Saturday, December 17, 2011

Reflections of the A-Z Blogfest from Susan Kane

         Today we hear from Susan Kane of thecontemplativecat.  Her post is short, sweet, and to the point.   

Reflections of the A-Z Blogfest

Mirror, mirror (courtesy of
A reflection typically is what one sees when looking into a mirror, or a shiny surface.  Looking at this past month, I have observed:

*  Discipline—creating and planning, then writing on an almost daily basis required me to adhere to a deadline. Forethought and having a notepad & pen was necessary at all times.

*  Introspection—looking into myself, and pondering how to approach an assignment differently each day.  Questioning myself about what I wanted the reader to experience was always in front of me.

*  Variety—I like humor, I can be dark, I like to turn ideas over and relate them to something else totally opposite.  I like narrative, I like dialogue.  I like to see God in all the events I observe. This allowed me to explore all those ‘likes’.
Summarizing, this was a great experience, demanding and gritty at times.  I grew as a writer.

This was a daunting task for the A-Z team.  Thank you for your diligence, craziness, and encouragement. 

          Thanks for those kind words Susan!

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Hope to see you on the challenge in April Susan,


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Susan .. to my surprise I winged it - I was somewhat amazed .. and I like to plan and be organised!

But if it comforts the mind - then definitely that is the way to go .. and for one's writing I quite imagine essential.

The A - Z is a fun place to be .. see you before that though .. cheers Hilary

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I like this post. :) I'm planning on joining A-Z in April. I hope. I pray. I intend to. I will! I hope.


Pat Hatt said...

Well since I post everyday anyway, this challenge could just help me lighten the load, will have to do it...haha

Unknown said...

Wonderful, reminds me of a small velvet bag an American vicar gave me me, it it she had included a tiny mirror and a hazel nut.

Rek Sesh said...

Your words struck a chord...writing to a particular alphabetic theme was a challenge and not to mention collecting images as I did one through my photo blog too. See you in April.

Pearson Report said...

Excellent reflection post - I found myself quite challenged during April 2011.

The discipline you speak of was the hardest; fitting in thinking, planning, writing, proofing, double checking (just to be sure), then posting really required some pretty fine coordination of time and energy.

But...I loved it - a great mental workout!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

We were a little crazy sometimes!

MISH said...

It was definitely crazy! But exhilirating too!

Zaza Shine said...

Introspection—looking into myself, and pondering how to approach an assignment differently each day - very well.

Shannon Lawrence said...

Short and sweet. And all so true. It was great to find all these new blogs to follow, as well as to see the variety of ways people approached each letter.