Monday, January 30, 2012

Official A to Z Sign Ups open today

       The list is open.  You can now sign up.  Please enter your information carefully so that the link goes to your blog.  If you haven't read the A to Z posts that appeared on this blog over the last three days, I would suggest that you scroll down this page and read through them.  There is information that is very helpful to you if you will be participating in the Challenge.

       Also, please stop by the co-hosting blogs to let them know that you have signed up for the Challenge.  Show us your appreciation by becoming a follower of our blogs and introduce yourself to us.  You can find the list of A to Z co-hosts to the right of this page about halfway down the sidebar.  While you're on the sidebar please become a follower of this blog and click that you Like Us on FaceBook.

       We have added Contact Us and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) tabs to the A to Z page in case there are things you need to know or problems that you may have concerning the Challenge.   Let us know if you find a link that you think is faulty or directs you to a non-participating site.  We are going to try to keep the list filled only with active A to Z participants, but we will need everybody's help to do this.   After today, the A to Z Linky list will be found at one of the tabs at the top of the page.     

       There's lots more to come on the Blogging from A to Z Challenge Blog so keep checking back on a regular basis so you don't miss any news.  Now get your link on the list:

         And now that you're signed up, feel free to meet and greet the others on the list.  April is sooner that it seems!



Theresa Milstein said...

I just want it to be known that I entered an apostrophe for #72 and it's showing up without it. I even double checked. Lest anyone think I don't know how to properly use an apostrophe.

Wow, 72 already?! This is going to be HUGE.

Anna said...

Where did the time go! :)


All signed in at no:22.



All signed in at no:22.


alberta ross said...

all signed up on did you ever kiss a frog sit looking foward - better get started with activating aging brain cells:)

T. Powell Coltrin said...

29 I am.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

And we're off to a great start!

Jeremy [Retro] said...

and away we go! -jackie gleason

Welcome everyone!

Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]

Catherine Noble said...

Woo hoo, 100th entrant! Good luck everyone :)

Miranda Hardy said...

It's climbing quickly! Great! This is my first year.

junebug said...

Yea!!! Super excited! I'm already planning my posts. Can't wait to make new friends and catch up on some vintage ones. :-)

Laura Eno said...

Amazing! It's mid-morning and I'm already # 138. Go us!

Anonymous said...

I'm still undecided as tyo whether to do this or use the month to try my own nanowrimo month.

It's a fun challenge I certainly enjoyed it last year.

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

I had so much fun with this last year. Can hardly wait until April!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm number 198.

garrisonjames said...

This was a great deal of fun last year--we're looking forward to it!

Dawn Sticklen said...

OK, I'm signed up, and I wrote a post promoting the challenge. Goodness, there are a lot of us participating! I think this will be fun/challenging/enlightening/productive!

MISH said...

I'm in at #230. Wow, so many sign-ups already!

Lydia Kang said...

Not joining as I can't commit properly, but I'll be cheering those that do!

Golden Eagle said...

There are so many blogs on the list already! Wow.

My link is on the list. :)

Trisha said...

So exciting!! Part of me is daunted by the thought of how many participants there will be in the end. ;)

Ron Easton for Dads UnLimited said...

Its been fun to watch the last 24 hours!

Christian Sarono said...

I’m so amaze with this post where it contains ideas that I’ve been looking for. With these great ideas, I can apply this thing to my project. Thanks a lot for posting this one.

Kathy said...

Thanks for being a host to this year’s A to Z Challenge! No small job at all!
Looking forward to seeing some great posts and hopefully to connect with lots of great bloggers.
To make life easier, my link is:

Jenn3128 said...

All signed up! First year participant...I think I'm going to go throw up now.

Dave said...

Signed up, number 105. I'm looking forward to it.

Dave Wrote This

Sue said...

Helloooo everyone! This is it...the countdown begins.... :)

klahanie said...

Hi guys and gals,
No, wont be signing up for this. However, thanks again for a darned good reason to do some more satirical blogs about this gosh darn fun um 'challenge'. Always good to bring further awareness of the alphabet!
Must go now. Not sure I can control my excitement over it all....

Arlee Bird said...

klahanie -- Your satirical posts last year were almost as fun as the Challenge itself. Why, heck, you might as well join us and poke fun from A to Z.
