Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Poetic Praise from Yvonne Lewis

My Photo          Poet Yvonne Lewis now has two Blogging from A to Z Challenges behind her and is looking forward to the 2012 Challenge.  On her blog Welcome to My World of Poetry Yvonne always offers her posts in verse and she never faltered during the two A to Z Challenges.  Today we pay tribute to the tribute Yvonne paid to the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge of 2011.




This being the second A to Z I've participated,

It was certainly all I hoped it would be.

I've made some fantastic new friends

Thanks to the A to Z.


Along with friends from last year,

My followers are now many more.

My one wish is we stay acquainted

After all that's what's blogging is for.


I wish I could have visited more blogs

For the entries exceeded all expectations.

In all honesty I did my best,

But there were so many from all different nations.


I have learned quite alot about so many things

As each blog is unique in its own way.

It was certainly a pleasure to communicate

Each and every day.


My thanks go to the team

Who organised the event.

For the month of April.

To me The A to Z challenge was....Heaven Sent.




Thanks Lee.

Have a good day

Sarah Tokeley said...

This made me smile :-)

Li said...

Yvonne is one of the exceptional - and supportive - people that I met through the A to Z. She can manage to write a poem about everything under the sun!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lee and Yvonne .. great guest she is .. lovely poem and very appropriate for the A - Z, or any blogging ..

Thanks Lee and Yvonne .. I'm looking forward to 2012 .. cheers Hilary

Susan Kane said...

A perfect poem to sum up an awesome event, Yvonne. I look forward to seeing what we all do this year!

And, thanks again, Lee.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Yvonne - This is a terrific poem that really captured the wonderful A to Z experience!

MISH said...

What a wonderful poem! Simple and yet so appropriate!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Well put!
The first A to Z will always be unique, because I made some really awesome friends. Like Yvonne!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I had fun doing the challenge this year. Like Yvonne, I didn't get to visit enough blogs though.

S.Emerald said...

There's something quite whimsical about this. Good job:)

Pearson Report said...

That was great Yvonne!

I'm off to visit your blog after leaving this comment.
I was overwhelmed with the number of participants too, but like you, I also made some wonderful blogging friends and found some truly interesting sites.

Great post!


Arlee Bird said...

I want to thank you, Yvonne, for sharing your reflections poem with us.

Thanks to all who visited today and to you who left such kind words. And to think we haven't even started the Challenge yet!


T. Powell Coltrin said...

Yvonne and Lee, I hope to become a member of the club next April.

Love the poem, Yvonne.

Shannon Lawrence said...

I discovered Yvonne's blog through the A-to-Z this past year, and I'm so glad I did! A new piece of poetry each day; what an accomplishment!

Rek Sesh said...

Beautifully summed up in verse the A-Z experience for all of us participants....

kaykuala said...

Welcome back Yvonne! Thought I had lost you! Extremely glad I connected back to you now.You had inspired me to join A to Z and I did. Already posted A and B the past 2 days. Now trying to get my connection to have the A to Z badge on to my blog. Having problems here. Will come back to you later Ma'am! Thanks!

P/S Will follow you everyday for the A to Z Challenge