Sunday, February 19, 2012

#atozchallenge: A to Z Challenge Sunday Summary (2/19/12)


      Some excellent A to Z posts this past week.  Some highlights that got some excellent responses were Thursday's tutorial from Sue Travers about how to create a hyperlink for your blog signature and Shannon's piece on Friday about how the A to Z Challenge helps build community.  Damyanti has also been doing a great job with the Twitter feed.   Have you seen the Twitter newspaper yet?

       Yesterday (Saturday February 18) we had the first of a series of "Getting to know the Challenge hosts".  I was the first victim--er, I mean subject.   More to come so be watching.  Tomorrow (Monday February 20) we'll hear from Elizabeth Mueller.

       And again, more of you have been doing your part in getting the word out and providing encouragement to others:

       A call to sign up to the Challenge was put forth by The Unconventional Librarian.

       Thank you Marta Smezik for adding the A to Z sign-up reminder at the end of your posts.  Love your dedication!

        Matt Conlon gave a good A to Z pitch on his blog =]V[=.  I'm not sure how you pronounce it, but I think I spelled it right.  Good to have Matt back for a second Challenge go around.

       Yikes! Wikes! Hikes on the Long Trail is encouraging readers to join us in the Challenge!  Thanks for that one.

       Jeremy at Geeky Tendencies also gave a push for others to join in.  Geeks Rule!

        Katie K. at Bear Much Fruit sounds like she has a plan in store for April and gave us a hint on her A to Z post.

          At In Which We Start Anew Jo proudly displayed one of Jeremy's new A to Z graphics against her pretty blue background and announced the Challenge.  Tasteful looking site Jo!

          Diligent Writer announced her intentions to do some diligent blogging in April.  Welcome to the Challenge!

           I like the shades of lavender in the background of the First Draft Cafe blog and I like the announcement of joining us in the Challenge.

           Nicole at Madlab Post did a nice job of name-dropping the A to Z Challenge in her post that revealed her April plans.  I think we'll be seeing more of these types of posts in the weeks to come.

           Angel from Et Cetera stated her intentions to participate in the A to Z Challenge and gave good reasons why.   As did Marie from Bonkers in Barnhart--it never hurts to plan ahead.

          Then there was Sheila at Sheila Scribbles debating whether or not to do the April Challenge.  Come on, Sheila, do it--you'll have more fun than last year.

           Annalisa Crawford at Wake Up, Eat, Write, Sleep gave a reminder that Blogging from A to Z is for all bloggers and not just writers.  That's right--any blogger is welcome to blog through the alphabet and it can even be with pictures or whatever you want to theme alphabetically.

           Keep it coming one and all.  And don't just keep it on your blog.  Post a notice at your local library.  Place an announcement in your school newspaper, club bulletin, or any other local media that you can think of.  Think creatively.   Let's reach out to bloggers that might not be in our normal reach--that is, those outside our normal circle of bloggers.   New faces and voices are partly what this Challenge is about.

            We can all play a role in this.  Can we reach a thousand sign-ups by the end of this month?

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Marta Szemik said...

Looks like everyone is working hard; hosts, co-hosts, participants. Go Teamwork! I wrote my first post for the challenge yesterday and plan to do a few more today. 3-4 every weekend should have me pretty well prepared:)

Unknown said...

Unlike Marta, I'm far from ready, but I'll do my best! :0)

Nicole said...

It's a good thing that Annalisa is going....reminding bloggers what they can participate in A to Z no matter what they blog about.

I would love to see more bloggers in the challenge this year who are not writers, just everyday people or experts on one field or another, like a head chef who blogs about alternative ways to make common dessert sauces or a personal trainer who has a blog where he talks about the challenges of his job such as trying to keep his clients healthy and happy without co-signing unrealistic expectations that they might have.

More bloggers from different walks of life who are non-writers adds more variety to the A to Z Challenge and also gives participants more exciting posts to read.

When the majority blogs, out of one thousand participants are about publishing novels, book reviews, literary agent interviews or writing tips, it can get a bit old real quick, so to come across a blog that chronicles a woman's or man's journey into tasting every variety of ice cream known to man, per se, is a huge treat! No pun intended.

The Madlab Post

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

so pretty--the badge at the top of this blog today!


k~ said...

I agree with Jean, this is a really nice A-Z badge!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

The best part IS the variety of bloggers who join!

Ron Easton for Dads UnLimited said...

Seems like everyone's taking care of this thing like its their baby. And what a huge, run-away baby its getting to be! It takes a village people.

Emily said...

I didn't think about doing a post about this, but I think I will. It will be fun to share this challenge with other bloggers.

Arlee Bird said...

Keep spreading the word! There are so many places where you can tell others about the A to Z Challenge.


MISH said...

Countdown continues... 41 days to go!

Jamie Gibbs said...

I love the effort that everyone's putting into this. I think I'll need to clear the entire month of April to be able to comment on the entries!

DWei said...

Sounds like fun but I don't think I have the time for this... :(

Tina said...

Nice round-up again! You're doing a great job of recognizing the bloggers who are helping spread the word! Thanks, Lee.

Tina @ Life is Good

Co-Host of the April 2012 Blogging from A to Z Challenge


pamlovesbooks said...

thanks for showing PammyPam some love at An Unconventional Librarian. Woot!

this is gonna be so much fun!