Wednesday, January 11, 2012

video Challenge

         Once again we have a video contribution from Ron Easton who used to be Inside Out but now he's Dads UnLimited.   But what's this?   An advertisement promotion for the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.  How cool!

       After the first video, Ron and I started corresponding about this and started thinking about how we should put together some kind of video contest to see what you all could come up with video-wise.  Starting next Wednesday you can enter your 2 minute or less video We'll feature each one as they come in.  Come back next Wednesday for more details.

        Give us a visual surprise.  The video can be funny, dramatic, or instructive.  It can be a music video or something arty.   You could go for animation or special effects.  Your imagination's the limit.

        Contest will end in the middle of March.  More next Wednesday.

       So what do you think?  I've seen some pretty cool videos on some of your sites.  Any bloggers out there enjoy film making or visual arts?

 I asked our A to Z artist Ada Z to put together another sample promotional video.   Come back on Friday to see what Ada came up with.


Enhanced by Zemanta


Jeremy [Retro] said...

this is an awesome video...
it's all coming together well.


An excellent idea but sad to say have not got a viedo camera.
But will enjoy any who send them in.


Li said...

Just checked out Dads Unlimited :-)

mooderino said...

A great vid and a great way to promote the AZ challenge.

Anonymous said...

Love this video. Its fun to watch, succinct, and has a catchy little tune!

Marta Szemik said...

That's so cool! Now I want to do one. I want to learn how to make videos. Any suggestions on where to start (beside google search - I've got that one covered :))

Arlee Bird said...

Marta -- check you computer to see what programs are loaded on it. I believe Ron used something like Windows Movie Maker. A couple years ago I went to my movie making program and within less than an hour I had made a couple of cool videos from the explanations they gave. I may take a shot at this again.

Yvonne-- Using the movie program that's already installed in your computer you don't need a camera.


Rek Sesh said...

Can make still/picture videos but animation is beyond me.

PR said...

Such a cute vid. Are videos like that hard to make? :)

Marta Szemik said...

Thanks Arlee, I'll check it out:)

Arlee Bird said...

Rek -- Still/picture videos will be great. They can certainly be creative. Make one!

Anna -- See my reply to Marta. But no a video like this is not too difficult. It depends on what programs you have on your computer. If you don't already have a movie-making program installed, I would imagine there are programs available on line.


Empty Nest Insider said...

This is very creatively done! I will head over to Dads Unlimited! Julie

MISH said...

...I'm a tech-dud but am looking forward to checking out the vids sent in by others.

Alexandra Heep said...

Videos? I am afraid I lack the equipment. I just now even got speakers where I can listen to stuff, and my connections does not stream very well.

Boy, am I behind the times.

Anonymous said...

Great video. Look forward to seeing what others are submitted.

Ron Easton for Dads UnLimited said...

All I used to make the video was your typical "Paint" program and Microsoft Movie maker. Its just simple animation, I just slowly moved the letters and saved and did it again and again and again and again... :) took a bit of time, but it was more time than effort. The movie maker program lets you add still pictures and you just compress the amount of time they are on the screen.
Thanks to all of you who came to Dads UnLimited over the past few days.
Thanks, Lee for the motivation

Arlee Bird said...

Ron-- Thank you for inspiring the video Challenge. Making a A to Z promotional video had never occurred to me until I saw your effort. Great job!

For those who are afraid to try this I hope you will follow Ron's lead to come up with something. Like Ron says, it's not all that difficult once you get started.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Be great to see what everyone comes up with!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Great little video. Um, don't know if I have it in to create one.


Nicole said...

I love this! A video component for the A to Z challenge is a fun idea. Hopefully, this can be just the thing, among a few other projects that can kick my butt into gear this year, for more shooting and less writing or at least a nice balance in between the two.

I think I may try to finish the video that I started last April but never finished.

The Madlab Post

Arlee Bird said...

Nicole--I bet you can come up with something very cool.


Tina said...

Cool video, Ron! Not my talent to create at ALL, but perhaps I'll enlist my stop-motion Lego/Red vs. Blue boys. They have plenty of time to get themselves into deep, severe trouble, so a bit of focus seems like the right ingredient...
Tina @ Life is Good Co-hosting the Blogging from A to Z Challenge April 2012

Karen Lange said...

Seriously thinking about doing the challenge. Trying to clear out some projects so I can do some brainstorming about it.

Pearson Report said...

The excitement mounts!
This is another great video from Ron; I love the musical component with it!


Damyanti Biswas said...

Wow amazing! I should give this video thingammijig a shot :)

Arlee Bird said...

Damyanti -- I think you should. I keep thinking that I might create something too.


Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

wow I loved that! I face booked it! jean!

mimi torchia boothby watercolors said...

I am too much of a luddite to want to make a video. If other people's videos are more than 2 minutes I rarely watch them. Who has time?
now the written word, I can read from top to bottom; or skim, or skip to the end. Enduring an amateur video with the hand shaking, the focus sporadic... Doesn't do much for me.

Arlee Bird said...

Thanks for the promo Jean!

Mimi-- I agree about the videos over 2 min. It's very rare that I'll watch anything more than that which is why I've requested A to Z videos less than 2 minutes.


Anonymous said...

Cool video. Short and sweet! iMovie is great for video editing as well.

Unknown said...

Cool video!