Sunday, January 15, 2012

Pre-challenge challenge...

Thanks for stopping by! Our goal here at the main A-Z blog is to keep the momentum building for the April event, and to entice as many bloggers to join us as possible! That's where YOU come in. We need your help to spread the word. The most successful blogging events (and viral videos, and memes of all sorts) start, and build, with word of mouth. Nothing like a good, ole' fashioned, “Did you HEAR about...?” To go a step further, we're inviting our followers to also be contributors.

Sound interesting?
Ok, so the nitty-gritty. If you'd like to contribute a post to this blog, just write it! Email me your file, along with the date you'd like it to be posted.  I'll send it to the team for approval, then schedule it in. If anyone is already set up for the day you're wanting, we'll see what can be worked out.

We're looking forward to seeing what you'd like to contribute! You can email me directly:
tndowney at gmail dot com with any questions or concerns.

It's going to be a great year!


P.S FYI, I respond to all comments via email.  If you don't have that feature enabled in your profile, consider doing so.  While many of us co-hosts respond in the comments, there are also a large number of bloggers out there who use email.  Another option for you if you don't want to reveal your email every-time you comment, you could list it on your blog profile, in disguise like I did above.


Arlee Bird said...

Great call for participation, Tina. I concur with this post: Send us your articles and ideas! We've got some great ones coming up this week. Tomorrow--Alana from Writercize.

We'll be looking for your post! And even if you've already had a reflections post or something else put up, if you have a really good idea or some inspirational encourage for other participants, send it in.

Thanks all--isn't Tina great!


Debra Gray-Elliott said...

I'm joining again this year and will spread the word on my blog, FB and twitter.

Tina said...

Thanks, Lee!
Hi Debra Ann! Thanks for stopping by. Glad to hear that you're on board!

Tina @ Life is Good

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

We should get some offers from that great announcement!

Pearson Report said...

Great post Tina!

I'll be doing another similar post over at my place - got to keep the word circulating out there!


choms said...

good luck, nice blog, following !

Trisha said...

Yep, I haven't done a proper advertising post for this year's A-Z yet, but will do at some point this month! :)

Marta Szemik said...

I'll try to put together a fun post and email it to you this week:)

Christian Sarono said...

This is so appetizing to read. This is really great and it gave me more idea that is much useful. Good job, thanks a lot.

Tina said...

Alex - thanks for your encouragement!

Jenny - great! It's really cool how so many people are willing to spread the word! Sure makes our job as co-hosts easier!

choms - welcome aboard!

Trisha - thanks! Please let us know when that post will be live and we'll spread the word!

Marta - AWESOME! Looking forward to reading it soon!

Christian - Thanks for your support! Don't forget to come back on 1/30 to "officially" sign up.

Tina @ Life is Good

Craig Edwards said...

Is it known yet if Sunday 4/1 will be the first post day? Since April 2012 has 5 Sundays I guess one of them will have to be a post day - and I can prep better if I know how the calendar of posts is meant to go?

Arlee Bird said...

Yes, the Challenge for 2012 will begin on April 1. The following Sundays will all be off days.


Craig Edwards said...

Thank you so much!

Catherine Noble said...

Oooh this sounds fun! Looking forward to giving it a go :)