Stories" does not exist ... when patently it does and does if you click through.

I've seen this happen with other blogs - so ..... WHY?!

Cheers Hilary

Unknown said...

Wow - what great advice you have all given! I'm going to try and leave a hyperlink signature here - after reading the comments and thinking of my own experiences with both leaving comments and responding to them, I think the hyperlink is EXTREMELY helpful/convenient. Anyway, thanks again and here goes....

Anonymous said...

I used to have a hyperlink signature, but when i had to start over with a new blog I simply overlooked using one. Thanks for the reminder. I'm going to use one again.

Now I'm off to Tweet this post!

Unknown said...

Woot woot! It worked! Thanks again for making life so much easier!

Sue said...

This is absolutely fabulous! Thankyou all, and to Lee.

What I'll do next is edit in some of your comments as well as the instructions for the self hosting bloggers - though I might need someone to check them for me :)

Hilary, I'll email you over the weekend and see if we can sort it out. It took me a seemingly impossible amount of trials to get it happening, so I understand the frustration.


Li said...

Very helpful post - I tweeted it out.

Sarah Tokeley said...

Isn't a hyperlink something I already have? When you click on my name it goes to my blog. That's okay isn't it?

In Which We Start Anew said...

Just checking to see if I can make this work... :)

In Which We Start Anew

Nicole said...

The comment I left here earlier today is no longer showing up. Weird. Hopefully this one appears.

Great tutorial!

The Madlab Post

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

This is so wonderful if I figure out how to do it correctly.

Tina said...

Hi Sue!
This post is one of the best tutorials I've seen for a long time. Your instructions are SO clear and so logical. You've obviously now seen how many people have already benefitted from this!
When I was learning how to leave a linked signature, I private emailed a blogger who used to leave a hyperlink in her wake wherever she went. I found it useful, because she was a very funny commenter, and invariably I wanted to read more of her. She was just a click away! She taught me how to do it, but it took seriously like TEN emails back and forth because she didn't think about using a powerpoint slide, so she'd tell me things like, "But take out the flagnog because you need to replace those with wingwangs..." or some such other foreign language. I finally did understand what she was saying, and from then on I've left my comment signature as a link.
I have heard a lot of the pros and cons of linking. Some instruct their commenters that if they DON'T leave a link, they'll get no return comment. Some say just the opposite. I don't think this is the only issue that polarizes bloggers, but probably one of the big ones.
Here's how I see it. We all want comments. We want reassurance that SOMEONE is reading and thinks enough of what you posted to say SOMETHING. I decided right away as a new blogger that I'd ALWAYS comment if I'd been somewhere to visit. It's hard sometimes, because we do run into posts that don't make sense, or aren't interesting, and it's hard to find something positive to say. (I only make constructive critique type comments to bloggers I have that sort of relationship with. With new blogs, I always look for something nice to say, even if it's just, as another blogger and I call it, "The "I have a dog, too!" comment.
For a challenge the size of this one, I think it's almost a necessity to leave a link. Like Lee said, it's a lot of steps to find people sometimes, and time is going to become an even more precious commodity very soon...
I do have to share the one exception to what I just said. I don't think much of those who ONLY leave a link. We've all seen them. The comment is so generic there is NO way of telling whether they even read your post. I call those the grubbers. They want people to visit them and comment, but aren't willing to do more than leave their address.
The idea MimiTabby had about having it handy to cut and paste is spot on. I keep mine in a note that lives on my desk top within easy reach.
Great job, Sue. Now off to visit you at YOUR house. Thanks for guesting at ours.

Tina @ Life is Good

Co-Host of the April 2012 Blogging from A to Z Challenge


Arlee Bird said...

Interesting and fruitful discussion generated by this post, Sue. Until someone can show me a good reason for not leaving a link in your signature I'll keep doing it and encouraging others to do the same. "Tacky" is not a good reason and I'd have to ask "Why?" and "By whose standards?"

For me saving time is not tacky.

Also, like mentioned above, I keep a word document open with various signatures that I can quickly copy and paste as needed. Best way to go.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Twitter: @AprilA2Z

jabblog said...

This sounds good. I'm inspired to try . . .


jabblog said...

Thank you so much:-)It worked!!


Tia Bach said...

I would see this in other people's comments and wonder how they did it. Now I know! Came by to join the A to Z Challenge and learned something to. A good Friday!


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lee and Sue - looking forward to the email at the weekend - thank Sue.

The interesting thing is I tried another twice or even thrice to add another comment .. and Blogger wouldn't take it?!

Cheers - let's see if this one gets accepted .. Hilary

imroee said...

simple tutorial.


Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

Okay, my IQ has sunk to a new low, but I still cannot figure out how to get my signature to link to my blog. I have gone to my profile page and added the hyperlink with and without spaces (thank you, Lisa) to the signature line but all that does is eliminate my pic and still directs the reader to the profile page, not to the blog posts page.
Am I a lost cause or is there a simple solution?
Thank you.

Mimi said...

Gail, looks like you were able to do it just fine! I found your blog by clicking the link.

Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors

Marie said...

I've always wondered how to do this! I'm going to give this a try and see if it works :-)

Marie, Bonkers in Barnhart

Shannon Lawrence said...

Wonderful and very easy to follow instructions! I know that is something I wanted to know for last year's A-to-Z; I figured it out afterward, but would have loved to have known during the challenge. Thanks for the useful post!

Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

OTEbby said...

This is my first year blogging andmy first A-Z Challenge. I hadn't realised I'd learn so much. This signature thing is one I've been wondering about, so thanks for the instructions- here goes.

OT Ebby said...

Hmm, no hasn't worked. Or at least it got my name but didn't make the hyperlink.
Where do I actually paste the signature thingy? Is it in the comments text box or in one of the 'choose an identity' buttons below it?

Debra Harris-Johnson said...

Thanks!!!! Oops

Debra Harris-Johnson said...

I wasn't sure it took. Thanks for making ma a better blogger!


Retired Knitter said...

Great instructions.

Retired Knitter said...

Didn't work - trying it again.

Got the same message (see below). What am I doing wrong? I am supposed to past the text into the body of the comment right?


Your HTML cannot be accepted: Reference "”http:" is not allowed: A

Retired Knitter said...

Ok, I have checked the instructions again, I have checked my typed texted ... everything is correct - so I have to assume I am placing the copied text in the wrong place. So far, this doesn't work for me.

Rob Z Tobor said...

Is this A to Z a bit like

An antelope, armadillo and ant ate aubergine at Auntie Ann’s all August alternative afternoons after Ate O clock.

Because I am not sure just how much I could write until I run out of A’s (as I did) and as for Z well Zorro’s ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ zonked is about as much as I can think of

and the html cannot be accepted came up. That reminds me of trying to get into a posh restaurant while being rather shabby looking

I think I might just hide back in my own blog

Anonymous said...

Hope this works.


Anonymous said...

Trying to put spaces between the words of my blog title. Want to see if this works.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Sue Travers! Hopefully this time the title will show up highlighted in blue.


Anonymous said...

When I leave a comment, my hyperlink shows up as blue, but after I leave the comment, my link looks gray. I made sure the link was highlighted in blue like I do when I add links to my blog posts. Any suggestions?

Linda said...

I am having the same issue as retired knitter. I get a message telling me it is not allowed!

Linda said...

I read that if you copy from Microsoft word there is issues - so here it goes again!

LindaGM's Blog, Spinning First

Linda said...

Yea! It worked - thanks so much for the directions.
LindaGM's Blog, Spinning First

Retired Knitter said...

Yeah! I finally figured it out with the help of Spinning First - Linda.

I am sending this now to this web site for a second test.

Stephanie said...

I just started a new blog so I am new to all of this. I plan to sign up for A to Z. Here goes. I will give the hyperlink a try.

People Do Things With Their Lives

Sue said...

Hello everyone, this is going to take a smidge more time than I initially anticipated - Please feel free to email me at suetravers01atgmaildotcom if you're stuck so we can walk through it more easily.

@Tina - I had to laugh - all those whatisits and flagnogs and wingwangs - it's so familiar and bewildering! I also dislike the generic non-comment, but unfortunately sometimes run dry and can't think of anything remotely helpful to add, so I sometimes wander off without saying anything, but I will make more of an effort after reading your comment.

@Ebby Sigmund, the hyperlink text you've made goes into the comment box, I usually leave a gap then insert it.

@Susanne Drazic - I'm not sure if you can change the colour when it's on someone else's blog - I think it's got something to do with their colour settings.

So, I think Hilary and Rob Z Tobor are still stumped - I'll get back to you!

Tracy MacDonald said...

I love this tutorial. I think having an easy link is so important! Going to try it here in the safe space. :)
Tracy, A2ZMommy

Jessica Marcarelli said...

Thanks for this! I've always wondered how to do it and now all I'm worried about is leaving my siggy in comments in a tasteful manner.

SF & Fantasy Writer
Visions of Other Worlds
Twitter: @jmarcarelli

Steven Lawrence said...


Steven Lawrence

Pearson Report said...

Fantastic post, Sue - you hit this one out of the ballpark!

I love all the excitement and how those that are new to hyperlinks just jumped in and gave it a go.

Way to go everyone!!

Jenny @ Pearson Report
Co-Host of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
Twitter: @AprilA2Z

SharleneT said...

This is great! Hope it works. Blogger just sends you to the profile page. Looking forward to this year's Challenge.


Amena @Fashionopolis said...

Thank you. This was a very helpful post.
Connect On Facebook

Steven Lawrence said...

It worked when I tried it your comment place. But when I tried it somewhere else I couldn't get t to work.


Steven Lawrence said...

Steven Lawrence

Steven Lawrence said...

I can get the bottom onw to work but not the bottom one. I'm going to try it withour the www.
old Marketing site

kate n said...

Ok, I am giving it a go here...

Marjie Myers

kate n said...

Oh, it didn't work, goes to check whats wrong..maybe its the MS word's another try..
Marjie Myers

Anne Mackle said...

I always wondered how this wondered how thinks was done.Trying it out,thanks.
Is Anyone There?

Anne Mackle said...

a total fail!

Neena Shilvock said...

cant see whether it worked???:(

Neena Shilvock said...

Tried it elsewhere but it didnt work???:(

Violet said...

I always wanted to know how to do this!!!
Thanks so very much!
See ya there...

Violet @ Revolution ~ Evolution

Lisa said...

OK, let's give this a try! I have 3 blogs....

Lisa, Maple Grove Cemetery

Lisa, the Life of Lisa

Lisa, Random Ramblings

The preview looked good!

Lauren said...

I've heard some bloggers say it's tacky to put a link to your blog at the end of your comment, so ive refrained from doing it. But it sounds like a good idea to do it for A-to-Z blogs. Thanks for the advice!

Lauren @ Word Art

Mina Lobo said...

Sue, thanks so much! I'll give it a shot here, hope it works!

Some Dark Romantic

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the instructions. I'm wary of putting a link to my blog on comments because, even though I wouldn't care if someone did it to me, I'm sure there are people out there who would find it rude. Maybe I wil try it just for the A to Z Challenge.

Sabrina A. Fish said...

giving it a go! Thanks so much.


Christine said...

Here goes...

Christine @ Coffee in the Garden

Sara Kovach / Dare to be Different - Teach! said...

Thanks for the assistance. Here's my try at it:

Sara@So Simply Sara

F. Stone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
F. Stone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
F. Stone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
F. Stone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linda King said...

Thank you for that! I'm trying the signature now!

F. Stone said...


F. Stone said...

Okay, one more try.

F. Stone said...

Still not working.

Mandy said...

Okay...I'm giving it a go! Hope it works :)

The Chockboard

Dr.Fasil Mohammed said...

this is mine. checking in
olive homeopathy

Sarah said...

Thanks for this quick and easy tutorial. I was wondering how people were creating signatures in their comments. Now I know! :)

Sarah @ The Writer's Experiment

Annalisa Crawford said...


Annalisa Crawford - Wake up, eat, write, sleep

Anonymous said...

Lost my blog siggie line, so came back to re-do.


Elaine L. Bridge said...

I tried this (multiple!) times before and couldn't get it to work; it just printed my name alone, without the accompanying blog. Nothing like waiting till the last moment to try to make it work! Sign me (I hope...!!!)


Elaine L. Bridge said...

Tried this before and couldn't get it to work; it just left my name alone, without the blog name. Nothing like waiting till the last moment to get it to work...

Bev said...

Alright, giving the hyperlink a whirl. Thanks.

Bev @ Blue Velvet Vincent

JoJo said...

Well it didn't work for me at all. I can't post b/c it says "Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not closed: A" So I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I am unable to publish a comment with it.

Barbara said...

Thx for the instructions... lemme see if I got it right :P

English Speaking Zone

Thank you for sharing!

Bev said...

I still seem to be having trouble. Giving it another shot.

Bev @ Blue Velvet Vincent

Jennifer said...

Just commenting to see if my link works. I understand some people may not like a signature link on the comments, but for the purposes of the Challenge it makes sense.


Ayantika said...

Thank you so much ...very very helpful it was !! :)


Crafts a la Mode said...

Thank you for this. I'm going to see what else I can glean from your site. Thanks.


The Craft of Teaching said...

Ok, let me try!

Craft of Teaching

The Craft of Teaching said...

Just trying it out!

Craft of Teaching

Dawn said...


Apples, Owls, and Peppermint Mochas

Unknown said...

Lets give this a whirl...

Unknown said...


Jo said...

Not working for me at all. It says I can't use http

Unknown said...

Well lets give it a go. I lost all my links on my computer that crashed and I'm so grateful to have found this one.


Vikram Waman Karve said...

Very Useful Tip. Thanks.
Academic and Creative Writing Journal Vikram Karve

My Honey Studies Money said...

Thanks for the tip!

Newlywed with a B-School Wedge

Cait said...

Ok giving it a try!


Her Emerald Thumb said...

Just found this, trying it out!


Her Emerald Thumb said...

Just tweaked mine a little. Thanks so much for providing this information. So easy!

Her Emerald Thumb

Rachel ¦¦ A Nesting Nomad said...

A Nesting Nomad

Lynne said...

Giving it a go.

Sandbox to Socrates

Kristen said...

I never had an error before, but I've been getting it lately, so I'm testing it here:

Random Musings From the KristenHead

Kristen said...

Blech, it didn't work! I had to take out the http:, but now the link will be broken! I'm still not understanding why I'm getting this new error. The code works on other sites in other comments, but there are a few where it doesn't work. I still don't get it. :(

Kristen said...

Let's try this one (I learned on another site that I need to leave off the quotes from the URL for it to work):

Random Musings from the KristenHead

Unknown said...

Hmm, I'm trying this and it's not working, but here goes:

Visiting via A to Z from Pass the Sour Cream

Aha, I need to leave the quotes out! Thank you, Kristen Dyrr!

ruckustheeskie said...

Testing it out here! Thanks- Ruckus the Eskie

Miglė said...

I'm going to test it out here, hope it works. If it does, thank you so much!
Meet Me On The Balcony

Cecilia Pekelharing said...

Thanks for this, Let me see if I did it right!!


Jade | The Jade Aesthetic said...

Testing, thanks!

Jade | The Jade Aesthetic

Lara B. said...

This is so great that you created this tutorial - Thank you for all your hard work! I am going to give it a try.

Lilly Ashton said...

I'm having a weird problem with this

Unknown said...

ok lets give it a go -


Drumroll please

Unknown said...

ok lets give it a go -


Drumroll please

Amy | Bambi Jane said...

Thanks for this! Giving it a try now.

Amy | Bambi Jane

Paula said...

Smidgen,Snippets,& Bits

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this

Elegantly Fashionable

Unknown said...

Thanks for keeping this where we can reach out and find it. Maria@Delight Directed Living

Justlittlecajunme said...

Thanks for sharing this..lets see if it works
My Cajun Life

Arlee Bird said...

Try again, Lisa. Didn't seem to take that time.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Road trippin' with A to Z
Tossing It Out

Justlittlecajunme said...

Okay Arlle, here I go again

Arlee Bird said...

Great! It works this time.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Unknown said...

I am hoping this works ...
Stuck In The Middle

Anonymous said...

QP and Eye

Hoping this works ...

Anonymous said...

QP and Eye
Hoping this works

Anonymous said...

This is my second try ... still not able to get my effort published. After I have previewed it and then hit publish - nada. It takes me back to an empty comment box ... Linda

Arlee Bird said...

You put something extra in your address I think, but I'm not really sure what you did. Your hyperlinks didn't take me to your blog though.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Anonymous said...

hi, while the signature link works, its conencting to blogger and not my blog site.. what can i do?
even tried posting as anonymous.

trying this out...
Ishieta @Isheeria's

Arlee Bird said...

I can't tell what you're doing wrong. Make sure you are using your own blog address inserted in the format of < a href= . Also be sure you've got the quotation marks around your address. Follow the instructions carefully. There are also other explanations on this site that might be clearer for you.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Tamara Narayan said...

Oh, boy. I think I messed up my first try on the theme reveal. Here's my second try:

2017 A to Z Blog Challenge Theme Reveal

BobbieTales said...

Great, maybe i got it this time.
The story Realm

Melissa Sugar said...

Melissa Sugar @ Sugar Crime Scene

Melissa @ Melissa Sugar Crime Fiction Resources For Writers

Just testing

Claudia Bookwright said...

Testing. Testing. One, 2, three.

Arlee Bird said...

didn't seem to work--apparently no link there of any kind.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Arlee Bird said...

Still something wrong--you apparently didn't use your own link address.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Anonymous said...

Tries again...

<a href="> Ginni Deville - Testing for the A-Z Challenge</a>

Anonymous said...

Getting ready for the big day!!

Moondustwriter is Sharing a piece of Uganda

Arti said...

Thank you. It worked!

Rosie Somers said...

Here goes nothing

WWW Wednesday post

<a href=">Sara Beth Williams</a>

Rebecca Herzog said...

Thank you for your post! I will give it a go now.

Rebecca at Sloth Reads
Writing, Reading, and Reviewing stories and poetry for kids

Unknown said...

Thanks for the instructions!
Passing Down the Love A-Z