I had no idea what I had let myself in for when I signed up for the Challenge, never having entered anything like this before. At the 215 (or was it 216) entry I was amazed to see over 1000 register. That nearly put me off.
I planned to have 5 posts in hand throughout the month, this quickly fell back to 3 – Easter nearly saw me quit.
The main negative for me was trying to read too many blogs each day and after 10 days or so I had to give up searching. Then I discovered the Next Blog and Surprise Me buttons on someone else’s blog and they led me to a wider set of Challengers.
However this meant I was unable to comment on every blog I visited.
Another disappointment was the number of entrants who didn’t. I‘d love to know how many actually completed the challenge.
My followers increase by 66% and by the end I had made it past 100. My thanks to all that joined me.
I was honoured to received three awards – I didn’t know they existed before. Thanks for those and also to Elizabeth Mueller for the laughing Zebra at the end.
Would I do it again? Yes – probably, but like many I would have to trim the length of some of my posts.
Finally congratulations and grateful thanks to Arlee and the ‘gang’ who organised the whole shebang. You did/are doing a great job.
Hopefully next year we can weed out those who sign up but don't participate. And short posts are the way to go. With everyone trying to visit as many blogs as possible, ones with longer posts are often skipped.
Wow, this sounds like an exciting adventure you went on, and I wonder if you started this during a time blogger was being troublesome...I had no idea you were doing this...but it sounds like it was a lot of work maybe but fun. Yes shorter posts work I know! More is so less!
Increasing your followers by 66% is amazing! That is just one of the many perks in A to Z! Julie
Hi Bob .. it was a great time - especially those of us who did it for the first time - a learning curve. Your ideas are great .. and I suspect you'll have another theme organised in time ..
As Karen S - says .. yes we did do it when blogger was being a pain!
It's just a great way to meet other bloggers whose company we enjoy - and who we'd never meet except over the airwaves ..
Great reflection or noitcelfer Z-A .. post - cheers Hilary
This sounds like fun - and what a pleasant surprise to come here from BON and find a post from my friend Bob!
Great post!
I was also annoyed by the bloggers who signed up and didn't post a single thing!
Short posts - definitely the way to go!
You touch on some of the heavier parts of being in a challenge as intense as the April A to Z.
I found it hard to put out a post I could be proud of and still do my (pre challenge) followers justice and visit their blogs as well as trying to visit the huge number that had joined the challenge.
This year I will be a little more organized (one can always dream)!
Cheers, Jenny
I hope you do it again, and have an easier time of it!
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