Saturday, January 14, 2012

Some Saturday Updates

       Have you heard about the A to Z video challenge yet?  If not be sure to check the posts earlier this week here and here.

        To eliminate any confusion, you don't have to make a video to participate in the A to Z Challenge.  The Video Challenge is just an addition for those who have an interest in making video.  It's also something to entertain the rest of us between now and April.   Hopefully by the middle of April we'll have some pretty slick videos to use as  A to Z promotion.

        If you like to dabble in video, I encourage you to join us.  More information about the A to Z Video Challenge will be given this coming Wednesday on this site.   In the mean time, start putting together your videos and let's have some fun!

       On Friday January 13th we had a nice post from Melissa's Imaginarium.  We appreciate these fine posts that help get the word out.  The best promotion comes from word of mouth and it's nice when people who know about the Challenge endorse it.

       Also on Friday, Our Life in a Caravan gave a mention to the A to Z Challenge.  Who says Friday the 13th is an unlucky day?

        Have you started preparing any posts for April?   Has anyone started putting together anything for the video Challenge?


Our Life In A Caravan said...

Preparation? Mine will all be raw, off the cuff, tell it how it is and straight from the heart and the best bit - written on the day!

Thanks for the mention, that was very cool!


I have all my challenge for April waiting for the starting button to go.


Jessica Salyer said...

I'm thinking about try it. I've gotten as far as writing down the letters in my blogging calendar.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'm planning my posts!

Angela McCallister said...

Preparing??? What's that? Aw, heck. I can't even stick to a regular blog schedule of two days a week. Man, this really is going to challenge me (and hopefully help me develop better habits).

Gyran Gymble said...

I'm making slow but steady progress on mine. If I haven't finished it before the challenge starts I'll at least have a comfortable buffer

Misha Gerrick said...

I'll start planning in March. :-D

Trisha said...

That makes me anyone gonna do vlogs for the A-Z?? This has probably come up before and in my slackivity I've missed it, but...interesting idea! :)

Unknown said...

I've begun asking for prompts to base my fiction on, during the challenge---I hope I get 26 pictures and prompts to work with.

Arlee Bird said...

Trisha -- I heard mention of Vlogs in the past. I don't know if anyone ever actually did this for the last Challenge. Interesting, but probably impractical for the readers unless the vlog posts were really, really short, which I usually don't see with vlogs. Like many others, I usually don't look at videos that are over 2 minutes. I'm guilty of breaking this rule on my blog, but I usually only post music videos which can be listened to while doing something else or you can get the basic idea of the music and turn them off. But any idea is worth considering I guess and then the experimenter just has to see what happens.

Damyanti-- going to try to come up with something.


L. Diane Wolfe said...

I selected my theme when we finished last year's challenge.