Monday, February 6, 2012

Banners and Badges... What Would you like to See?

So we all have been coming up with ideas that would better serve all the participants, to make you feel you are all part of our "A to Z Challenge". I am and have been making several of the animated-styled "Banners and Badges" and I wondered what you all might want to see to put on your site/blog?

Some of the issues that come up are: will they fit to my site, do you want animated, how to get them to your site and that darn HTML codes. I hope to make some simple suggestions into making it a little easier and give you some copy and paste codes that will add flair to your site.

Some of the "How To" answers are on our "FAQ", so I will give you some things I have learned over on my time using "Blogger".

One: If you are looking for any of the banners/badges the codes are on main "A to Z" Challenge at top or bottom. Copy the text in box below and then follow these few steps [Blogger Only]:

01. Go to Dashboard
02. Click on Design/Layout
03. Add a Gadget
04. Scroll down until you find "HTML/JavaScript" click open
05. [New Window] Configure HTML/JavaScript comes up
06. Paste "Copied Code" into lower box
07. Give it a "Title"
08. Click Save [Almost Done]
09. Back to Design/Layout [your new banner/badge has to be placed] You need to put it somewhere on your Blogger site. This is completely up to you, we of course would like to see our "A to Z" Challenge up on the top.

Two: Adding A Photo/Picture to your "Blogger" site using our stuff... see the "Banner/Badge" above if you like them please take them, I will help you do that.

01. Right Click [PC] either of the images above and tab them into another window that image should be in a window all by itself. If there is a MAC person out there please share if this is something different, as I am working on PC.
02. Right Click that image and save that image to your hard drive, somewhere where you save your downloaded images.
03. Go to Dashboard
04. Click on Design/Layout
05. Add a Gadget
06. Scroll down until you find "Picture"
07. Add a Title: A to Z April Challenge
08. Add Link:
09. Shrink to fit should be clicked on, to make sure it fits your site.
10. Add Image from Hard Drive and look for that image you saved in your downloaded images
11. Find image and click once so it is "Highlighted" from your computer [you can click twice, it will open much faster] then click open.
12. This image is now loading in the picture window, once complete "Click Save"
13. If the image is too small, then try reloading it... this time click off "Shrink to fit"
14. Back to Design/Layout [your new image/photo has to be placed] You need to put it somewhere on your Blogger site. This is completely up to you, we of course would like to see our "A to Z" Challenge up on the top.

Next Time: How to make your own Moving Pictures in your Post.
Any questions, please ask!
-Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]

Ps. Please let me know what kind of "A to Z Challenge" Banners/Buttons you would like to see, I will see what we can come up with.


InfinitePlans said...

Thanks for the info, great post!

Unknown said...

Great info...wish someone had told me all this last year :)

Matthew MacNish said...

Lots of useful stuff here, thanks, Jeremy!

MISH said...

Cute banners/buttons & daily info... all over Twitter/Facebook... Wow! The A-Z Team are doing a fabulous job...
This challenge is certainly snowballing...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Excellent how-to, Jeremy!

Arlee Bird said...

Hope this helps some of those who have been wondering about the cool graphics. How about some colorful circus themed graphics that include jugglers? Er, maybe not so many people would like those like I do.
You're doing an amazing job, Jeremy.


Marta Szemik said...

I like the new green banner on top because it's more "girlish". Now I just have to find a way to incorporate it on the top of my blog.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Thank you... you all are very kind, I hope to be making a few more banners/badges that are not so manly... So if you have an idea please let me know.


Emily said...

I really like the button in this post. Its not the same color scheme as my blog, but it will blend in better than the other one. Thanks!!

Tina said...

Nicely explained, Jeremy. I'm going to edit our FAQ page to link to this post. As to the mac thing, it's only slightly different. I don't know if I have the option of editing something you posted...but I'd be glad to do that, or I can send you the info and you can then insert it yourself.

Tina @ Life is Good

Co-Host of the April 2012 Blogging from A to Z Challenge


Heather M. Gardner said...

I remember a random blog button some nice member made last year. You could put it on your page, click on it, and it would randomly choose a participant to go visit.
I found that fun and helpful.
Anyone thinking of doing that again?

Arlee Bird said...

Heather, those buttons were mighty popular last year. We'll see what we can swing with that this year.

Wrote By Rote
Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Elizabeth Mueller said...

oooh, thank you! I love your banners and badges--so beautiful!

#AtoZChallenge 2012 Co-host

Debra Harris-Johnson said...

Jeremy you are the ONE! Just stopping by to introduce myself and say hi and thanks to the co-hosts. I would love to do some animation with my blog banner. Will be checking back.


D.G. Hudson said...

Just dropped by to see what new banners you had and liked the comic book style banner. Didn't see it last time.

Nice work.

Unknown said...

none of the banners really fit my blog.
Would it be alright if I designed my own banner, and linked it to the site?

Alicia Willette-Cook said...

Are there Badges and Banners up for "I survived..." 2012! And I'm just not seeing them? I missed this whole page when I snagged the "original" badge! I really like some of the other ones better! Oh well. Next year!

Saffron Wine

Texas Yellow Rose said...

I'm waiting for the "I Survived . . ." badges to come out! Will there be some?