Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What's This A-Z Blogging Challenge I Keep Hearing About? a guest spot from author Elizabeth Mueller

Elizabeth Mueller, award winning author         Today we're happy to have the multi-talented Elizabeth Mueller join us to answer a few questions and offer a few tips about doing a Challenge like Blogging from A to Z.   After last year's Challenge Elizabeth created the whimsical "I Survived the 2011 A-Z Blogging Challenge Award" which we see on so many sites.  Then she proceeded to visit all of the challenge participants to tell them about it.  Wow! Talk about dedication.        

So, what's with this A-Z Blogging Challenge I keep hearing about?

It's where you post something every day of the week starting with the first assigned letter--there will be 26 posts, one for every letter of the alphabet but for weekends.

What you say--26 posts in one month? Are you nuts?

Well, the first time I ever heard of this challenge, I was overwhelmed and declined. The second time, which was this past April, I decided to accept.

I'd have to says it was one of the most funnest experiences I've ever had in the blogging world.

How, you ask?

Well, first of all, I learned a very important skill and it is this: how to write short, but catchy posts. I've earned 3 important things in this challenge: more friends, skills in writing condensive versions, and speed!

Is posting 26 days in a month worth all that?


Joining this challenge was like being a part of a huge family. Everyone greeted my blog with such warmth and happiness, it lured me to visit everyone's. I was so touched by the camaraderie, I couldn't resist the idea of creating a badge for everyone!

So now my question to you is, are you game?

Elizabeth Mueller award winning author

YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell


n Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?

             Thank you Elizabeth for that persuasive pitch.  If I weren't already planning to do the Challenge, I would be after reading that!


Enhanced by Zemanta



Next April will be by third and I have loved the past two very much. Made many new friends and had a fantastic time taking part.


Jewel Allen said...

Sounds like fun, Elizabeth. Great writing prompt. :-)

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I can't wait. It will be my first time.

Funny post!

Pearson Report said...

Great post (or re post) Elizabeth!

I love your answer for "Is posting 26 days in a month worth all that?". Yes it is - I second the statement!

It was worth all the late nights...I'm looking forward to the next one.

Cheers, Jenny

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

And we all still proudly display our zebra badge!

Sarah Tokeley said...

Definitely game :-)

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Yvonne, I'm impressed! Thanks for sharing your example with us. <3

Jewel, it's very fun! I chose a theme for the entire month (writing) and broke it down over 26 days! ;)

Journaling, you will love it! I can't wait to read your posts.

Jenny, I'm looking forward to the friends and fun reads!

Alex, thank you! ;D

Sarah, hooray!

Jessica L Buike (AuthorJess and Operation Relax) said...

Sounds interesting, I might have to join in! :) But only if we can put a ban on non-words such as "funnest"... ;)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being a "blogger of note".

Golden Eagle said...

Yup, I'm game!

Rita Webb said...

Great interview. Thanks for sharing. I think I'd like to try this challenge.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Elizabeth .. your award was wonderful .. brought a smile to my face and reminds me of Africa.

It's a great time .. once we unravel the stress and just enjoy the journey of those 26 days .. I love the way everyone comes up with different themes and ideas ..

Have a very merry Christmas and New Year and a successful 2012 to you and Lee .. cheers Hilary

PR said...

This sounds so exciting I can't wait to get started. I'm quite new to blogging but I absolutely love a challenge. Bring it on!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Jessica, no! No bans! I love my non-words! ;)

Delores, thank you!

Eagle, yay! Can't wait to read your posts!

Rita, that's wonderful. Hope to see you around!

Hilary, thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed the award! I wonder what I'll choose this time around? ;)

Anna, you will absolutely LOVE this then. I recommend this as a jump start into blogdom (like my nonword, Jessica? ), you will have a very memorable experience and collect lots of new friends, that's for sure! <3

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, guys! *HUGS*

MISH said...

April 2012 will be my second A-Z Challenge.
Come to think of it, I didn't get to collect my zebra badge from Elizabeth... it's a long story!
What a lovely gesture on her part!

Unknown said...

I did this last year and am already mapping out this year for my Homeschool Blog as well as my Fiction Writing blog... I am going to do better with getting all 26 entries done this year.... it is a personal goal of mine to get more readers and more quality time on my blogs.

Shannon Lawrence said...

I'm definitely game, and looking forward to my second A to Z challenge!

Chiz said...

Sounds like fun. I'm going to participate this year. My blog doesn't really have a specific theme; it's basically just composed of sporadic rants, raves, and reviews. But, I'd definitely like to take part in this challenge.